




And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello and welcome to today's show.


Lesson 24


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.



Which dishes do you think your yuzu dressing goes best with?


*To go best with means "to match or to complement well."


It's ideal for grilled fish or chicken, salads or smoked salmon.


*smoked cheese


Sounds interesting.


Would you mind sending me some samples?


I'll send them via courier tomorrow.



*Via is another way to say "by."

For example, I sent them the proposal via email.


They should arrive by Friday.  ~のはずだ


We might get a 30% discount if we order the same amount of both the instant miso soup and the yuzu dressing.


I can't guarantee it.




I'll do my best to get internal approval.



Business phrase of the day


I'll do my best to get internal approval.


I will try to get internal approval.


Internal meeting 社内会議 Internal audit 社内監査


I'll try my very best to get internal approval.



Upgrade your communication skills


Go with

Which color do you think goes best with this package design?



I guarantee the new electric car will be a big hit.

I'm sure...


Are you ready? Here we go.


Which dishes do you think your yuzu dressing goes best with?


It's ideal for grilled fish or chicken, salads or smoked salmon.


Sounds interesting. Would you mind sending me some samples?


I'll send them via courier tomorrow. They should arrive by Friday.


Thank you. So let me confirm. We might get a 30% discount if we order the same amount of both the instant miso soup and the yuzu dressing.


I can't guarantee it. But I'll do my best to get internal approval.


That was excellent.



Tips for business communication


That's gonna be a different story.


That would be a different story.

Would もしそうだとしたらという仮定のニュアンス


Let me talk to my boss and I will talk to you later.


Can I get back to you after discussing it with my boss?

Come back to you



Thanks so much for tuning in today.




And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello and welcome. We're happy you tuned in.


Lesson 23


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.



How would you propose to make it mutually beneficial?


Beneficial benefit の形容詞形


Well, if you could add one more item at the same volume as the instant miso soup


"Volume" in this case, means "quantity or amount."

So another item with the same quantity as the instant miso soup.


We may be able to accommodate your request.


I can't think of anything at this point.


Is there any particular item you have in mind?


"Particular" means "special or specific."

For example, is there a particular brand that you usually purchase?


Yes. We recommend our yuzu dressing.


I remember the yuzu ramen I had in Asakusa.

It reminds me of the yuzu ramen I had in Asakusa.


The yuzu gave the soup a distinct flavor.


I'm sure it did.



Business phrase of the day


We may be able to accommodate your request.


We can accommodate the changes.


We may be able to meet your requirements.



Upgrade your communication skills



They say red wine is beneficial to your health.



The customer bases in Asia and Europe are quite distinct from each other.



Okay. Let's try the dialogue. Are you ready? Here we go. 


How would you propose to make it mutually beneficial?


Well, if you could add one more item at the same volume as the instant miso soup, we may be able to accommodate your request.


I can't think of anything at this point. Is there any particular item you have in mind?


Yes. We recommend our yuzu dressing.


Oh, yuzu. I remember the yuzu ramen I had in Asakusa. The yuzu gave the soup a distinct flavor.


I'm sure it did.


Wonderful work. You did a great job.



Tips for business communication


That's a possibility but we may have a better option.


Well, another way to react might be to say, I think that's a strong proposal but maybe we should take our time and consider other possibilities as well.


Hmm. Very clever.


We should try to avert a possible breakdown.

決裂は避けるよう努力すべきです avert 回避する

Possible 実際に決裂する可能性がありえますよ 

可能性を表す possible


We had a great time with you today. Thanks for joining us.





And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello, everybody. Welcome to today's show.


Lesson 22


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.


I appreciate that you're ready to place a large order.


But I think a 30% discount is a bit too high for us.


I understand.

But we get a bulk discount from most of our suppliers.


But with that much of a discount, we would barely make a profit.


only just  barelyの言い替え

We would only just make a profit.


We would market your product

in more than 300 stores nationwide.


"Nationwide" means "throughout the entire country."


You should take that into consideration.



But I also believe

business should be conducted on a level playing field.



Business phrase of the day


Business should be conducted on a level playing field.


The terms should be satisfactory to both of us.



Upgrade your communication skills



We're the main supplier of engines for this luxury car brand.



We have barely enough budget to buy a copy machine.



All right. It's time to practice the conversation.

Are you ready? Here we go.


I appreciate that you're ready to place a large order.

But I think a 30% discount is a bit too high for us.


I understand. But we get a bulk discount from most of our suppliers.


But with that much of a discount we would barely make a profit.


We would market your product in more than 300 stores nationwide.

You should take that into consideration.


Of course we do, Andy. But I also believe business should be conducted on a level playing field.


Excellent work.



Tips for business communication


I don't think it's relevant to setting a price.



We don't seem to be making any progress.


We're not making any progress. ちょっとダイレクトすぎますよね


Well, in certain cases, I think you have to be patient and give the other side time to come to a conclusion.

However, I think frequent communication is key in such a situation.


Give the other side time to come to a conclusion







Thank you so much for joining us today.

We hope to see you next time.




And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello, everyone. I hope you're having a great day.


Lesson 21


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.


How was your trip to Bangkok?


Very successful.


I found some fantastic spices which will be placed on our shelves soon.


Which = spices


"To place" simply means "to put something somewhere."

For example, I placed the file on the desk.


Hmm. Thank you.


put 何かをどこかに置く


I hope we'll soon be able to start doing business too.


I hope so too.


Now, let's get down to business.


"To get down to business" is "to address the matter at hand."

Usually, this phrase is used when transitioning from small talk to talking about the important issue.


Hmm. Thank you.




I'm pleased that you're interested in our instant miso soup.


As I understand it, the only outstanding issue is the price.


We've asked you to give us a 30% discount.



Business phrase of the day


The only outstanding issue is the price.


Outstanding performance 突出した


There are a couple of problems outstanding.


Outstanding amount 未決済の まだ決済していない金額


Not yet done 終わっていない


The only unresolved issue is the price.

resolved 解決済みの unresolved 未解決の


Upgrade your communication skills


Do business

We're pleased to be able to do business with you.



There's no instant solution to the problem.




Okay. Are you ready to practice the conversation?

Do your best.


Hi, Andy.  It's nice to talk to you again. How was your trip to Bangkok?


Very successful. I found some fantastic spices which will be placed on our shelves soon.


Wow!  That was quick. I hope we'll soon be able to start doing business too.


I hope so too. Now, let's get down to business.


Sure. I'm pleased that you're interested in our instant miso soup. As I understand it, the only outstanding issue is the price.


Correct. We've asked you to give us a 30% discount.


That was great!


Tips for business communication


It's normal that there are ups and downs in business.



There are ups and downs in life.



Well, I usually acknowledge what they said to be a good listener.

And then try to move the conversation in a more positive direction.


Hmmm. That's very important.




The only outstanding issue is the price.


There are just a couple of administrative issues to be solved.

Administrative work 事務的な仕事

Just を加えることによって、多少、大きな事務的な問題があったとしてもたいした問題ではないという印象を与える工夫をしていますね。


It was wonderful having you with us today.

I hope you'll tune in next time.




And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.



Hello, everyone. I hope you're doing well today.


Lesson 20


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.


How about this?


If you could double the order size, We may be able to compromise on that point.


I don't think that's possible.

内容的には、that's impossible と同じ


We need to see how your products sell first.



We can't do that.

これを I don't think で始めてみると

I don' think we can do that.


Then why don't we start with delivery against payment?


Once you're able to increase the order size by 80%, then we can switch to payment after 30 days.


How about 70 instead of 80%?


Does that sound fair?


"Fair" means "equal, or that everyone will be satisfied."


70%. Fair enough.


Let's solve the rest of the issues quickly.



Business phrase of the day


We may be able to comprise on that point.


We can't compromise on that point.


We may be able to make a concession on that point.

Concession 譲歩・容認



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It's possible to double our earnings in 5 years.



You are requested to pay cash on delivery.

COD 現金と引き換えに荷物を受け取ること


Are you ready? Here we go.


How about this?

If you could double the order size, we may be able to comprise on that point.


I don't think that's possible. We need to see how your products sell first.


Then why don't we start with delivery against payment?

Once you're able to increase the order size by 80%, then we can switch to payment after 30 days.


How about 70 instead of 80%? Does that sound fair?


70%. Fair enough. Thank you, Kate. Now, let's solve the rest of the issues quickly.


Great job!


Tips for business communication


I didn't mean to catch you off-guard.

Catch someone off-guard 不意を突く 驚かす


I'm just trying to see if it's possible for us to meet halfway.

Halfway 中間点


Win-win お互いが納得する


Well, I would probably say,

"Would you like to take a break for a little while?"


Hmm.  That's clever.


Right. And I would also make it clear that I want them to be comfortable.

I also might ask before going forward If they had any concerns.


Thanks so much for tuning in.




And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hi, everybody. Thank you for tuning in to today's show.


Lesson 19


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.


I appreciate your effort


Your revised proposal still doesn't meet our requirements.


Yes. To meet someone's requirements is to fulfill all of the points.

This phrase is often used in a negative sense.

As in: the first draft of the ad campaign didn't meet our requirements.


