


Lesson 62


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases


Quality: 形容詞的に使われている


Stem 茎・幹



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.




See you next time. Bye!

2021831 Tuesday

Chris McVay here. Ah! I’ve been listening to Mozart. I wonder ろーざ. What type of music do you like?

Chris. I love all kinds of music.

Ah, okay.

秋乃ろーざ here. Let’s get started.

Lesson 102   It’s a sad but beautiful piece of music.

Oh, I love that symphony. It’s a sad but beautiful piece of music. That’s typical of Mozart.

*typical of Mozart    of Mozarttypicalに説明を加えている

何の典型なのかが of Mozartで説明されている

Well, our textbook is not at all sad but it is beautiful. Check it out!


Chris is a funny but strict teacher. Chrisは面白いけれど厳しい先生です

*funny but strict がまとめてteacher を指定

Lucy is a bright and hardworking student. Lucyは利発で熱心な学生です

*andadjective を繋いでいる

She’s a very talented though underrated actor.



I think it was a tough but fair test. それは厳しいが公正なテストだったと思います


So, this phrase “tough but fair” is frequently used, right?

Yeah! Just means it’s difficult but it’s based on what you studied before. So it’s fair. You should know all the content of the test.

And no tricky questions.



So, one of the examples we had was “Chris is a funny but strict teacher.” Okay?

Hmm. Hmm.

Why don’t you describe me like that?

How about… conscientious but boring teacher?

Oh, I have one. Ohnishi sensei is an ice-cream loving and heavy teacher.




Lesson 61


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases


Unique: only one  


Over to you. あなたの番です The floor is yours.



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.


Yes! Chat boxes are great! It's very convenient for clarifying information and in groups, it's a great way to allow everyone to ask questions without talking over each other. Chat boxes can also be used to visualize information. Sometimes it's helpful to see things written out. Or, you can post links with further information.



See you next time. Bye!

20210903ボキャブライダー Hi, everyone. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.


Therefore それ故に したがって 因果関係を表す言葉

I want to change this country. Therefore I will run for President.


So よりもformalな言葉


However しかし

My career in baseball has been amazing. However, it is now time for me to retire. 私は素晴らしい野球人生を送ってきた。しかし引退の時がやって来た

But と比べるとhoweverの方がシリアスな印象 



In addition その上 加えて さらに addition 追加 足し算

Mr. Suzuki gave us advice on our project. In addition, he also provided us with funding. 鈴木さんは私たちの計画に助言をしてくれた。その上、資金提供までしてくれた。 In addition 前の文章に関連する情報を付け足す時に使う


Similarly 同じように  Triangle ABC is similar to Triangle DEF.

Smartphone prices are dropping. Similarly, computers are becoming cheaper and cheaper.  言い換え:同じ言葉を繰り返すとくどく聞こえるから


ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 糸と針で布を縫う裁縫


Sew 縫う [soʊ]  Wonderful!  Sewing machine ミシン

Could you sew this button on for me? このボタン、縫い付けてくれる?


needle 針 sewing needle 縫い針 knitting needle編み棒

Why are you needling me like that! どうしてそうやってチクチク私を苛めるの!

Ouch! I poked myself with the needle. 痛っ。 針で刺しちゃった


Stitch 一縫い 縫い目

Can you fix the loose stitch on my bag?


I have a stitch in my side. 脇に縫い目がある→お腹が痛くなる Correct!



To sew, all you need is a needle and some thread.


I just can’t seem to thread this needle.なかなかこの針に糸を通せそうにない


Thread スレッド 1本の糸のように繋がっているというイメージから


ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 筋トレ


Muscle 筋肉 筋力 csilent   Great!

What muscles do you want to strengthen? どの筋肉を鍛えたいですか?


Sit-up 腹筋運動 sit 座る up 上の方へ  座りながら上半身を起こす動き plural

I start my workout with some sit-ups. トレーニングは腹筋から始めます


Push-up 腕立て伏せ push 押す up 上の方へ 自分の体を上に押し上げる動き

My shoulders get sore after 10 push-ups.



Pull-up 懸垂  pull 引く up 上の方へ 自分の体を引き上げる動き

Try to get your chin over the bar on every pull-up.



All right. Get down and give me 30 push-ups. Ah! Quit complaining. Here we go! Now, 30 sit-ups. You are the one who said you wanted more muscle.

Yes! That’s it! Okay! Onto the next set. Pull-ups all the way to 60. Even numbers only.

ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 会社いろいろ


Parent company 親会社

Our parent company owns 70% of our stock.



Subsidiary 子会社  sub 下にある 従っているというイメージの言葉のパーツ

Vocab Inc. has six subsidiaries abroad.



Affiliate 関連会社  支部 加入者 [əˈfɪliˌɪt] Good job!

Our affiliate in France is helping us connect with the European market.



Branch 支社 支店 [brænʧ] Great!

枝 企業を木に例えると、木の幹が本社、枝が支社・支店というイメージ

I got transferred to the Fukuoka branch. 福岡支社に異動になった

ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers デパート


Department 売り場 depart 分ける 別々にするというイメージ

Department store 大きな建物をそれぞれの売り場に分けた施設

The shoe department is on the 4th floor. 靴売り場は4階にあります


Clerk 店員 銀行員 事務員 sales clerk 売り場の店員さん

I’ll ask the clerk where the ties are. 店員にネクタイがどこにあるか聞いてみる


Cashier レジ係 register 登録機 機械自体のことを指している

The cashier forgot to give me my change.



Lost and found 遺失物 遺失物カウンター

Where is the lost and found? 遺失物カウンターはどこですか?

亡くした 見つけた →落とし物として見つかったもの 遺失物


Excuse me? Where’s the men’s department? Oh! I’m sorry. That name tag made me think you might be a clerk. Then what are you doing here? Are you selling something? 

2021830 Monday.

Hey, everyone. 秋乃ろーざ here.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Hey, guys. Let’s go to a coffee shop after today’s recording. It’s my treat.

Yeah! Yeah!

Lesson 101   What’s that delicious smell?


Well, if you’d like to feed your brain you know what’s even better than oohnahgey?   Our textbook!

Would you like to try it?

Hey, Chris. Do you eat eels in England?

Well, they’re not very popular. But it’s actually one of the most traditional dishes from London. And it’s called jellied eels and used to be served in pubs. But again it’s a tradition which is going out of fashion.



Interview (5-8) 


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


So, let's get started!


Listening point 1


Listening point 2


Okay. Let's listen to today's interview.




Words and Phrases


Notion: An idea or concept, a belief about something. Mr. Shibata mentioned existing notions or widely-held beliefs about campus-based universities.


Take by storm:  To take something by storm means to have great success. It happens quite rapidly and leaves an impact. For example, social media has taken the world by storm. In other words, social media had a very big and rapid impact like a big storm. This usually has a positive connotation.


Simulating: Sparking interest or enthusiasm. To excite. Something that awakens or activates. For example, people have different opinions on how to stimulate or boost the economy. In the discussion, I said that it would be stimulating or exciting to live in different cities.


