Lesson 9


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Let's learn how to write emails in English together.



Okay! Let's take a look at Takashi's email.


Hmm. With something like that, I'd think that they're asking me for something big, like a big inconvenience. But when I see that it's just a schedule change, I think that it("I'm really sorry to trouble you.") might be too much.


Hmm. Well, it might mean that I'm less important. So, I might interpret something like that a little badly, maybe even a little rude.


It's good to have your conclusion first. Focus on the main question first.


Okay! Let's take a look at the Rewritten Email.


Now, let's take a look at Michael's Reply.


When writing emails, it's good to keep them short and sweet by focusing on the question you have.


There are lots of katakana words from English. But sometimes they can be confusing because of nuance. So, let's take a closer look.


I agree. I think that there's a possibility that the email could be missed or that you would have to wait for a response. And you might end up having to call them anyway. どちらにしても


See you next time. Bye!