Would you mind giving us the reasons behind it?


Our buyers include small local stores and restaurants.


Many of them can't get enough credit from their banks to pay right away.

Credit 信用

銀行が顧客に信用を与える 銀行の融資


Will it make a difference if we extend the payment day?


Extend 先延ばしにする


Extending it will make it easier for our buyers to place bigger orders.


To place an order is simply to give your order to someone so they can process it.


Business phrase of the day


Would you mind giving us the reasons behind it?


Could you please give us some more background?



Upgrade your communication skills



The credit limit for this company is 1 billion yen.



Shall we extend the meeting for another 15 minutes?

あと~分 another minutes


All right. Now it's time to practice the conversation. Here we go.


I appreciate your effort but your revised proposal still doesn't meet our requirements.


Would you mind giving us the reasons behind it?


Our buyers include small local stores and restaurants.

Many of them can't get enough credit from their banks to pay right away.


Will it make a difference if we extend the payment date?


Yes, it will.

Extending it will make it easier for our buyers to place bigger orders.


Okay, Kate. I understand the situation.


That was fantastic. You've made a lot of improvements.


Tips for business communication


If you could provide some more information, we'll be able to move forward.


I would probably ask them, 

"Do you have any suggestions on how we can move forward?"


Hmm. That's clever.


We would have a cash flow problem.

もし御社の事情に合わせていると という文が省略されていると考えてみてください


もしそうすると という意味が込められている

Cash flow 資金繰り


So yeah,  I was offered a job that my agent had negotiated.

And the company asked me what's your rate?

And I didn't know how to answer the question.

But a friend of mine told me to say "What can you offer?"

And that actually worked really well.


Thanks so much for listening to the program today.




And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello, everyone. How are you doing today?

We're happy to have you with us.


Lesson 18


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.


Today, I'd like to discuss the points you raised in your last email.


Hopefully we'll be able to come up with some good ideas.


I'm sure we'll find solutions that are acceptable to both sides.


So let's tackle the most important issue first: payment terms.



You prefer to pay us 30 days after receiving the goods.


That's right.

You initially proposed advance payment which we couldn't agree to.


Then you proposed delivery against payment.


輸入する側 買い手の Kate


輸出する側    売り手の Naoya


Advance payment 前払い 代金を受領したら出荷する


Delivery against payment 支払い渡し ものをまず送ります。




30 days after receiving the goods まず商品を受け取るのが先です。



We thought it might be an attractive proposal for you.


It=Delivery against payment



Business phrase of the day


I'd like to discuss the points you raised.

Raise points 論点をあげる


I'd like to discuss the items you mentioned.

Item number 1   item number 2


Upgrade your communication skills



There are a couple of ways to tackle this issue.



An advance booking is recommended for this restaurant.




Okay. It's time to practice the dialogue. Are you ready? Here we go.


Today, I'd like to discuss the points you raised in your last email.

Hopefully we'll be able to come up with some good ideas.


I'm sure we'll find solutions that are acceptable to both sides.


So let's tackle the most important issue first: payment terms.

You prefer to pay us 30 days after receiving the goods.


That's right.

You initially proposed advance payment which we couldn't agree to.

Then you proposed delivery against payment.


We thought it might be an attractive proposal for you. 


That was fantastic! Keep up the good work.


Tips for business communication


I don't mind but is there any particular reason for that?


Can't we just share our views?

We may be able to find some areas of common interest.


I think you did a wonderful job today.

We were so happy to have you with us. 





And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello, everyone. I hope you're having a great day so far.


Lesson 17


Okay, let's listen to today's business scene.


Could you please adjust your settings?


Let me check. Can you see me now?


How are things going for you?


I've been busy making projections for how Brexit will affect our business.


To make projections is to predict or guess what will happen in the future.


How Brexit will affect our business


Britain + Exit


Oh, Brexit.


I hope it will have a positive effect on the British economy.


Affect 影響を与えるという動詞

our business   effect 効果 名詞


How's business with you?


We're experiencing an increase in orders.


"Experiencing" means that something is happening.

For example, The company is experiencing a shortage of staff.


Particularly from the U.K. and France.



Business phrase of the day


Could you please adjust your settings?


Adjust the temperature


Adjust the taste


I can't see you.


Could you please check your settings?



Upgrade your communication skills



We achieved our revenue projections for this year.



The new procedure will affect our daily routine.




Okay. It's time to try the conversation.


Kate, I can hear your voice.

But I can't see you.

Could you please adjust your settings?


Let me check. Can you see me now?


Yes. Thank you. 

How are things going for you?


I've been busy making projections for how Brexit will affect our business.


Oh, Brexit.

I hope it will have a positive effect on the British economy.


We'll see.  How's business with you?


It's going well.

We're experiencing an increase in orders particularly from the U.K. and France.


Wonderful job!


Tips for business communication


Sorry, I can't hear you. Would you please speak a little louder?

Sorry, I can't hear you. Could you speak a bit louder?

Could you speak up?


Sorry. The sound is not so clear.

Sorry, the sound is not clear.


Well, I think more than anything, it's important to be aware of what time it is in the day for the other person on the other line and to be sensitive to the fact that they might be sleepy if it's late at night or early morning.


Right. And it's always a good idea to acknowledge if the other person is making time to have the call at an hour outside of regular office hours that you appreciate their time.


Thanks so much for tuning in today.


20201204ボキャブライダー Hi! Hello, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers. 


A glass of グラス一杯の *a ひとつ

I’d like a glass of orange juice, please. オレンジジュース1杯お願いします

A glass of water グラス一杯の水


A pair of ひと組の 同一の物が2つでできたセット

Wear a nice pair of shoes to your job interview, okay?



A bunch of   bunch 房 束 一房の 一束の

Look. A bunch of bananas is only 100 yen today.



A piece of  piece 一切れ 何から切り取られた一欠片

There’s nothing like a nice piece of cake. 一切れのケーキにまさるものはない


Super low prices today.

Get one bunch of muscat grapes for just 5800 yen.

Here’s another bargain. One piece of melon for only 3200 yen. That’s an amazing value.

And this fruit drink.

It’ll only cost you 300 yen for one delicious glass.


ボキャブライダー Hi! Hello, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers. 

レストランのテーブルの上にあるもの 海外でレストランに行ったときに役立つ単語をご紹介

Napkin ナプキン Could you pass me a napkin? ナプキンとってくれる?


Condiment 調味料 Fast restaurants offer a lot of condiments.


Condiments pluralが多い tableに上に置いてある調味料を総称しているので


Wet wipe お手拭き ウェットティッシュ 濡れた拭くもの

Don’t lick your fingers, Tom. Use a wet wipe.

指を舐めないの ウェットティッシュを使いなさい

Wet tissue ただの濡れたティッシュ wet wipe 事前に液体を含ませたシート


Toothpick 爪楊枝 tooth pick 尖ったもの 突くもの


Cover your mouth when you use a toothpick, dad!


*th[θ] 下を上の歯の裏に触れながら息を出すイメージ

ボキャブライダー Hi! Hello, I’m Maxell Powers. 


Multiply 掛ける

Multiply 2 by 4, and you get 8.  24を掛けると8になる

2 times 2 is 4. 2×2=4  2 multiplied 2 equals 4.


Product掛け算の答え 積

The product of any number and zero is zero.

0にどんな数字を掛けても答えは0です any 如何なる~も

I’m the product of two cultures. 私の2つの文化を掛け合わせてできたもの



Divide 割り算の 割る

8 divided by 2 is 4.  8÷24です8÷2=4

The team divided of the work. チームで仕事を分け合った


Quotient 割り算の答え 商


The company’s growth quotient was 3% last year.


IQ Intelligence Quotient 知能指数

ボキャブライダー Hi! Hi, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers. 外交


Diplomacy[dɪˈpləʊməsi ] 外交  diplomat[ˈdɪpləmæt] 外交官

The counties found a solution through diplomacy. 



Foreign policy 外交政策 foreign 外国の policy 方針 外国に対する方針

Trade has a big influence on a country’s foreign policy.

貿易は国の外交政策に大きな影響を与える  foreign policy: adjective

Foreign policy goal 外交政策の目的  foreign policy adviser 外交政策顧問


Embassy 大使館 The 派遣先の国の embassy in 駐在先の国

The American embassy in Japan is often busy.


The Japanese embassy in Canada カナダの日本大使館 Nice job!


Ambassador 大使

Who is the Japanese ambassador to Russia? ロシアの日本大使は誰ですか?

Tourism ambassador 観光大使  goodwill ambassador 親善大使

ボキャブライダー Hi! Hi, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers.


Slope ゲレンデ(German) slope 斜面

If you are a beginner, I’d recommend this slope.



Ski lift スキーリフト liftの後に母音を入れないこと

Getting on the ski lift is easy. Watch me.



Pole American Englishストック  stick British English stock Australian English

Poles help you keep your balance on the slope.



Powder 粉雪 powder snowでも通じるが、スキーの話をしているならわざわざsnowをつけなくてもよい

The powder at this ski resort is incredible.このスキー場の粉雪は最高ですよ


I’m going to go all the way down the mountain from the very top. The ski lift on the right is for beginners. That was some awesome powder. Hew!