Distinctive: Characteristic or feature of something or someone. Something that stands out or as unique in a way. Mr. Shibata talked about the distinctive feature of Minerva or the feature that Minerva is well-known for.


Equip with…: To add or attach. To provide or prepare with something necessary. This is also used as to equip with knowledge or to give someone the knowledge they need. Mr. Shibata said that Minerva equips students with practical knowledge or provides students with practical knowledge.


Flipped classroom: A flipped classroom is a style of learning at school where students are introduced to materials or content at home and then practice working through it in the classroom. It's almost as if traditional forms of homework and classwork are flipped.


Endorse: To give support or approval usually declared publicly or officially. Endorsements can help build trust or consensus about a subject. For example, the majority of doctors have endorsed the new medicine because of its safety record. In this case, the majority of doctors approved of the new medicine.


Aptitude: Natural ability or skill, talent. Mr. Shibata said that it's important to have an aptitude or skill set for dealing with complex problems. 


Implication: In this case, an implication or implications means an effect that something will have in the future. For example, we still don't know the full extent of the implications or effects that the pandemic will have.


Pragmatic: Sensible and realistic, not theory or principles, practical. For example, we have a pragmatic boss who tends to stick to the facts. He's sensible.


Foundation: A foundation is a base or basis. This is similar to backbone in that it provides a basic support system. A foundation is what supports a building from underneath. We use this image of a support system in a more general sense.


Get the best out of: Getting the most effort or best work from someone. Someone who puts in their best work for another. Mr. Shibata talked about how to get the best out students or how to get the students to give their absolute best. This is not to be confused with "get the best of", which means to win as in "She got the best of me. I lost the game to her."


So where did you go to college?


I went to Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. And Michigan is located in the northern upper mid-Western part of the United States. Kalamazoo is about a 2-and-a-half drive to either Chicago or Detroit.


Right. Michigan is rich in nature known for lakes, forests and timberlands, isn't it? So how large is the university?


My school was big with almost 33,000 students at the time. There were multiple campuses around Kalamazoo and even outside of the city.


Hmm. It is big indeed. What kind of campus life do students have? And how was your student life?


Well, usually freshmen and international students would live in dorms initially. But many of them decided to live in apartments with roommates after their first year, which I did. And it's easy to make friends that way. I also tutored international students, had a part-time job and joined a few clubs.


Wow! You were involved in different kind of activities outside the classroom. Could you share your experience with tutoring national students?


Sure. We had a large international student population. I tutored some students in English both individually and in groups. My students were mostly from Japan but there were also students from other countries. I really enjoyed the group sessions where we would talk about adjusting to university life in the US and also our interests. I'll never forget them.


Great! Sounds like you had a fulfilling college life!



See you next time. Bye!

2021827 Friday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃ろーざhere. Welcome to Friday’s review.

Chris McVay here. Yeah! Let’s get going with this review!

Lesson 100   Review Yeah! Yeah!


Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Listen carefully.

Q: What is the bad news?

A Sota is quitting the shogi club.

B Sota is telling a lie.

C Sota is not ready for his college exams.

Here we go.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A The man is on the cover of a magazine.

B The man is a professional futsal player.

C The man won’t play futsal next Sunday.

Listen up.

Q: Who’s in Tokyo?

A Raj and his brother.

B  Raj and the woman.

C The woman and Raj’s brother.

Listen carefully.

Q: Where did Riko stay in Nagoya.

A At her parents’ house.

B At a hotel.

C At a place for lovers.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Here we go!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!




Staff member: Sorry to be late.


Again? That’s enough! Well, you need to give me a very good reason why you’re always late for work.

Otherwise, you may be fired.



Coworker: You look happy.


Yes. My wife just called me, and the wallet that I thought I lost was actually on the kitchen table.

What a relief!


I didn’t know you could cook! Never mind teach cooking!




Be sure to tune in!

Interview (5-7) 


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


So, let's get started!


Listening point 1


Listening point 2


Okay. Let's listen to today's interview.




Thank you for having me. お招きいただき、ありがとうございました。




Words and Phrases



Academic setting: An academic setting is where education is provided including schools, laboratories, libraries, etc. Mr. Nelson talked about using skills outside of a purely academic setting or other than just academic settings.


Exceed the bar: To exceed the bar is connected to the idiom "setting the bar high" or "setting a high bar", which means to set high expectations.


Matriculate: 入学する


Facility: Ability, often a natural ability, being able to do something really well and with ease. Mr. Nelson said that his students have to demonstrate facility with English or show that they can English really well and very easily.



See you next time. Bye!

2021826 Thursday

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. I hope you find our lessons and this lesson in particular relaxing.

Hey, ろーざ?

That’s right. And you don’t even have to go anywhere special. This is秋乃ろーざ.

Lesson 99   we stayed at the Misonikomi Hotel, which is the place for miso lovers.

Yes, it was relaxing. *relax のんびりさせる リラックスさせる

*relaxing 形容詞的

We went to Nagoya to see my parents. I hadn’t seen them in a while.

過去完了形 過去の一時点を眺め、その時までは We went to Nagoya 名古屋に行った時点が意識され、それが過去完了形の使用に繋がっている

長い間 しばらくの間

Actually, we stayed at the Misonikomi Hotel, which is the place for miso lovers.

*the place 一つにきまるような場所 最高の 最良の

Sounds good. Do all their dishes have miso in them?


Many of them do. Their misonikomi udon is amazing! Now I’m getting hungry.

I=hungry になる 進行形 なってきた

You know our textbook is just as amazing as misonikomi udon. So, if you’re getting hungry for more English, check it out!


I bought two kilos of apples, half of which were rotten!

*half of which(two kilos of apples)



Hey, guys. Do you like miso soup?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Yes, I do.




ベーブ・ルース? 彼は160km/hの剛速球は投げてなかったし。当時のMLBには黒人プレーヤーたちはいなかった。彼らはニグロリーグでプレーしていた。
これから先、大谷翔平を超える選手は出てこない、とは言えないだろうけど、現時点で見る限り、大谷はMLB史上最高のball playerだ。これに関しては議論の余地がない。

Lesson 60


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Let's learn how to write emails in English together.


So, let's get started.


Okay! Let's take a look at Takashi's email.


It would be better to explain those feelings as excitement rather than nervousness. There's no need to worry Sylvia.


Well, this is cute. But it doesn't really belong because it has nothing to do with Sylvia. If you want to mention this, it would be best to include her somehow.


Okay! Let's take a look at the Rewritten Email.



Now, let's take a look at Sylvia's Reply.


I recommend chicken satay. It's grilled chicken skewers, kind of like yakitori. And it's usually made with peanuts but there are many variations. Different areas and families have their own unique recipes. The food is a great way to learn about Indonesian people and places.



See you next time. Bye!

2021825日  Wednesday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃ろーざ.

Oh! Chris McVay here. C…Can you hear me? Hello? Ah…Let’s get started.