This is Roza Akino here.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. You know it’s hard to find good people to work with.

But luckily I got you two! Let’s get started.


Lesson 161  It’s hard to find people’s contact information!

Hey, guys. You liked our textbook last month, didn’t you?

This month’s is even better?

My boss is tough to impress. How can I get him to notice me? 私の上司は感心させるのが大変なんです。どうしたら私に気がついてもらえるのでしようか?

It is tough to impress my boss. My boss is tough to impress.

It is easy to please John. John is easy to please.

It’s hard to make ends meet on my salary. I’m looking for a better job.


*make ends meet 目的語説明型 end収入と支出 がmeet ピッタリ合う という状況をmake作り出す → 収支を合わせる・やりくりする

Lucy is impossible to beat. She’s too good.


It is impossible to beat Lucy. Lucy is impossible to beat.


So, are there any special dishes for Christmas in England?

Well, In the olden days, we used to have goose.

But nowadays, there’s not so much goose around.

So, we use turkey. So we have turkey with roast potatoes and what we call trimmings. That’s different types of vegetables.

Chris! You’re making me hungry!










Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Employee Engagement Survey (6)


Talk the Talk with Heather


「石の上にも三年」とか言うけど、今、充実してなおかつ高収入の仕事に就けている人が一体何%いらっしゃるだろうか? 国会議員の先生方は充実しているかどうかはともかく、少なくとも高収入だ。否、政権におべんちゃらを言わなくてはならないので充実はしていないだろう。政権の犯罪の片棒をかついでいるのだから。

大事なのは自分の頭で考えること。諺・先人の知恵・先輩などの助言もunsolicited adviceになることもある。



Sugita: In the current vignette, Pat McMillan says he'd like to see a question on the employee engagement survey about whether peope find working at A&A fun. This is a very relevant question for me. I once had an ideal job at a big global firm. But it became increasingly profit-focused and poorly managed. So I vowed to myself that I would quit working there when it was no longer fun and eventually I did leave.

Heather, I hope you find fun at work.


Heather: I do. Im very happy to say that I do. Ah, for many years, Ive gotten to do what I love best, working with language and communication, and Ive been able to do it with a lot of talented, dedicated people. Like the people on this show, whove challenged me and inspired me to grow and do better. Weve worked together to share information in fun ways, and I think weve done a pretty good job.


S: Happy employees are usually productive employees. But over the years, I've also seen happy workers become complacent workers. As management yielded to the wishes of the workforce and the company ended up going south. I think employees must also be dedicated to the mission and outcome of the company. When employees are proud of where they work, it shows. That attitude translates to their performance. When people take pride in their company, they'll take pride in their work too.


H: Certainly. They'll want to do work that is worthy of their company. They'll say to themselves I have to perform at a level that is worthy of this company. But if they don't have that pride, that commitment, they're likely to take an attitude of "Hmm. This will do, I suppose."


S: Even in the post-coronavirus days, a lot of people will be working from home. But it is more difficult to keep remote workers engaged. Heather, what do you think management should do to keep remote workers engaged and happy?


H: I think a big thing they can do is trust those remote workers. I was reading an article the other day about how many managers in the United States were smothering their work-from-home employees. For example, some bosses were requiring multiple progress reports every single day. One person said they were now talking to their boss more than to their partner or their best friends. Perhaps the worst example was the employer who made staff install a monitoring program on their personal laptops. Their personal laptops! According to the staffer, the software monitors things like URL activity, and it even has a function for periodically sending random screenshots to the employer. If a persons productivity drops off, or the quality of their work noticeably declines, thats one thing, and may require some countermeasures. But to assume from the start that someone will slack off? Now thats a recipe for unhappiness and resentment.



That's all for today.

Hope we see you next time. Bye.


何度見ても胸くそ悪くなるシーン 誰かに似ている…トランプ!


傲慢な人間 こういう人間が大統領になった、という悪夢

アメリカ国民 「トランプ! お前はクビだ!」

こんなこと日本の、特に地デジには 逆立ちしてもできないこと



だって、Netflix  U-NEXT などがあるから



Hey, welcome back for the review. This is Roza Akino here.

Hi, guys. Well, here we are again. Friday the review. Let’s get started.

Friday the 13th  Jason   A Nightmare on Elm Street  Freddy


Lesson 160  Review

Listening challenge

Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Q: In the end, who will decide where to go for a break?

A  The woman.

B  The man.

C  Both of them.

Here we go.

Okay. Here we go with the question.

Q: Who will answer the last question?

A  The girl.

B  The boy.

C  Both of them.

Listen up.

Q: How long will it take to get to the resort?

A  Less time than usual.

B  The same amount of time as usual.

C  Longer than usual.

Listen carefully, everyone.

Q: What does the woman consider to be most important?

A  Safety.

B  Expense.

C  Quantity.

Here we go.


Say it in English




Staffer: What should I do?


Since it’s you that created the problem, I’ll leave it up to you to decide how to solve it.

But don’t worry. I’m sure the client will understand in the end.


Colleague: Are you sure you are up to this?


Who are you talking to? It’s a piece of cake.

I’ve given so many presentations. You can count on me.



So, Chris. You have given many presentations? Is it easy for you now?

Yes, I think I could say it’s easy for me now.

It’s a piece of cake. But, you know it takes lots of practice. And I know most people find it very scary to stand up in front of others. But keep practicing. And it will, little by little… it will become a piece of cake for everybody.


Good advice!








Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


ちらっと、次回のMidlife Crisisを読んで…


オレなど、朝起きれたら、"Lucky" って思うだけで、別に起きれなくて(死んでて)もまったくどうってことない。


Employee Engagement Survey

Ueda cites an old adage that he feels also applies to the business world.
McMillan says that the distinction between work and play is a false dichotomy
 and that theyre not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Grace describes some ways that A&A strives to make its workplace enjoyable.
Activities that Ueda says can lower stress and help people bond.



Apply to the business world: Is also true in the business world, Ueda is saying. It is relevant to the business world. Likewise, you could say, "The rules of good business communication also apply to personal communication." We should respond to people swiftly. We should use clear language in our emails. That sort of thing.


Conceptual problem: McMillan says, "I think this reflects a basic conceptual problem in our culture."


Distinction between work and play: Here "distinction" is the act of differentiating things. Saying, A is different, separate from B or C, etc. For example, he makes a clear distinction between honesty and rudeness. Or, a clear distinction between risk taking and carelessness.


False dichotomy: "A false dichotomy" refers to a situation where only two alternatives are considered when there are actually other possibilities. You might hear something like, it's a false dichotomy to say a manager can be friendly or a manager can be effective.


False dilemma  / black and white thinking





Mutually exclusive:  だぶりがない

Logical thinking  

MECE Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive

相互に排他的な項目による完全な全体集合 もれなく だぶりなく


If you like:


Workplace book club: How to say..."Book club" is a group of people who read the same books and then discuss their content and themes. Ah, if it's a workplace book club, then the members belong to the same workplace. Likewise, we have "workplace romance, workplace friction."


Work anniversary: In a situation like this, You might say, "Congratulations to David. Today, he marks 20 years on the job." Or, today, he marks 20 years with this company."


Professional achievement: An accomplishment, a success achieved in one's career. Of all her professional achievements, she's most proud of this design award, for example.


Lower stress levels: Ueda says, "This helps to lower stress levels, not to mention serving as team-bonding activities." Reduce people's stress, make them less tense. Personally, a good massage always lowers my stress level. Or, I recommend deep breathing to help reduce your stress level.


Not to mention:


Team-bonding activity:


Dose of: "Dose" can mean the amount of medicine that is taken or given at one time. Like, you should take one dose of this medicine in the morning and another at night. But expressions, like a dose of fun, use the image of medication to mean an amount of something that we experience. And it can be good or bad. Like, I love this show. It always gives me a good dose of humor. Or, these sales figures are a harsh dose of reality. It's a rough market these days.


Do a lot to: Contribute greatly to something, have a significant effect in some area. For example, I think the flexible work schedule will do a lot to boost employee morale. Or, our redesigned website has done a lot to increase online sales.


Rate one's work-life balance:



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.


I, me, myself and I. Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. I have to tell you. These two are always attacking me. So, from now on, I’m going to wear a helmet. Let’s get started.

Lesson 159  Safety has to be our number-one priority.

We know that accidents can happen at any time. Therefore, the company should provide helmets for all employees. *therefore くっきりと論旨を覆うような感じを保つ 


But that would be very expensive. We have over 2,000 employees throughout the country.

*over ~よりも上 上に円弧アーチ *throughout ~じゅうに

It doesn’t matter. Safety has to be our number-one priority.

*matter 重要である doesn’t matter 問題でない

But whatever you do, make sure the helmets are top quality. No cutting corners when it comes to safety, right? *make sure 必ず~であるようにする whatever 譲歩を表す

*whatever it takes 何があろうとも 何を犠牲にしようとも AVENGERS ENDGAME

Well, our textbook’s number-one priory is to make studying English easier.

And we don’t cut corners to achieve this goal.


Let me check with some suppliers and see what kind of deal I can make.

目的語説明型 me の説明がcheck 以下 mecheckすることをletする


Safety has to be our number-one priority. 安全は私たちの最優先事項であるべきです

Achieving perfect English pronunciation should not be a top priority. Communicability is the most important goal. 完璧な英語の発音を達成することが最優先であるべきではありません。communication能力こそ最も重要なゴールです

Just a minute. You’re mixing up priorities here. No wonder progress is so slow. ちょっと待って。君はここで何を優先すべきかを取り違えています。道理で進みが悪いと思いました

*mix up priorities 優先事項をごちゃごちゃに→何を優先するかを取り違える は重要表現

こんな表現は英作文できない しっかり覚える

I think health should come before wealth. 健康は富よりも重要ですよ

*should/must come before


My family is my number-one priority. 私の家族が私の最優先事項ですよ

*number-one priority 最優先事項


覚えること 覚え続けることが言葉の学習では大切

Many people get their priorities mixed up. A good work-life balance is essential.

多くの人々は何を優先するのか取り違えてしまいます。*work-life balanceが本当に大切なのです


Hey, Chris. What’s your number-one priority?

That’s easy. It’s my wife

That’s right. And as everyone knows, “Happy wife, happy life.”






Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Employee Engagement Survey (4)



Grace describes how A&A gauges the level of its employee satisfaction.

And Ueda says hes glad to hear theyre using a data-driven approach.

Lyons suggests a certain question and says answers would likely include things like bad communication or feeling undervalued.

McMillan says hed like a question about whether people find it fun to work at A&A.



Be aimed at:


Gauge the level of happiness: Here "gauge" is a verb meaning "measure, evaluate, appraise." We need to gauge consumer interest in our new product, for example. So we're going to do a big online survey. Or, doctors are trying to gauge the effectiveness of this experimental drug.




Keep tabs on:


Benchmark: A "benchmark" is a standard by which other things can be judged. You might say, "He set a benchmark for future employees. He was dedicated, forward-thinking, proactive. We're always looking for more staff like him."


Collect data:


Compare on a year-on-year basis: Compare figures that are one year apart.

Or, compare on a year-to-year basis. That's fine too. You might say, "If we compare regional sales on a year-to-year basis, we see a slight upward trend." And you can leave off "basis" as well. Newspaper articles often say things like, "Sales rose 20% year-on-year."


Year to date   YTD   年初来 年の初めから今日まで


Be good to know: Ueda says, "It's good to know that A&A is using a data-driven approach to find out how happy and engaged employees are." He's glad to hear that. He's reassured by that. Likewise, it's good to know there are scholarships available. Or, it's good to know the company is so supportive of paternal childcare leave.


Data-driven approach:




Potentially provocative: McMillan says, "That's an interesting - and potentially provocative - question." "Potentially" means something could happen. There is the chance it could happen. Like, raising our prices is a potentially disastrous move. Ah, customers might desert us in droves. And then, provocative statements and actions are likely to make people upset or excited. They challenge, they shock. A world leader might make a provocative statement that challenges another country. Or, a country might take provocative military action. Action that could provoke another country to respond.


Lack of transparency: Transparency is openness in one's dealings and actions, you know, not hiding things. In a company setting, I imagine that could refer to openness about why decisions get made, why someone is promoted. That sort of thing. You could also say, "The university was criticized for a lack of transparency in its admission's process." So, the real standards for getting in were not openly revealed.


Adjective: transparent



Feel undervalued: Feel less valued than one deserves. And we use this about things as well as people. Undervalued stocks, for example, are priced lower than they deserve to be. Currencies are also said to be undervalued.


Feel underappreciated


Be here to stay: Not going to change or leave, be firmly established. Such as, unfortunately this rain is here to stay for a while. The weather report says, "We've got another week at least." Or, online shopping is definitely here to stay.  Too many people depend on the speed and convenience now.


The rain is here to stay.

Online shopping is here to stay.


Underlying issue: The fundamental problem, the…the issue causing certain behavior, events, feelings. Things like, the underlying issues contributing to rising drug prices. Or, what are some of the underlying issues that lead to crime?


Look elsewhere for work:







That's all for today.

See you next time. Bye.


Gin tonic / gimlet  

This is Roza Akino.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. You know, I love to see monkeys at the hot spring.

But, actually I can see two in the studio.


Lesson 158   Considering the present situation, we’ll have to be more patient.

Does it rain like this every year during this season? *during 何々の間に何かが起こる

*for ~の間 期間を表す

This year, the rains have been unusually heavy. いつになく雨が多い

Considering the present situation, we’ll have to be more patient. With this weather, delays are inevitable.    With this weather この天気では

Thanos “I am INEVITABLE.”   Tony Stark “Then… I am Ironman.”

*inevitable 不可避の 避けることの出来ない

Considering the present situation, I think you should check out the textbook.


It’ll be dark when we arrive there.

ここでは、will ~だろう be going to ~するつもり などといった、未来を表す語句は使うことはできない。到着する という事態を、予測しているわけでも意図しているわけでもないから。

ここで現在形が使われているのは 起こっている と 見なして いるから

到着している と見なして それまでに そのころには と述べているから


I’m very sorry, but we need to retake the last scene. We had some technical problems.

たいへん申し訳ありませんが最後のシーンを撮り直す必要があります。技術的な問題がありました *need to have toよりも幾分穏やかな義務を表す


Okay, folks. That’s all for today. Bye!

Ah, I suppose it’s too early for a gimlet, right?

I have no idea what the two of you are talking about.




Welcome back, everyone. Thanks for joining us again. This is Roza Akino.

Chris McVay here. Once again, do your very best. And we’ll do our best too.

Lesson 157     No matter what the question is, you can count on me.

Shota, we’re in the lead, but the team from the UK is very strong.

we’re in the lead 優勢だ

So, what’s the difference “broad” and “wide”?


Well, I think “wide” is more literal whereas “broad” is a bit more figurative.


Well, we couldn’t say “wide-minded”, could we? “wide-minded”なんて言えませんしね

So, basically “broad” has many more figurative uses.



Well, guys! Our textbook includes a broad range of knowledge and it won’t let you down.

Now, let’s study


Nothing fazes me.

*no と not any はどちらの訳も まったく~ない となるが、


There are no cookies left.    クッキーはまったく残っていない

There aren’t any cookies left.  クッキーはまったく残っていない

I won’t let you down. 目的語説明型 目的語youdownが説明し、

*you が down するのを許しません(won’t let) となっている


No matter what the question is, you can count on me.


*count 頼りになる人間としてcount数える

That’s as easy as pie. I could fix it with my eyes closed.



I’m sure we can do this. I mean it’s not rocket science. Let’s give it a try.



It’s a piece of cake. You can count on me. 簡単ですよ。私を頼りにしていいですよ。

*a piece of cake    a piece of cakeは一口で簡単に食べることができるから 簡単

No matter what the repair job is, just ask me.

その修理作業が何であれ、僕に言ってくれればいいよ  僕に頼むだけでいい


Hey, guys. “Confidence” is very difficult to get, right?


That’s right. So, the question is how to build up confidence.


I think for language, one key thing is just “practice, practice, practice.”


I couldn’t agree more. まったくもってその通り







93頁 面倒くさいかな、と思ったけど。とても充実した




 次の  にあてはまる整数を答えなさい。

  (1) 切り捨てて千の位までのがい数にすると24000になる整数は、
    (       ) から (        )までです。
  (2) 切り上げて千の位までのがい数にすると24000になる整数は、          
      (       ) から (        )までです。                           
  (3)  四捨五入して千の位までのがい数にすると24000になる整数は、        
        (       ) から (        )までです。                  

20201127ボキャブライダー Hello, everyone. And I’m Maxell Powers.


Attention 注意を払う 注意

If you don’t pay attention to your teacher, you’ll fail the test.



Careful 注意深い 用心深い

Be careful not to drink too much at the party.


Be careful not to catch a cold. 風邪を引かないようにね  Exactly!


Watch out あぶない状況に遭遇したときに使える表現

友だちが階段で躓きそうになっていたら Watch out! あっ…あぶない!

That’s right!

Watch out for holes in the road. 道の穴ぼこに気をつけて

Watch out for 何に気をつければいいのか具体的に伝えられる


Caution 注意 用心

Caution! Wet floor. 注意 床が濡れています


Done! Yep! But the paint’s not dry yet. Be careful. Watch out! Phew! That was a close one. Wait! Hiyori! Why are you sitting on the bench? I told you! The paint’s not dry yet!

ボキャブライダー Hello, everyone. Hi, I’m Maxell Powers.

警察とヤクザだと警察の方が実に質が悪い 映画「孤浪の血」でも特に感じた


Police officer 警察官

I saw two police officers standing in front of the station.



Arrest 逮捕する

The man was arrested for drinking and driving.その男性は飲酒運転で逮捕された

The policer officer arrested him for drinking and driving.



Fine 罰金

I had to pay a fine for speeding. スピード違反の罰金を払わないといけなかった


Handcuffs 手錠 両手にかけられるものなので pluralで使われるのが一般的

The thief was put in handcuffs. 泥棒は手錠をかけられた


Hi, there, Ma’am. You missed stop sign back there.