Lesson 98   my brother Deepak, who is a chef, lives in Tokyo.

Yes, I can hear you, Raj.

*hear 音が向こうから自然聞こえてくる 動作性の低い単語 進行形は使わない

What time is it there in Japan? 

*there 日本は非常に距離があるそうした距離感がthereによって表されている

It’s 10 o’clock in the morning.

*it はそれと指す単語ではない 文脈やその場の状況を受ける単語

How did you like the movie? – I liked it a lot.

*the movieを受け手 ・とても気に入りました

I wish I were in Tokyo.



現実には東京にいないが…東京にいられたらなぁ と反事実であることが示されている


My brother Deepak, who is a chef, lives in Tokyo.



Alan Goldsmith, the CEO of our company, is retiring next year.

Alan Goldsmith、我が社のCEOですが、来年定年退職になります


Okay, guys. Ready to practice? Today, we’re gonna introduce a very useful technique of inserting additional information into a sentence. Now, this is not essential information. It’s more like bonus information. So the feeling is “by the way” insert “by the way” insert. So, let’s look at the key sentence together. My brother Deepak lives in Tokyo.

That’s a good sentence.

Now we want to give you a bonus, some extra information.

So… My brother Deepak, “insert” who is a chef, lives in Tokyo.

Are you ready to practice with me?

Here we go! My brother Deepak, who is a chef, lives in Tokyo.


That’s right. Get this feeling of bonus information being inserted. Last chance. Together!

My brother Deepak, who is a chef, lives in Tokyo.

Try this technique as often as possible! Okay? Good job!


制限用法 対象を明確化する使い方

The woman who designed my apartment is a fen shui expert. 



I’m going to spend two weeks in San Diego, where my son lives.

私はSan Diego2週間滞在するつもりです。そこは私の息子が住んでいるのです



*that は単に導く要素 

この形(関係詞非制限用法)を使うためにはMy brother Deepakをそれをしっかりと摑んで ,who is a chef, ちなみに彼は、としっかりと摑むというプロセスが必要





Lesson 59


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases



Commercial building: residential building 住居用ビル


Display condominium: モデルルームは和製英語


Hallmark: 特徴、特質



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.


Well, for condos, of course cost and location are the major factors. But they also have to make sure that everything about it is in good shape. It's an investment so they don't want to spend money fixing things right away. And most people want a lay-out that suits their lifestyle and vision for decorating their space. Communal spaces like gyms are a major bonus.

See you next time. Bye!

2021824 Tuesday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃ろーざhere. I hope I’m not the only one that didn’t get that reference. Let’s get started.

Wait a minute. Let me introduce myself first, ろーざ, okay?


Are you in a hurry to start or what?

Yes, I am.

Okay, then. Chris McVay here. Hurry, hurry. Let’s get started.

Lesson 97  the players I hoped would play are all busy that day.

Oh, it sounds like good exercise. No wonder you’re looking healthier these days.

*it = good exerciseのように聞こえる

Well, reading our textbook is definitely good exercise.

Your English will become much healthier. Check it out!

The players I hoped would play are all busy that day.


a. That is the man who called Cindy. あれはCindyに電話をかけた男だ

b. That is the man who Cindy called. あれはCindyが電話をかけた男だ

This is the movie that Ken says is just awesome.


The girl I wanted to play the lead role has fallen ill.




Hey, guys. Are you impressed if an English learner says something like “The players I hoped would play are all busy that day.” ?

Hmm. Well, I’d be floored. That means knocked out to the floor because I would be so impressed. How about you, ろーざ?

Yeah, definitely. It shows a very high level of English. And it rhymes.





以下は 2018年02月28日 の投稿です


下記をFACEBOOKに掲載したら、何と 杉田敏さんが いいね してくれた 


Lesson 58


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases


Stick 貼り付く 突き刺す stuck ささった


Notorious negative な意味 famous 有名な


MRT [Mass Rapid Transit] ジャカルタの都市高速鉄道



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.



One of the greatest ways is going to restaurants or cafés with one of the locals or some of the locals. Food says a lot about a culture and you can take your cues by watching others in the restaurant. Go to places that the locals enjoy. There's no better way than interacting directly with them.


See you next time. Bye!

20210827ボキャブライダー Hello, everyone. Hi, there. I’m Maxwell Powers

英語の中の日本語 日本語由来の英単語をご紹介

Emoji 絵文字

I put two cute emojis at the end of the message.



Karaoke カラオケ right!

My grandmother sings karaoke with her friends every Friday night.



Honcho トップの人 ボス

Who’s the head honcho around here? ここのボスは誰ですか?

World War 2 に米軍捕虜が日本の兵隊の会話を聞いて


Futon 布団 長方形の巨大なクッションという感じでベッド代わりに使ったりソファとして使ったりする

Have a seat on the futon and relax. 布団に座って楽にしてね


You should know, Hiyori. You broke your promise. You stood me up.

I sent you a text yesterday, remember? About going to karaoke together.

But I sent you an okay emoji.

And you sent me a smiling face.

ボキャブライダー  Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers

ガーデニングで使う単語をご紹介 loan [lóʊn] 借金

Lawn 芝生 your lawn あなたの家の庭の芝生 [lˈɔːn] Very good!

Your lawn is so green and beautiful. 芝生が一面緑で綺麗ですね


Mow 刈る lawnmower 芝刈り機 Correct!

Mow 素早く刈る というイメージ Mow down さっさと始末する やっつける

How long does it take you to mow your lawn?



Rake[reik] 熊手 熊手で掃く  lake[leik] 湖 Perfect!

I love raking leaves in the fall. 秋に落ち葉を掃くのが大好きです


Prune 剪定する 刈り込む 余計なものを取り除く

After I pruned the plant, it started producing better fruit.



Sure thing. I actually have a built-in mowing feature. First, I lie down on the lawn. And then… No, Hiyori. That sound you hear is me mowing the lawn. 

ボキャブライダー  Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 衣服の柄


Patterned ~柄の [ˈpætərnd] Wonderful!

Do you have any floral patterned dresses? 花柄のワンピースはありますか?


Solid 無地の 基本的なイメージ ものが一体で分けられていない ぎっしりと詰まった


solid color / solid +色の名前

All my big brother wears are solid color T-shirts.



Striped 縞模様の 

I can’t wait to wear this new striped jacket.


Blue and yellow striped tie 青と黄色の縞模様のネクタイ


Camo 迷彩柄の camouflage 擬装する 迷彩を施す

Where did you get those camo pants? その迷彩柄のズボン、どこで買ったの?


I can’t decide which dress to buy. This solid color one, this striped one or this bone-patterned one. You know what! I’m going to go with the bone-patterned one. Excuse me? I’d like to buy this one. And I’ll just wear it home.

ボキャブライダー  Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 髪の毛


Fine 髪の毛が細い 元々、細かい所まで完璧に仕上げられたというイメージの言葉

Fine hair is sometimes hard to style.細い髪の毛はセットしづらいことがあります

Fine print 小さい活字 fine tuning 細かい調整→微調整


Coarse 髪の毛が固い 太い 基本的な意味 キメの粗い [kɔrs] Great!