You will have to pay a fine of 7000 yen.

And if you don’t follow my instructions, you might get put in handcuffs and arrested.

Miwaku… What?

ボキャブライダー Hello, everyone. And I’m Maxell Powers.



Promise 約束する 約束のネバーランド

My son promised to clean the house but he didn’t do it.


I promise to study hard every day. 頑張って毎日勉強することを約束します

I promise. 約束です


Vow 誓う V-O-W 単なる約束というより誓います、と宣言する感じ

In her speech, she vowed to end the war.



Keep 約束を守る

If you can’t keep a promise, people won’t trust you.約束を守れないような人は皆の信用を得ることはできない


Break 約束を破る イメージ 壊す Right!  Breakkeep

I can’t trust people who break their promises.


Yeah! I guess so. I had too much to drink last night. I don’t remember anything. All right, all right. I’m never going to drink again. I promise. If I break that promise, I’ll buy you whatever you want.

ボキャブライダー Hello, everyone. Hi! I’m Maxell Powers.

感謝を伝える言葉をご紹介 Thank you 少し固い響き


Thanks ありがとう Thank you のもうちょっと軽いversion

Thanks a lot for coming today. 今日は来てくれてありがとう ひよりは発音がいい

Appreciate 価値を認める 評価する 相手がやってくれたことの価値を認める


Appreciate  thank you よりもformalword

I appreciate all your help. いろいろ手助けしていただきありがとうございました

Appreciate 後ろに感謝するものやことを入れるのがpoint

I appreciate your hard work. あなたの努力に感謝します


Gratitude 感謝の気持ち かなりformalで主にwritten Englishとして使われる

I’m full of gratitude for your kindness. あなたの親切に感謝の気持ちで一杯です

*gratitude for… ~に対する感謝の意

You don’t owe me anything. I owe you. -Denzel Washington-

Owe 借りがある 恩に着る

I owe my success to you. 私の成功はあなたのお陰です


Thanks. I owe you one. あなたに1つ借りができた いつか返す

ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers.

木 自然の木に纏わる気になる単語

Trunk 木の幹 車のトランク That’s right. 旅行用の大きな鞄 人間の胴体

I wrapped my arms around the tree trunk. 木の幹に腕を回して抱きついた

tree trunk 木の幹 trunkの基本イメージはしっかりしていてものの一番太い部分 中にいろんなものが詰められる


bark 木の皮や樹皮 uncountable noun

Did you know that cinnamon comes from bark?



Twig 小枝 葉っぱが落ちた小さい枝がイメージ

There were lots of twigs on the street after the typhoon.



Tree ring 木の輪 木の年輪 tree rings: pluralが一般的

Tree rings tell us so much about a tree’s history.



Hey, Hiyori. Do you have a lighter? I can’t start the fire. Oh! Okay. Then we’ll need some twigs. Some bark? All right. I’ll go to the store to get some.



Hey, everyone. Roza Akino here. Ah, I forgot to do my laundry.

Huh! Hi guys. Chris McVay here. I think we all need a relaxing break, don’t you agree?

What are you talking about? We haven’t even started.

Oh! that’s true. Well, let’s get started then.

Lesson 156    I’ll leave it up to you.  The choice is yours.

No. I want you to choose. *to 以下の状況に向かっていくことを欲する

Okay. Let me check out the best offers, and then we can decide together.

*check out ~をよく調べる *then 視線が移る感触 そしてそれから

If you haven’t already, I think you should check out our textbook.

I couldn’t agree more.


I couldn’t agree more! やろうと思ってもこれ以上賛成できない→大賛成

You always find a great way to compromise! 

英語は 配置の言葉 表現の機能が文中での位置によって与えられる言葉

*to compromise の位置は、名詞a great way の後ろ

説明ルール により名詞の説明となる

*to infinitiveの形容詞的用法 と呼ばれる使い方だが、to infinitiveにそうした特別な用法があるわけではありません

名詞の後ろだからその説明となる ごくごく当たり前のこと


We have over 36 flavors. Take your pick. – Er… pistachio, please. 36種類以上のフレーバーがあります。お好きなものをお選びください。-えっと…、ピスタチオをお願いします

*take は 手に取る という動作 そこに 選ぶ nuanceが宿る


Hey, Roza. Which do you prefer, sushi with me or lukewarm wine with Chris?

Hmm. It depends. How much 海胆 can I have?

But anyway, whatever’s on offer, Roza would always choose me.

Why not have both?

Uhh! Greedy!

See you all next time.






Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


次女のレイナ http://tjjapanthegreat.livedoor.blog/archives/126376.html

中3の男の子の1人「先生、僕たちの中のひとりが、先生のことを お父さん と呼んだらどうしますか?」
       TJ 「殺す!」


Employee Engagement Survey (3)


Lyons says monitoring employee engagement gives companies an idea how happy the staff are and how long they're likely to stay.

Ueda adds that many surveys ask where someone sees themselves in one or two years reflecting the fact that people change companies more frequently than they used to.

According to McMillan, management should be concerned if many people expect to leave within that time.



Keep track of: Up at the top, Lyons says, "Keeping track of employee engagement is a useful way to get a clear picture of whether employees are happy and how long they'll stay with the company."

If we keep track of something, we stay informed, we monitor what's happening with something or someone. For example, I write down what I eat in a food diary. That way, I can keep track of how many calories I consume every day. Or, so-called password managers help people keep track of all their passwords.


*track 元々は動物の足跡 人や動物が通ってできた道

*keep track of 人や物事など幅広い対象についてその動向を把握しておく、ということ


Where do you see yourself in one year - or two years - from now?

Where do you see yourself? What do you envision? Where do you expect or want to be? What do you want to be doing at that point in time? Ah, it's a good thing to think about it, isn't it? Easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of daily life. And a response could be something like, I see myself opening my own translation firm in five years. Or, I see myself being assigned overseas in a few years.


Relatively few: Not that many, less compared with others. Things like, there are relatively few restaurants in this area. Or, there have been relatively few complaints about our higher prices.


Stay with the same company: Ueda could also say, "remain with the same company." In other words, continue to work there. You can also say things like, John has stayed with the same department year after year. He likes his work there and he doesn't wanna change. Or, managers here don't stay with the same department for more than five years.


Remain with the same company

be stuck with the same company 他に行き所がないので、仕方がないから同じ会社にいる


Job market: Current hiring conditions, you know, how many vacancies are available? What kind of jobs? What levels of pay? We read about a competitive job market, a tight job market, a booming job market.


Sellers' market 売り手市場 / buyers' market 買い手市場




Be inclined to:


Feel a sense of loyalty:


Sign of the times: McMillan says, "That's a sign of the times, all right?" It reflects the way the world is now. I'd say, the common use of abbreviations and ungrammatical text is also a sign of the times. It reflects how so many people are writing short, smooshed up texts or posts on social media.


It's just a sign of the times that many people are working from home.





Ring alarm bells with: Indicate danger to someone. Warn them that something is wrong or trouble is brewing. As in, the accidents at the factory have rung alarm bells with company president. He wants a thorough safety check. We also say, "something is a red flag." Like, that job candidate didn't have any questions for the interviewer. That's a big red flag for me.


Address: Handle, take care of, respond to. Like, we need to address these complaints from our customers. Ah, they're angry about the slow service. Or, we need to address the sharp increase in production costs.


Advance: In this case, "advance" means "move something forward, take it to a higher level." Ah, here it is a transitive verb. 他動詞 It can also be an intrasitive verb, meaning "move forward, go to a higher level." Like, Team X has advanced to the semi-finals for the first time in five years. 自動詞



That's all for today.

Hope you had fun. Bye.


Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino. Today is the day you’ve waiting for all week. It’s time for review.

You don’t have to exaggerate, Roza. You know, but anyway, yeah, we all like Fridays. So, let’s review, review, review together. Go!

Chris McVay here.

Lesson 155    Review

Listening challenge

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Q: What did the woman decide to do?

A  To go on a trip.

B  To go to college.

C  To go to Cambodia.

Here we go.

Okay. Here’s the question.

Q: What is the man’s dream?

A  To visit another country.

B  To open a curry restaurant.

C  To go to all curry restaurants in Japan.

Listen up.

Q: What does the man ask the woman to do?

A  To be quieter.

B  To help make a movie.

C  To give him a copy of the movie.

Listen very carefully.

Q: What did Roxy ask her dad to do?

A  To make seafood paella. *paella っていう綴りが綴れた。奇跡だ!

B  To check the oven.

C  To taste the pumpkin pie.

Here we go.


Say it in English


Friend: You kook a bit down.


No, I’m thinking. I was in two minds, but finally I’ve reached a decision.

I’ve decided to have sushi for dinner today!

*have … for dinner まとめて覚える こうした簡単なフレーズを英作文している時間は会話にはない

Young person: Hmming…


Excuse me, but you might want to turn the music down a bit.

I’ve just gotten my baby to sleep.


Hey, Chris.


Let’s go for a drink after this.

Good idea. Hmm. But you know, I’m in two minds. Shall we go to Indian or Italian?