It’s hard to keep coarse hair feeling soft.



Frizzy 髪の毛が縮れた ぼわっと纏まらない様子 [frízi] Good job!

My hair always gets frizzy when it’s humid.



Bed head 寝癖 [d]の音で韻を踏んでいる bed hair

I had terrible bed head this morning. 今朝の寝癖はひどかった

20210824ボキャブライダー  Hi. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 経済


Economy 経済 景気 節約 経済的な economy class 経済的な席→割安の席

I hope the economy starts improving soon. 景気が早く回復するといいな

Market 市場 基本的な意味いちば より大きな規模で取引する場所 しじょう

The smartphone market grew a lot last year.


Japanese market 日本市場 European market ヨーロッパ市場

Be in the market for ~を買うか検討している

Are you in the market for a new house? 新しい家を買うことを考えていますか?

Boom 急成長 急激に成長する Yes! the bubble tea boom タピオカブーム

Boom ドーンやバーンと何かが爆発した時に出た音が響き渡る様子を表した単語

その様子から人気の急上昇 英語では経済用語としてもよく使う

How long do you think the boom in the electronics market will last?


Slump 急落する 不況 基本的な意味 どすんと落ちる 経済が落ち込む

Ever since oil prices went up, the economy has been slumping.


Slump into a chair ぐったりと椅子に座る

2021823 Monday

Hey, everyone. Welcome back.  This isろーざ 秋乃. Hey, Chris. Why the serious look?

Chris McVay here. Well, I’m afraid I have some bad news.


I’m not quitting this program.

Lesson 96      Tell me the real reason why you want to quit.

Chris. Tell me the real reason why you think our textbook is the best?

ろーざ. I think you know the real reason.





安倍前首相さまを思い出した。この方~Belle Gibsonさん~を見て



「バッド・インフルエンサー インスタ詐欺の顛末(てんまつ)」

Bad Influencer  The Great Insta Con

The Whole Pantry

APPLE / PENGUIN BOOKS / Cosmopolitan


Belle Gibson Uncovered (Facebook)

Australia Belle Gibson

Eat shit and die!


How can we believe anything you say now?

Tara, I have lost everything.

Would you accept that you’re a pathological liar? 病的虚言者





以下 Wikipedia より オルトレキシア(英語: orthorexia

または英語: orthorexia nervosa, [ˌɔːrθəˈrɛksiə nɜːrˈvoʊsə])は不健康だと考える食品を避けることで生じる極端もしくは過度な先入観によって引き起こされる摂食障害や精神障害として提唱されている。オルトレキシア(orthorexia)の語源はギリシャ語のορθο- (ortho"正しい")とόρεξις (orexis, "食欲")で文にすると「正しい食欲」となるが、「正しいダイエット」と認識されているのが実情である。1997年にスティーブン・ブラットマン博士が神経性無食欲症といった他の摂食障害と並行する形で使用し始めた。


Interview (5-6) 


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


So, let's get started!


Listening point 1


Listening point 2


Okay. Let's listen to today's interview.





Words and Phrases


Uncertainty: The unknown, not knowing what's going to happen and perhaps a feeling of stress because of that. For example, there's too much uncertainty about my company's future so I've decided to look for another job.


Competency: A competency is a proficiency or something a person understands well. Mr. Nelson brought up cultural competencies or cultural understanding that could be used to interact well with people from other cultures.


Futuristic: What we imagine the future to be, something that can be used in the future, for the future. This may involve thoughts or concept design for future use, such as a futuristic car.


Travesty: 茶番、まがいもの A travesty is a failure to represent as intended, a bad imitation, not living up to what something should be. If something is a travesty, it means that it's too bad that it isn't what it should be. 


Graduate: As a noun, we say, "grˈædʒuɪt." But as a verb, we say, "grˈædʒuèɪt."  A graduate is someone who has graduated. For example, most of our new employees are recent graduates.


Haveat one's fingertips: Something that is easily accessible, readily available. This can be used in a broader sense. Like having a skill at your fingertips. This is a skill that you can use easily. It can also be used more literally as in, "With smartphones, almost all information is at our fingertips."


Desperate: In extreme need or desire for something. For example, this house is in desperate need of repair. It's dangerous.




See you next time. Bye!

2021820 Friday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here. Well, it’s finally Friday, the lesson you’ve been waiting for.. Let’s review.

Good idea! Let’s review. My name is Chris McVay.

Lesson 95    Review


Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Listen carefully.

Q: Which store is the man going to?

A A store on the fifth floor.

B A shop that sells special figures.

C A department store.

Here we go.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Q: Who is the woman’s  friend?

A A famous Japanese comedian.

B A famous comedian’s son.

C An English teacher.

Listen up.

Q: What advice does the woman give the man this time?

A Buy whatever he wants.

B Keep dating his present girlfriend.

C Choose an ideal partner.

Listen carefully.

Q: Which café are the two people talking about?

A A café famous for its iced coffee.

B A café with a classical interior.

C A café that Takuma sometimes goes to.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Here we go!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!




Husband: What’re you watching?


Botan Botanical Garden is on TV now. That’s the place where we went on our first date, remember?

Why don’t we take the kids there this weekend?



Friend: It turns out that my husband is cheating on me! I’m going to divorce him.


Calm down. Okay, I have a friend whose mother is a divorce lawyer.

Why don’t you consult with her first? She’ll tell you what to do and what not to do.







Interview (5-5) 


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


So, let's get started!


Listening point 1


Listening point 2


Okay. Let's listen to today's interview.





Words and Phrases


Ultimate: The final thing.


Ahead of: In front of, in the future.


Formative: Formative feedback is guidance that teachers give to help their students move in a right direction without it affecting their grades. This gives them the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in different ways until they find what works well.




See you next time. Bye!

2021819 Thursday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here. I guess we were all disappointed by Ohnishi sensei’s opening today.

Hi, everyone. ! This is Chris McVay. And I’m dying to get started.

Lesson 94  This is the place where I go when I want to relax.

That sounds great. I’m dying for an iced coffee. How about this place?

That = great   に聞こえる 

We shouldn’t go in there.

Why not? The sign says it’s a classical music café.

Why not? どうして~すべきではないのか?

Oh, so, you’ve been here before? 現在完了形 経験用法

Well, guys. Our textbook is the place where you can go if you want to improve your English in a fun, relaxing way.


The sign says it’s a classical music café.

看板は言っている 日本語の感覚ではちょっと奇妙に感じるが、英語では普通


Native speakerと等しい英語力をつけるための秘密

You’re not allowed to talk inside.

目的語説明型の受動態の形。*allow you to talk inside (あなたがto以下の行為に進むことを許す) という形を作ることができれば、主語の位置に目的語のyouを置き、be + allowedと受動態にするだけでこの形を作ることはできる。

native speakerは、そんな複雑なプロセスを経てこの文を作っているわけではない

直接、You’re not allowed to~と、簡単に口から出す。







This is the place where I go when I want to relax.




*whereは先行詞が後続の節で、~に ~で といった場所を表す副詞として働く


This is the hospital where we were both born.


This is the hospital which we were born in.



I found myself in a situation where I had no choice but to quit my job.



*a situation は後ろの節で その状況では と場所を表す副詞の役割


So, guys. I know a lot of you probably felt this lesson was difficult.

But remember. We are here for you. So just do your best.

That’s right! Keep doing your best. And remember the key is… practice, practice, practice.






Lesson 54


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Let's learn how to write emails in English together.


So, let's get started.


Okay! Let's take a look at Takashi's email.


This is turning out to be a long story. So he should just keep it short and sweet.

No need to paint a full picture. Otherwise it'll get confusing.


This is a bit too formal. It can make things a little confusing if your tone in emails doesn't match the general tone of your conversations.



Okay! Let's take a look at the Rewritten Email.



Now, let's take a look at Sylvia's Reply.





It's important to consider and respect the culture of your audience. And it's also good to try to match the level of formality. I think Takashi was right to ask questions beforehand. Knowing your audience is one of the keys to a successful presentation.



See you next time. Bye!

2021818日  Wednesday

Welcome back, everyone. This is ろーざ 秋乃. Let’s get started.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay, here. You know what? You guys are the sunshine of my life!

Oh! / I know!

Lesson 93  Choose a partner with whom you can share everything.

Yes, I realized I didn’t have enough money to buy what I really wanted.

*realize わかる 基本的には心の中に漠然とした形しかとってなかったものがくっきりと、徐々にくきっとわかる これがrealizeという動詞の持っているnuance

Yes, how did you know? 英作文していたら会話にならない文章 

Didn’t you tell you not to buy anything expensive?

*tell ~ to  to infinitive を用いた目的語説明型

目的語がto以下の行動に移るように言う ~に…するように言う

*not to buy… ~に…しないように言う

*notは常に後ろを否定する to 以下の行動に移らないように、


*anything expensive   no, some, anyなどを伴う -thing/-one/-bodyで終わる語は、意味が希薄であるため、後ろに説明を求める


Choose a partner with whom you can share everything.


Choose a partner who you can share everything with.


This is the hospital which we were both born in.

This is the hospital in which we were both born.


*look for/be fond of/take advantage of といった動詞と前置詞が強く結びつく句動詞の前置詞は動かすことはできない。まとまった意味を持つ塊だから


Here’s the code with which you can open the safe.

これがその金庫を開けることができるコード[一連の番号]です with は道具のwith

That’s right. And actually even a lot of native speakers don’t understand how or when to use whom.

That’s right. So our message is simple. Don’t worry. Relax! If you can handle this, it’s not a big problem.





Lesson 56


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases


Predominant 優勢である


To let 貸すために




Disposable 使い捨ての



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.


Well, customization is key for emerging countries. Knowing your customers' wants and needs and being able to adapt.



See you next time. Bye!

2021817日  Tuesday

Hey! Whose turn is it to do the opening? Oh! It’s mine. Hey, everyone.秋乃ろーざhere.

What are you laughing at, ろーざ?

Was that an impression of me?

It was. Chris McVay, here. I love doing impressions of you.


Lesson 92    I have a friend whose father is a famous comedian in Japan.

Wait a minute. He’s not a comedian. He’s an English teacher.

Wait a minute. この文を英作文しだしたら会話は続かない



Oh, really? I heard he’s more of a comedian than a teacher.

*be more of A than B    BというよりもむしろA

He’s more a comedian than a teacher. これでもperfect okay!

So, guys. If you want to have a good laugh, check out our textbook. We use lots of humor to explain English grammar.

Oh, really?


I’ve watched all his old videos.

*watch 注視する じぃーと何かを見つめる

*watchdog 番犬 泥棒が入ってこないようにじぃーと見ている犬だから


I have a friend whose father is a famous comedian in Japan.


I have a teacher whose jokes are just terrible!


I’m looking for a book whose title is on the tip of my tongue…

No, I can’t remember. 私は、そのタイトルが喉まで出かかっている本を探しているのですが……。だめだ、思い出せません。






20210820ボキャブライダー  Hi, everyone. Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers 

Holdの句動詞 hold 何かを一時的に抑えておく が基本イメージ

*Hold down  down 下へ 低い状態に抑えておく

The company is trying to hold down costs.


Please hold down the noise. 騒音を抑えてください 静かにしてください

*Hold up 上にある状態に抑えておく 上に上げた状態を保っておく

Hold up the picture so the whole class can see it.


I held up two fingers in a peace sign and posed for the picture.


*Hold in 出そうな物が出ないように中に抑えておく

I couldn’t hold in my laughter. 笑いを堪えきれなかった

I held in my tears. 涙を堪えた

*Hold on 接触したまま繋がった状態に抑えておく

Hold on to the railing when you go down the stairs. 


手摺りに接触した状態をholdしておく Exactly!

Hold on a minute. ちょっと待って 


ボキャブライダー  Hi! Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers  取引で使う単語


Customer 顧客 取引先 custom 習慣 習慣的に買ってくれる人→顧客

What do our customers need right now?


Proposal 提案 提案書 noun propose 提案する verb 

Do you think the customer will like our proposal?


Write a proposal 提案書を書く

Land 獲得する 陸地・着陸する・陸に揚げる→努力して自分のものにするというイメージに繋がり、仕事や契約を獲得する

Landing a big contract takes a lot of time and effort.


Firm 固い 確固たる firmのイメージ しっかりしていて簡単には崩れない


We have firm relationships with our customers.


Firm relationship  固い関係 firm belief 確固たる信念

Umm. Ms. Sakurada. Did you have a chance to look over my proposal?

I can do it. I can. I promise you. I’ll land 100 contracts this year. Trust me! Please! Ah! How about this new proposal? You bring 100 customers here and I pitch my idea to all of them.

ボキャブライダー  Hi! Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers  イギリスの議会


Parliament 議会 国会 [ˈpɑrləmənt] brilliant!

The British Parliament is busy debating the budget.


Congress アメリカの議会 diet 日本の国会


House 審議などを行う場所 議院

Parliament has two houses. 英国議会には2つの議院があります

The house of lords  上院 貴族院 The house of commons 下院 庶民院

House 家 議員さんたちが集まる建物のイメージ

The houses of parliament 両院が入っている国会議事堂


MP 下院議員 member of parliament  

MP for my area / my MP自分の選挙区の議員

MPs represent their communities in parliament.



Speaker 議長 話す人 議長が主導権を握って話す場面が多いことから

When the debate got heated, the speaker shouted, “Order! Order!”