Hmm. Hey, sensei, how about you decide, since you know, you have less than one mind?







Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Employee Engagement Survey (2)


Grace says there is overlap between employee engagement and satisfaction and that while an engaged employee is probably satisfied, a satisfied employee is not necessarily engaged.

Ueda asks what an engagement survey measures.

And Grace cites things like leadership behavior, career development and an employees' sense of pride in their company.





Overlap: Here it's a noun. It can also be a verb. And both can mean something literally being of top of something else. Like, at my newspaper, sometimes text will overlap a picture, so we have to fix that layout. Grace is using it in the sense of "having things in common, or happening at the same time." Imagine you're planning a conference, you say, "Ah, make sure these two speeches don't overlap on the schedule. Lots of people wanna go both."


I get it.

I understand, basically.

Ah, this can be used in lots of situations.

Let's say, A colleague tells you they're quitting because they feel stuck in their current job: no chance for promotion. You say, "I get it. You want to take your career to the next level." Or, if I was assembling some furniture at home, "Oh! I get it. Attach Part 34-B to Section 92-A using Widget 21. Right!"


I got you. Gotcha! [ˈgɒʧə]


That makes a lot of sense.

McMillan says this up towards the top, "That makes a lot of sense."


Crucial for:




Health of one's business: How strong is a business? Ah… We also say, the health of one's finances, the health of one's community. Ah, we're talking about how well is something functioning and performing.


Identify: Recognize something and know who or what it is. We've identified several promising new markets for our business. Or, security camera footage was used to identify the thief. Likewise, ID or identification are materials that indicate who's that, show who we are. Such as, you need to bring two types of picture ID. So, two kinds of ID that include a picture of yourself.


ID Card  Identification / Identify


ID Verb: identify  ID'd IDed


Room for improvement: Areas, sections where improvement can be made. For example, there is a lot of room for improvement in our customer service. We need to respond customers' inquiries much faster. And we say, "room for" in other areas too, like there's a lot of room for growth in this market. I think we can greatly increase our sales. Or, we have room for flexibility in the work schedule.


There's no such thing as a perfect job. There's always room for improvement.



Leadership behavior: Grace says, "An employee engagement survey measures things like leadership behavior and the nature of people's work,"


Nature: In this case, "nature" means "the characteristics of something, content, the type. Unexpected developments are the nature of this business, for example. They are common in this business.


Career development:


Perform one's day-to-day work: Do one's daily work, the tasks we tackle day after day. My day-to-day work involves a lot of editing. I check articles and pages for spelling and grammatical errors.


Motivating: Something motivating, it makes us want to take action, it encourages us. Like, the new profit sharing program has been very motivating for the staff.


Depend on: If A depends on B, then B determines what happens with A.

Like, with summer cloting sales, a lot depends on good weather.

We also say "depending on," such as I eat in a cafeteria or go outside depending on the weather


Positive effect on:





That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.


Oh! Roxy and dad!

Roza Akino here.

Chris McVay here. Guys, do you think we’ve mastered the technique of making good lessons?

Of course!

Okay, then. Well, let’s give one now!

Lesson 154   You might want to check the oven. I can smell something burning.

Wow! Oh, no! 英語を話すときは英語の気持ちになること

Guys, wait until you see our future textbooks. They just keep getting better and better.


Wait till you taste my pumpkin pie! 私が作るpumpkin pieをお楽しみに

*wait till ~をお楽しみに ~したら驚くよ

I’ll finish my homework by 10:00. 10時までに宿題を終わらせるよ *by 期限



Hey, Chris. I’m warning you.


Hey, Roza. I’m warning you.

What! I didn’t do anything.

I’m just practicing.




























Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Employee Engagement Survey (1)





Grace asks the A&A staff for their input regarding the employee engagement survey.

She says happy people are productive people.

And Lyons comments that employee engagement means different things to different people.

Grace says she interprets it as how valued and involved do employees feel.

And McMillan asks about the difference between engagement and satisfaction.



Employee engagement survey:


Task someone with:


Revamp: Revise, ah, reconstruct. Such as, this new operating system completely revamps the software. Or, a sports team could revamp its lineup of starting players or its offensive strategy. And it appears as a noun too. This OS represents a complete revamp of the software.


Morale survey: Employee morale is how do employees feel about a job, you know, how enthusiastic are they, how committed, etc. You could say, "Winning that design award really boosted morale at the company." Or, morale has been low since our department head was replaced. Nobody likes the new guy.


Climate survey 社内の情勢とか雰囲気を調べる


Shift the emphasis from A to B:


Redraft: Compose again, ah, write something again. My sense is that this is not the final version, you know, this is being prepared for someone's inspection, you know, a possible approval. Let's say, I write a memo about recent mistakes at work. But then I decide, "No, no. It's too critical. It's too harsh." So, I redraft the memo to be more encouraging.


Draft 下書き 最終versionではない




New slant: In this case, "slant" is a noun, meaning a point of view or attitude.

I always imagine someone cocking their head to one side to look at something from a certain angle. Things like, My presentation offers a new slant on marketing to young consumers. Or, this book presents a new slant on the history of capitalism.


Get someone's input: Get someone's opinion, hear what they think about something. I often ask people at work, "Ah, could I get your input on this opening paragraph? Do you think it's too long? Or we've asked several departments to give us their input on the new ad campaign.


Get someone's feedback


Buzzword: McMillan says, "I know that employee engagement is a buzzword these days."


Keep something at the forefront of one's mind: Always be thinking and remembering something, ah, keep it a key factor. A conscious key factor in our actions and decision making. Customer satisfaction should always be at the forefront of our minds, you know, a manager might say. We also have the expression "at the back of one's mind." This is like, not actively thinking about something, but it's there. Coloring the situation, influencing our feelings. Our boss always has production costs at the back of his mind.


At the forefront of  ~の念頭に

At the back of one's mind 頭の片隅に




It means different things to different people.


Elastic: Ueda says, "It's a fairly elastic concept, after all."

Like, "elastic" you know, in the waistband of our pants or something that can stretch and recoil. And an elastic concept changes. It can be adapted to the circumstances. It's often said that time is an elastic concept. Words like, "soon" and "a long time" mean different things in different situations and to different people. Also, time seems to pass differently at work and on the vacation.




To what extent: How much, to what degree. Like, to what extent did this product boost our sales? Or, to what extent will this cold weather lower our sales?



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.


Hey, everyone. Roza Akino here. Um. Ohnishi sensei. I hate to ask you this, but would you mind thinking of more interesting openings?

Chris McVay here. Roza. I hate to say this, but you’ve stolen my opening again!


What can I do?

Lesson 153   I hate to ask you this, but would you mind keeping the voice down? We’re making a movie in the park.

Sure, no problem. What kind of movie is it?

Sure, no problem… combinationで覚える

Sounds interesting. Could I possibly get a copy of the film when it’s finished?

That sounds interesting. それはinteresting に聞こえる

Hey, Chris, could I possibly get a copy of our textbook? I hear it’s the best English textbook out there.

It certainly is.

But it will cost you.


I hate to ask you this, but would you mind keeping the noise down?


*I hate to ask you this… クッションを周到に用いて、相手の気分を害さない配慮が幾重にもなされている

You shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. They are an essential part of language learning.


I don’t think you should sit on that bench. It’s just been painted.


It’s just been… 現在完了形 塗り立てという直近の出来事が感じられている


Hey, guys. I always make a love story in the bath?

Ah… why?

What in the world… what do you even mean by that?

Oops! Sorry.

Rub Story, not love story.

Would you mind not making awful jokes anymore?


Bye. Bye-bye.


(筆坂 秀世:元参議院議員、政治評論家)
































Roza Akino. Curry fragrance.

Chris McVay here. Let’s have a spicy lesson today.

Without any curry shoe please.


Lesson 152     I’m going to make my dream come true, no matter what it takes.

With these spices, I can introduce Japanese people to real South Indian curry.

*intro 中に duce 導く 中に導く→紹介する

Well, dear listeners.

We’re determined to make our textbook the best it can possibly be, no matter what it takes.


Captain America “Whatever it takes”… Avengers Endgame  




I’m going to make my dream come true, no matter what it takes.


*no matter what 何が何々でも

take 必要とする

*matter 重要だということ 何が何々であっても重要じゃない 変わらないよ

Why do you use “take” here? ここでどうしてtakeを用いるのでしょうか?

Well, you know, it’s just like, if you’re making a cake, baking a cake, you need to take some sugar, some flour, some milk, perhaps some eggs, you take whatever is necessary to make the cake successful. And, here, you take whatever is necessary to make the dreams come true.



Hey, Roza. What fragrance do you like the best?

Hmm. I would have to say, “I love the smell of hinoki. It’s one of my favorite smells.”

Hmm. How about you, Chris.

Hmm. I would say, “citrus.”

Then you can use my oranges.