議論が過熱して、議長は「静粛に! 静粛に!」と叫んだ    Mr. Speaker! [ˈspikər

ボキャブライダー  Hi! Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers  上司の愚痴


Boss 上司 仕事仲間や友だちとの会話でよく使われる  権力を持っている上の人というイメージ あまり上司本人に向かってbossと呼びかけない方がいいかもしれない

I hate seeing my boss’s face every morning. 毎朝上司の顔を見るのが嫌だ


Harsh 厳しい 辛辣な 手触りがざらざらした 荒い 滑らかでない 気に触る

My boss is so harsh. He never has anything nice to say.


Strict / severe 厳しい harshは特に言葉がきついということを言う時に使う


Big headed 自惚れた big 偉い 尊大な というnuance  head 賢さがつくと


Can you believe how big headed Mr. Nolan is?



Lazy [léɪzi] 怠け者の だらしない Great!

Lazy bosses don’t get much respect from their employees.


気怠い ゆったりとした

It was a good lazy weekend. 何もしなくて良い週末を過ごした

ボキャブライダー  Hi! Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers 新入社員

Recruit 新入社員 新しく入って来た人

How many new recruits do we have this year? 今年の新入社員は何人ですか?


New 新しく入って来た人 新人の 新入りの 新卒社員の場合だけでなく部署の異動で新しく入って来た人にも使う

Could you show me how to make copies? I’m new here.



Green 経験の浅い 未熟な 果物などがまだ熟していない まだ緑色だ

I was green when I started working here. ここで働き始めた時、私は未熟だった


Promise 約束 見込み・将来性

Katy is still green but she has a lot of promise.


I see promise in Hiyori. ひよりさんの中には将来性が見えている→見込みがある


Hi, there! Are you a new recruit? That’s some good, positive energy you have, Hiyori. You’ve got a lot of promise. Energy is all you need. You need energy here because we don’t have an elevator. Race you to the top floor! Ready, set, go!

Lesson 55


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases



Mortgage: housing loanとも言う


Income gain 家賃などの収入


Exempt 除外される



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.


Well, I've never been to Singapore but I would love to visit someday. My impression is that it's a very small country but very clean. I feel comfortable visiting because I don't think I would have to worry about language barrier.


See you next time. Bye!

2021816 Monday

Hey, everyone.秋乃ろーざhere. Let’s get started.

Chris McVay, here.  Wait a minute, ろーざ.


Do you think our program is special?

Of course! I’m on it!

Ah! I shouldn’t have asked.

Lesson 91     This is the only shop that sells “Pluto Wars” figures.

Are you going into this shop again? This is the fifth time!


Chris, can I ask you to pronounce “fifth” with the listeners?

“Fifth.” Okay, try again listeners! “Fifth.” Once more. “Fifth.” Got it!


Can you wait a few minutes? 英作文している時間は会話の中ではない 


I’ll go to the department store. Why don’t you call me when you’re done?

*you’re done  set expression

Hey, guys. If you didn’t know already, our textbook is special. It’s the only textbook that features us. So, check it out!


This is the only shop that sells “Pluto Wars” figures.


*that優先 先行詞にonlyが使われ 唯一が感じられるケース

*the first   the last  最上級[を含む語句も唯一が感じられthatが使われる]

The kindest thing that we can do for others is to listen to them.


*that 優先 all, any, every, no がつく 全・無を表す場合

Don’t believe everything that you read on the net.


The woman who lives next door is an English teacher.



Okay, guys. Are you ready to practice? Here’s the key sentence. This is the only shop that sells “Pluto Wars” figures. Now we’ve been practicing relative pronouns. But if we choose “who” or “which” automatically, there are options. But in this case, we have no choice but to use “that.” Why? Because before we have the only shop. There’s no choice involved. So, we have to use “that.” That is like an arrow. Shoo! We follow the arrow. And that explains what comes before. So, with that feeling in mind… This is the only shop that sells “Pluto Wars” figures. Can you try? Okay, once more. This is the only shop that sells “Pluto Wars” figures. Once more! Great! Remember! Feel it. Say it. Okay? Good job!




Bye. Bye-bye.




Interview (5-4) 


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


So, let's get started!


Listening point 1


Listening point 2


Okay. Let's listen to today's interview.




Words and Phrases


Objectivity: Without bias, impartial, not influenced by feelings or opinions, just relying on facts and evidence. For example, I really don’t want to sell the house, but objectively I know it's the best decision for us.


Evaluate: To test or measure, to find things like amounts or values. Mr. Shibata asked how Ben Nelson evaluates his students objectively or in other words, how he tests and measures the students' skills from an unbiased perspective.


Take-home test: A take-home test is a test that can be done at home, similar to homework. Take-home tests are not monitored in the same way as traditional tests.

Students may be free to use notes and look up information. So there's not as much reliance on memory alone.


Work on: To work on something is a phrasal verb that means to spend time repairing, making or improving something. For example, I worked on my project for five hours and then took a break. I work on it more tomorrow.


Submit: In this case, to submit something means to hand it in or deliver, to give something like a test for review or decision. For example, I submitted my application to my top-choice university. But I don't know when I'll hear from them.


Fill out: To enter in information, to write in information in the spaces provided such as filling out a form. For example, I went to the post office and had to fill out three forms just to send a package.


Assessment modality: Method of assessing or evaluating or testing.


Encounter: To come across, to meet someone or be faced with something unexpectedly. An example would be, "If you encounter any problems, be sure to call the manager." This is also a noun, as in, he had a difficult encounter with a customer today.


Make sense: Reasonable, practical, logical. If something makes sense, it can be understood, it has a clear meaning. For example, "These instructions don't make sense. I have no idea what to do."



See you next time. Bye!

202186 Friday

Hey, everyone.秋乃ろーざhere. Yes. It’s time to repeat and review.

Repetition is the basis of all learning.  Chris McVay, here.  So, let’s repeat.

It sounds so much better when you say it, Chris.

Thank you.

Lesson 90     Review


Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Listen carefully.

Q: What movie is coming out in the summer?

A Gary’s favorite musical.

B A movie that Helen hasn’t heard of.

C A movie starring a famous action movie actor.

Here we go.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Q: Which of the following is true about the guy in the stands?

A He’s dressed in red.

B He works at a convenience store.

C He’s not tall.

Listen up.

Q: Who is the woman in the blue dress?

A Sally’s friend.

B An exhibition manager.

C An artist.

Listen carefully.

Q: How much did the man know about the snake he saw?

A He didn’t know anything about it.

B He knew the name of the snake.

C He knew that it was dangerous.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Here we go!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!




Friend: This bookshop is too big. It’s impossible to find the book I want.


Hey, is this the book you’re looking for?

Look at the photo of the author on the cover page. It looks like he needs to go on a diet too. Maybe you shouldn’t buy it.


Girlfriend: What’s up?


That’s the guy who wrote the book I was talking about. I want to get his autograph.

Can you wait here for a moment?


Hey, Chris. Have you ever been asked for an autograph?

Well, it’s a bit embarrassing to say but… Yes! Quite a lot. You know people come up to me and say, “Oh! I’m listening to the radio program every morning.” So it makes me feel kind of warm inside, you know, shows that we’re doing something good.





Interview (5-3) 


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


So, let's get started!


Listening point 1


Listening point 2


Okay. Let's listen to today's interview.




Words and Phrases



Informed: Educated. Having sufficient information to make a decision, having knowledge about something. Informed decisions are decisions that are made with plenty of information. For example, she did lots of research and got a second opinion in order to make an informed decision about her treatment.


Rigorous: "Rigorous" is an adjective that can mean "accurate or precise as well as disciplined, rigid and rule-abiding." Mr. Nelson mentioned rigorous liberal arts education which would be very strict, precise and detailed.


Far transfer: A "far transfer" is the transfer of knowledge between contexts that are not similar. The opposite of this is "near transfer", which is the transfer of knowledge between similar contexts. Mr. Nelson describes "far transfers" as an ability to take something that you learnt in one context and be able to apply it in another.  


Metacognitive: 自分をより高い視点から認知すること

"Metacognition" is an awareness and understanding of your own thought processes and the patterns behind them. An example of "metacognition" is learning about the ways that help you remember people's names.


Transferable skill: "Transferable skills" are also known as portable skills because you can use them in many different situations. Some examples of transferable skills are teamwork, leadership and communication. These are useful skills in many different jobs.


Non-existent: Not existing, does not exist. There is usually an implication that it should exist or that it's surprising that it doesn't exist. For example, in many high schools, coding classes were non-existent until recently. So programmers learned on their own or went to special schools.


Strive to: To work hard to achieve or obtain something, to try very hard to make something happen especially if that goal is hard or takes a long time to complete. For example, our company strives to have a positive impact on the environment and reduce waste.




See you next time. Bye!

202185 Thursday

食べる 動詞の ham

Hey, everyone. Welcome back. 秋乃ろーざhere.  Hey, Chris. Have you ever seen a habu?

Chris McVay, here. Actually. Wat..…watch out! There’s a snake in the studio. Ah! Sorry. It’s just an extension code. My mistake.       My bad!← ひとりごとです (^^ゞ

Lesson 89   The snake which you saw in Okinawa is very dangerous.

It was wonderful. We had a lot of fun. Take a look at these pictures.

*take a listen / take a rest / take a leak

Well, I’m sure you won’t run away if you check out our textbook!

You have a lot of fun because it’s wonderful!


You took a photo of this snake with your phone?

*took a photo と言い切ってから何の写真なのかをof this snake で後ろから説明

*took a photo of this snake 全体をwith your phoneで後ろから説明


*with は道具 のnuance

*withの基本イメージは 一緒 道具は手と一緒にあるため

Have you ever seen a habu?

現在完了形 今に迫ってくる を表す形 


*ever = at any time いつのことでもいいのですが


The snake which you saw in Okinawa is very dangerous.


The snake that you saw in Okinawa is very dangerous.

The snake you saw in Okinawa is very dangerous.

*which が 人以外 なのはどうしてか?

このwh語は単独では 人以外 に支配的に使われ、「どちら・どれ」を表すから

Which do you like? どちらが好きですか?

人を尋ねるときには Which one/singer do you like? など whichの後ろに「支え」が必要となる





Hey, guys. Which do you like, carrot cake or strawberry cake?

Well, I don’t think you’ll be surprised by my answer. It’s carrot cake!

Hmm. I think I prefer strawberry cake.




Lesson 54


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Let's learn how to write emails in English together.


So, let's get started.


Okay! Let's take a look at Takashi's email.



They should just be one short sentence that includes Lucy's part.


This email is not addressed to Lucy and she probably won't even see it. So we can keep the thanking to a minimum.



Okay! Let's take a look at the Rewritten Email.



Now, let's take a look at Sylvia's Reply.


The subject line is very important. And this is how the recipient judges its importance.

The subject should be simple and clear enough that the reader has a good idea what the content is by that alone.

However words like "urgent" and "important"  should only be used when absolutely necessary.

至急 重要 などといった言葉は本当に急ぐときに限って使うことにしましょう





See you next time. Bye!

202184日  Wednesday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃ろーざhere.

Chris McVay, here. Please say, “Dalí.” As for Monet, I don’t have any Monet(money).

So, let’s get started.

Lesson 88   That’s the artist who painted it.

There sure are.  *sure 文法的にはsurely とすべきだが

There sure are. の方が非常にカジュアルで通りがいい感じがする

英語は配置の言葉 sure をこの場所に置けば 副詞

Thanks for bringing me to this exhibition.

*for 理由 bring 近づいてくる動き ものを伴って近づいてくる→連れて来てくれて

Yes, I’m inspired. Oh, his one’s beautiful! I love the colors.

*inspire 中に吹き込む→鼓舞する 奮い立たせるinspirationなどを与える

Can we talk to her? I’d like to know how she painted it.

Chris, what is the difference between “talk to” and “talk with” ?

Obviously both are okay. But for me, “talk to someone” is more casual. The topic is not so serious. Whereas if you say, “talk with someone,” you think there’s some kind of problem. It’s a bit more serious. What do think, ろーざ?

I agree.


Sure, she’s a friend of mine. I’ll introduce you.

彼女は友だちの一人です 誰の友だちか それをof mineで説明している


It’s important to see the work of other artists.

*itは 受ける 単語 文脈に現れた事物やその場の状況を受ける単語

この文は自分の心の中に浮かんだ状況を受けて、まず 大切なんだよ と文を始めている

このままでは何が大切なのかがわからないので、急いで to see the work of other artistsと追いかけている

この形を使うコツ 思い浮かべた状況の説明は後回しにして、とにかくitで始めること

That’s the artist who painted it. あれが、それを描いたアーティストです


Okay, guys. So, today we’re going to practice two versions of the key sentence. First, we’re going to use “who.” Ready to go?  That’s the artist who painted it.

Great! One more time. That’s the artist who painted it.

Perfect! Now, let’s try with “that.” And “that” is more like leading it smoothly.

Ready? Let’s go! That’s the artist that painted it.

Great! One more time with feeling. That’s the artist that painted it.

See how smoothly it flows!


Brian is the candidate who impressed me the most. Brianは私が最も感心した候補者です

*impress 心の中に刻印をぐっと刻む そうした感触の動詞


Hey, guys! Who’s the painter who impresses you the most?

Oh, my goodness!




Lesson 53


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases


Income per capita 豊かさを表す指標



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.


Keeping the conversation is important and asking questions is a great way to do that.


Open ended questions are the best. 自由に答えられる質問が最適です

For example, "Did you finish the project?" is just a yes or no answer.


But, "I had a hard time with this project. What did you think about it?" offers a chance for more conversation and it makes it easier to ask follow up questions.




See you next time. Bye!

202183 Tuesday

Hey, everyone. ろーざ 秋乃here. Ready for another fantastic lesson?

Chris McVay, here. Eh! ろーざ, you’re in studio. Ah! Hiroto, you’re in studio. Me too!

What a coincidence!

It’s no coincidence, Chris!

Not at all!

Lesson 87   He’s the guy who I always see at our local convenience store.

The man next to the woman in red? 赤い服を着た女性

*in red 赤い服の中に包まれている感触

Oh, right. He works there. What a coincidence!

現在形 広く一般的に成り立つ事態

Well, I just like to thank all the listeners who are good fans and love our textbook.

We’ll keep making it as interesting as possible.

The man next to the woman in red?

The mannext to the woman in redで説明

*the woman in red the womanin redが説明

説明ルール 説明は後ろに置く

I had no idea he was a baseball fan.

時制の一致 *had no ideaが箱 後続の節はその中身 箱が過去なら中身も過去


He’s the guy who I always see at our local convenience store.


Okay, guys. So we are going to practice the three versions of key sentence just like Ohnishi-sensei said.

Okay, so first, we’ll do the kang key die may sit nushy version.

Ready? He’s the guy I always see at our local convenience store.

Okay, next. We’ll use “that,” ready?

He’s the guy that I always see at our local convenience store.

Okay. Great! Now for the last version, we’ll use “who.”

He’s the guy who I always see at our local convenience store.

So, do you see the progression from the first version to the second version when you use “that”,  and then finally to the strongest linking “who” ?


Okay. Now I have a question. When do we eat cognac?

Well, as vegetarians, we eat it every week.

Yeah! Whenever we’re hungry!

Yes. I eat tonight! Cognac kuyo!

Oh! Stop! Can we end this program?



Lesson 52


And Im Jenny Silver.

Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business. 


So, let's get started.


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Words and Phrases


demeanor 行動の仕方 マナー

behavior 行動


jokes aside 話は横に置いておいて


trajectory ロケットなどの弾道 曲線



Let's try the dialogue.


Good job!



Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene one last time.


My impression is that complimenting happens more often in the U.S. We have a technique called a "compliment sandwich" when giving feedback. The boss starts with a compliment, then something the employee needs to improve on, then another compliment.  

私の印象では、アメリカでは誉めることが多いですね。Compliment sandwichというテクニックがあります。上司はfeedbackを誉めることから始めます。そして、従業員に改善して欲しいことを伝えて、それからまた誉めるんです



See you next time. Bye!

20210806&13 ボキャブライダー  Hi, everyone. Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers 


Nosy 詮索好きな お節介な nose

Stop being so nosy. 余計なお節介をしないで


Mouthy おしゃべりな 特に生意気で無礼な話し方をする人

My little brother is pretty mouthy but he is harmless.



Throaty 嗄れた声 野太い声の throat 喉  throaty laugh

My dad let out a big throaty laugh at his own joke.



Hairy 粗いごわごわした 毛深い とても危険な hair 髪の毛

A big fight suddenly broke out and I knew I was in a hairy situation.


Slang formalな場面ではあまり出てこないが、日常会話ではよく使う

ボキャブライダー  Hi. Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers 身支度


Buckle バックル ベルトを締める ベルトの金具の部分

My pants almost fell down because I forgot to buckle my belt.



Button ボタン ボタンをかける button shirt/coat シャツやコートのボタンをかける

I think I buttoned my shirt wrong. シャツのボタンをかけ間違えたみたい


Tuck シャツの裾を入れる 押し込む・突っ込む tuck into

My father always says, “Tuck your shirt in.”


I tucked my shirt into my skirt before I left home.



Throw on 急いで身につける 羽織る throw 投げるように早く動かす

*on 身につけるというイメージのon

She threw her jacket on and ran out the door.



Looks like we got a Vocab Rider mission, Hiyori. Let’s get going. Hiyori, your shirt is hanging out. Tuck it into your skirt. Wait! You forgot to buckle your belt. Stop! You’re not wearing any shoes, Hiyori.


Hello, everyone. Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers 不正行為


Corruption 腐敗 汚職  腐ること・堕落すること Right! corrupt 堕落した腐敗した

When government and business mix, corruption often occurs.


He’s corrupt at heart. 彼は根性が腐りきっている

Bribe 賄賂 賄賂を送る

The mayor took a bribe from the company.


Joe tried to bribe the police officer with 100 dollars.


I bribed my kids into cleaning the room with ice cream.


Blackmail 恐喝する They blackmailed me into signing the contract.


Blackmail is a serious problem in some countries.


Fraud 詐欺 If it sounds too good to be true, it could be a fraud.


It’s me scam / It’s me fraud / Grand-parent fraud オレオレ詐欺


Hello, everyone. Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers 

会社の株や株の取引に纏わる単語をご紹介 List 上場する ある証券取引所のリストに会社名が載ること listed company 上場企業

Voca Inc. is listed on two exchanges. 



Shareholder 株主  share 分け前 取り分 

share of a company 会社の分け前 holder 所有する人

Shareholder in/of 会社名 どこどこの株主

Companies have to understand what shareholders want.



Blue chip 優良な 優良株 トランプのポーカーが由来 青色のチップが最高額

Blue chip stocks are almost always safe investments.

優良株はまず間違いない投資です   高額で取引されている株のこと


Volume 出来高  基本的な意味 ものの大きさ 体積・音量もvolume

株では取引された量→出来形 trading volume 株の出来高

Voca Inc. trading volume rose by 50% last year.


ボキャブライダー  Hello, everyone. Hi! I’m Maxwell Powers 選挙

立候補する 投票率などを英語で何ていうかご紹介

Run 立候補する 出馬する 選挙というraceに出て競争するというイメージから

I’ve decided to run for city council. 市議会議員に立候補することに決めたんだ


Race 選挙戦 

元々の意味は競争 競い合っているイメージから選挙もraceと言うようになった

I think the race for mayor will be really close.



Turnout 投票者数 投票率 集まってきた人の数 人出 

turn out  verb外に出て集まる

The turnout for the election was the highest in 30 years.



Exit poll 出口調査 poll 調査する

Based on the exit polls, I think she’s going to win.



Hi, Powerko! Hi, Hiyori. I’m running in the student council election.

To win the race, I need all the votes I can get! Will you vote for me?

I’m going to get rid of graduation. We can stay in high school forever!

202182 Monday

Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here. Wow! That was a Rocky opening, wasn’t it?

Ha, ha, ha!  Chris McVay, here. I just got it!  A little bit slow. But you know, I get there in the end. Should we start?

Let’s go!

Lesson 86     Is that the movie that you were talking about?

I’m not sure, but he’s still a great action hero.

* I’m not sure, but  よく知らないけど、何々

Hey, Chris. Is that the ラジオ英会話 textbook you were talking about?

It sure is!

I’d better check it out!


The movie I’ve been waiting to see is coming out in the summer.

先行詞 The movieを節I’ve been waiting to seeが修飾

現在完了形 過去から現在まで生き生きとした行為が繰り返されていることを示す形

How old is he now?

*How tall…? どれくらい背が高い

*How far…? どれくらい遠い


Hey, what’s the teaching method that makes learning English much easier?