というか、高校から大学にかけて ドロップアウトしたとか 信じられないくらい理知的。

20201120ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, I’m Maxell Powers. 足し算・引き算

Add 足す 加える

If you add 12 to 9, you get 21.  912を足すと21になります

Add sugar to my coffee. 珈琲に砂糖を入れてください

One plus one is two.  11=2


Sum 総和 Σ 合計 足し算の和

The sum of 15 and 25 is 40.  1525の合計は40です




Subtract 引く 差し引く

Subtract 12 from 33 and you get 21.  33から12を引くと21になります

Right!  Eleven minus five equals six. 11-5=6

Yes! Equal でも is でもどちらでもokay


Difference 差 引き算の答え

Find the difference of X and Y. XYの差を求めよ

The difference between dogs and cats 犬と猫の違い

ボキャブライダー Hello. Hi, I’m Maxell Powers.


どうして、実践ビジネス英語 よりアップが遅いかというと…「エール」を見たり(二階堂ふみと古川琴音が母娘なんだけど、二階堂は26歳で、古川は24)、洗濯物を干していたりしたら、もう9:25 a.m.だったから。 



Garden  個人の家の敷地内で花、野菜、果樹などを栽培しているところ

My grandma loves to spend time in her garden.



Plant verb 植える  noun 植物

I want to plant some yellow flowers next year. 来年は黄色い花を植えたいな

Plants need water. 植物には水が必要だ


Weed noun 雑草  verb 雑草を取り除く

These weeds are driving me crazy. この雑草のせいで頭がおかしくなりそう

I have to weed the garden. お庭の雑草を抜かなくちゃ


Watering can 如雨露(昔は金属製) can 金属製の缶   water verb 水をやる

Watering  adjective 水やりのための

I filled my watering can with too much water.



Thanks for coming to help me with my garden, Hiyori. Great! Could you weed that area there? Okay! Could you fill up the watering can too? I’m going to plant some seeds today. Sunflowers! 

ボキャブライダー Hi, everyone. Hi, I’m Maxell Powers.


Ship 大型船  boat 小型船

The ship left Shanghai with 500 passengers on board.



Cargo 貨物 積み荷 船荷

That ship is carrying cargo from Canada.



Crew 乗務員  乗務員全員という集団を指す a crew member 1人の乗務員

The crew quickly loaded cargo onto the ship. 乗務員が貨物を素早く船に積んだ

I asked a crew member about our departure time.乗務員に出発の時間を聞いた


Deck 船の甲板 デッキ

From the main deck, you can see Rainbow Bridge.

メインデッキからRainbow Bridgeが見えるよ


Yawww! We be the worst, nastiest pirates on the seven seas. Give us your cargo. Not one move! You hear? Call your whole crew to the deck. We’ll see, missy. Wait. Uh-oh! We forgot all our weapons.

ボキャブライダー Hi! Hi, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers.


Server レストランの接客係  昔 waiter / waitress  recommendation お勧め

Let’s ask our server for a recommendation.接客係の人にお勧めを聞いてみよう


Appetizer 前菜 starter 食事を始めるもの→最初に食べるもの

How about some appetizers? 前菜はいかがでしょうか?


Order verb 注文する noun 注文したもの

Let me know when you’re ready to order.


My order hasn’t come yet. 注文したものがまだ来ていないのですが


Refill 飲み物のおかわり re再び fill 満たす 空になったグラスをもう一度満たす

Could I get a refill on my iced tea? アイスティーのおかわりをもらえますか?


What appetizers do you recommend? Do you happen to have a shrimp cocktail? Could you recommend any entrées? I’m in the mood for beef tonight.

Make that beef well-done, okay?

ボキャブライダー Hi! Hello. I’m Maxell Powers.  小説を読んでここがよかった、ここは微妙だった、と感想を言うときに使える単語をご紹介


Plot 話の筋や仕組み plan計画 と同じ仲間の単語

The plot was a little hard to follow. 物語の筋がちょっとわかりにくかった


Dialogue 対話 会話 dia A Bの間 logue話すこと ABの間が話すこと

I think the dialogue really shows the characters’ personality. 

会話に登場人物の性格がよく出ている、と思う characters 物語に出てくる登場人物


Imagery 描写や比喩的な表現で作者の文章の特徴について使う言葉

The imagery she uses in her stories is so creative.


Image 読者が心の中で思い描くもの imagery 作者が使う文章表現


Pace 作者の文体の速さ Pace 作家の語り口 

I loved the characters in the book but the pace was pretty slow.


slow pace 一場面の描写や説明をぎっしり詰め込んで語りテンポを落とした感じ

Fast 文章が短かったり、対話が入っていたりしてテンポ良く読み進められるイメージ


Roza Akino.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Today’s is a special day.

What’s that?

It’s my birthday!

Happy birthday, Chris.

Thank you, Roza. You’re the only one who remember it.

Lesson 151      I’ve decided to take a gap year.

It’s a book about Cambodia.

*about ~のまわり がイメージ Cambodia 周辺のいろいろなことが書いてある、その周辺についていろんな情報が書いてある本

You know, it’s good to experience our textbook. So, check it out!



もし皆さんが単語は知っているのに文を作るのは苦手なら、その理由は単語間の 相性の良さ を知らないから。でも、それを学ぶのは簡単です。そう、音読・暗唱です




Hmm hm.

You’ve been all over the world. So, have you ever been to Cambodia?

Yes. I was lucky enough to go to Siem Reap where the famous Angkor Wat is before. It became really, really popular on Commercial. So, it was a fantastic experience. I highly recommend it.


Chris. I’m so happy Ohnishi sensei is taking the both of us.

Yeah! Everything is on him, right?



Dream on!







Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Solo Living (6)

Nowadays, however, there's a lot more freedom to choose our own lifestyle. If someone doesn't wanna get married or hasn't found a right person yet, they don't have to worry about society looking down its nose at them, clucking its tongue and speculating about "What's wrong with them?"


Talk the Talk with Heather


Sugita: In the current vignette, Chuck Salmans noted that the singles market is growing all over the world. Here in Japan, this trend has led to a number of services aimed at single people.


Heather: What kind of services?


S: One example is karaoke rooms for singles. You can sing alone and experience the feeling of a professional making a studio recording. Its perfect for folks who are self-conscious about singing outside the shower, or who cant carry a tune in a bucket.


H: Thats a great idea. And you dont even have to be legally single to enjoy it. My husband actually likes to sing karaoke alone. Its a great stress reliever for him. He hasnt been going for a while due to the pandemic hes being extra cautious to protect our family but in the past hes often sung by himself at a neighborhood karaoke place for four or five hours at a stretch. What other types of singles services are flourishing?


S: Tables for one are the fastest-growing party size in the restaurant business, as groups of more than five or six people are frowned upon these days. You can go to almost any eating establishment whether its a yakiniku or ramen place, a company cafeteria or a high-end French restaurant and see plastic partitions for single diners. Im also seeing more restaurants and cafes with single seats by the window, so solo diners can enjoy a view with their meal.


H: That's nice. I think I've mentioned this before. But I've always enjoyed eating in restaurants alone. It's nice to feel pampered and have the time for myself. I like to open a book on my smartphone and enjoy the food and the text without the need to think about anybody else. We all need times when we can put ourselves into a cocoon and shut out the rest of the world.


S: There are different reasons for the increase in the number of singles. But I think an important factor behind this trend is the digital revolution. Social media and smartphones let people who might otherwise be considered loners stay connected with the world.


H: Definitely. Another factor is probably increased acceptance of being single. I'm sure a lot of people in generations past got married because that was what people were supposed to do or, because society deemed it was the right time in their life. Nowadays, however, there's a lot more freedom to choose our own lifestyle. If someone doesn't wanna get married or hasn't found a right person yet, they don't have to worry about society looking down its nose at them, clucking its tongue and speculating about "What's wrong with them?"


S: The vignette also talks about how people fill their time during self-isolation. What about you, Heather?


H: I have done some remote work and certainly curtailed a lot of my regular, free time activities. I've read books and watched movies on different streaming services. But more than myself, my chief concern has been helping my little girl get through all this. I've tried to find fun activities that we can do at home. Science experiments have been a big help. I got a book aimed at primary school students and checked some things online and we've done a bunch of fun experiments together.



That's all for today.

It's always great to see you. Bye.


Roza Akino.

Wow! Amazing introductions there. I’m left speechless. Chris McVay here. Review. Let’s get going.

Lesson 150

Listening challenge

Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Q: What will the man and woman do next week?

A  They’ll visit Lisa.

B  They’ll go to Osaka.

C  They’ll have Takoyaki together.

Here we go.

Okay. Here’s the question.

Q: What was the man’s reaction to the woman’s request?

A  He told her he couldn’t do it.

B  He told her he could do it.

C  He told her he needed to check his work schedule.

Listen up.

Q: What will the woman do?

A  She will help the man prepare his prepare his presentation.

B  She will go to the man’s office the following morning.

C  She will have dinner at an oyster bar with the man.

Listen carefully, everyone.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A  Only older people like the band.

B  The lead guitarist is leaving the band.

C  This is the band’s last concert.

Here we go.

Hey, Chris.

Hmm hm?

What year wedding anniversary is it for you?

Well, we’ve just celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary.

Wow! 44 years? That’s amazing! Celebrating anniversaries must be fun since you’re such a romantic.

Actually, we don’t celebrate our wedding anniversary so much because for us every day is an anniversary.






Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Solo Living (5)


Alvarez talks about the various things she did while staying at home.

And McMillan says he and his wife work for the local charity that helps elderly people.

McMillan adds that his wife developed cabin fever and spent a great deal of time on the phone or talking to people online.

Alvarez describes the lesson she learned while volunteering.



Fill one's time: Find some activity to do during a certain time, engage in activity over that time. We also say things like "fill one's weekend" you know "fill one's morning." I found some fun activities to fill our time during summer break. Or, let's say I'm on the late shift at work one day. I do a bunch of cleaning to fill my morning.


Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.





Charity: Alvarez says, "The best use I made of my free time was doing volunteer work with a local charity."


Care package:


Kudos to: Kudos[kjúːdɔs] or kudos[kúːdɑs] is originally a Greek word.

In English, we use it to mean "praise" you know, "acclaim" for an achievement. Things like, kudos[kúːdɑs] to everyone on the product launch. It went really well. Or, kudos[kjúːdɔs] to the government for extending the unemployment benefits.


Bed-Stuy (=Bedford-Stuyvesant):


Thing is: The key issue, point or problem in a certain situation is this. We often use this to present a contradicting or contrasting fact. And you can also put "the" in front of it. The thing is… That's fine too. So, you could say, "This is a terrific idea. But the thing is we don't have the budget. You know, We just cannot afford to do it."


The problem is… the question is…


Something of: This expression can mean a bit of something. Like, Carl's promotion was something of a surprise. So it was a bit of a surprise. There's also show some of the characteristics of. Ah, does things like a… So, if I say, "Jerry is something of a designer," then his work is like that of a designer. He does things that you would expect from a designer.


Social butterfly: A butterfly flits from flower to flower. So, a social butterfly

is an outgoing sociable person who likes to go to different events, who likes to be involved in events. Something like, she's always been a social butterfly: planning parties and picnics for everybody.


Have butterflies in one's stomach 胃の中で蝶々たちが飛び回ってる 

不安・緊張などでドキドキしている 落ち着かない


Cabin fever:


Social setting: Salmans says, "Having met your charming wife in various social settings, I can imagine how tough it was for her." A situation, an environment in which we're dealing with other people, we're interacting socially. Like, if we have to be in a social setting, we should wear a mask to protect the people around us. Or, children, as they're growing up, learn to behave in different social settings. So, how do you behave when you're at school? Or, how do you behave when you're at a wedding?


Swear: In this case "swear" means "I declare this is true." Or, "I say this with great conviction. Like, I swear she drank 6 diet sodas in 3 hours. Or, I swear I am never eating at this restaurant again.


Waking hours: The time when we're awake, when we're up and doing something. And this is often used with a bit of hyperbole. You know, obviously we don't spend all our waking hours doing one thing. But you might say, "During our last vacation, we spent all our waking hours at the beach." Or, last weekend, I spent all my waking hours cleaning the house.


Chat with:


At a critical time:


In a positive frame of mind:

A person's frame of mind is their mood, their mental or emotional attitude. Things like, an early morning jog always puts him in a healthy frame of mind.

Or, watching a funny movie puts me in an optimistic frame of mind.



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.


Roza Akino.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Roza, I have to tell you something.


Ah, I forgot. Let’s go.

Lesson 149    Ryan Day is leaving the band? What are they going to do without him?

Look at all the people here. I didn’t realize older people liked the Desperate Rats too.

*realize ボーッとしたイメージしか作ってないものが心の中でくきっとその形をとる イメージの単語→気づく わかる

No way. He’s irreplaceable! No way. まさか あり得ない

Luckily, our textbook is popular among all generations. Thank you, listeners.


The band is popular among people of different generations.

*among 雑多な集合体を表す前置詞 個々のものがごちゃごちゃっとある、その中で・間で というnuance

ここでinは使えない。 in~の中 は強くグループ内を意味するから


 It’s very awkward. I don’t know how to break the news to her. Any ideas? とても気まずいんです。彼女にどう打ち明けていいのかわかりません。何かアイデアはありますか?

So, what is the nuance of “awkward” ? awkwardnuanceは何でしょうか?

Well, I think the nuance is basically “not as expected.” So, therefore it’s something that’s difficult to deal with. そうですね。私が思うにnuanceは要するに「予測してない」 つまり、対処するのが難しいことですね

Yes. For example, you take a girl to the movies and on leaving the theater… oops! There’s your girlfriend. Ah, this is a rather awkward situation. そうですね。例えば女の子を映画に連れて行って映画館を出るとき、ああ。彼女がいる。これってかなりのどうしていいかわからない状況ですね

Roza, are you leaving the program? What are we gonna do without you?

Wait, wait, wait, wait. I’m not going anywhere.

Oh! What are we going to do with you?

C’mon! I know you guys love me.






Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Solo Living (4)

今、中学生の英語対策に、英検(2級)の過去問をtypeしているのだけど、自分のtyping speedに驚く。



Grace and Ueda give reasons why more people feel comfortable living alone including digital technology allowing loner-types to stay connected with the world.

Ueda says that while he was self-isolating during the pandemic he often felt bored during his downtime and lists a number of things he did to keep from getting depressed.



Fulfill one's basic needs:


Social safety net:


Live on one's own:


Loner: Ueda says, "The internet enables people who might otherwise be considered loners to stay connected with the wider world." A loner is someone who prefers to primarily act alone, be alone. You can also say "a lone wolf." Like, he always eats lunch alone. But that's okay with him. He's a lone wolf type.


Stay connected with:


Splendid isolation:




Go stir-crazy: Ueda says, "sometimes I thought I was going stir-crazy when I was self-isolating." This means "get upset" or "get restless" because we've been confined in one place for a long time. Now, I couldn't find this in my dictionaries. But I think "stir" refers to "prison" in this sense. That's the image. It's another word for "jail." Imagine it's been raining all weekend and your kids have had to stay inside the whole time. By Sunday night, they're going stir-crazy, 'cause everyone wanna get outside.


Self-isolate: Sadly, this has become a familiar term. Ueda means "when he was isolating himself, taking action to separate himself from other people." There's also the term "self-sensor" when we choose not to do or say something because it might offend others. Things like, he self-censors his political opinions at the office. He doesn't talk about politics because he doesn't wanna argue with his coworkers.


Shelter in place 外出せずに今いる建物・家の中で身を守る


Work remotely:


Downtime: 元々はコンピューターなどの機械類の作業停止時間・運転休止時間

Time when Ueda was not working, when he didn't have something to do. And, of course, this can happen within job hours as well, you know. I had some downtime in the afternoon. So I went to the bank and a convenience store. Ah, downtime can also refer to when a machine or computer is not working. Ah, system's staff might announce, for example, "Everybody! We're gonna have 30 minutes of downtime starting at 2 p.m. Ah, we have to do some maintenance."


Feel cut off and bored:




Beat the self-isolation blues: The blues, feeling depressed, down, sad. I used to get the back-to-school blues as a kid, feeling down because the fun of summer vacation was over. There are also the Monday blues, ah, you know,  getting back to work after the weekend. Or the post-vacation blues.


Meditate: In addition to a mental exercise, you know, meant to calm the mind or seek deeper spirituality. "Meditate" and "meditation" can mean "think carefully and calmly about something." Imagine, you are asked to participate in a project but you're already very busy. So, you say, "Ah, you know what. Let me meditate on this for a bit."


Stick to:


Catch up with: In this case, "catch up" is "get up to date on something," you know, "learn the latest things that have happened." So, Ueda and his friends, you know, told each other what's been going on in their lives since they last communicated. You could email a friend, ah, "Hey! I'd really like to catch up with you. Let's do a video call." Or, to use a slight variation, "After the pandemic has calmed down, we'll meet for lunch and catch up."


Binge-watch: Watch a lot of something, ah, all in one go, especially we binge-watch TV shows these days and movie series. You could say, I'm going to binge-watch Season 1 and 2 this weekend. So, I'm gonna watch all the episodes in 2 seasons of a show.


はい。Binge-watch やってまーす。 最近では 「トッケビ」


宮崎学園の英語教師だったOliverは、Netflix で、「愛の不時着」「キム秘書」「全裸監督」を見てる、って言ってた。それにしても凄い世の中だ。


Binge on 大量に食べる go on a binge 暴飲暴食をする



That's all for today.

Hope we see you next time. Bye.


Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino. Hmm. I’m a bit hungry. What should I eat? I know it won’t be shrimps since I am allergic.

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. Well, I hope our listeners are not allergic to our lessons because we’re gonna keep giving them. Let’s get started.

Lesson 148   I’ll be happy to help you write it.

Hey, guys! Our textbook will help you with your English. And don’t worry. You won’t be allergic.


I’m willing to give you another chance. But you must promise to change your attitude.

Hmm. Be willing to… This is often a bit misunderstood, right?

このbe willing to は少し誤解されることがよくありますね

Definitely much less happy. For example, Ohnishi sensei, I’m willing to lend you 500 yen. But I’m not happy about it. そうです。はるかに喜びが薄いです。例えば、大西先生、私は先生に500円貸すのにやぶさかではないですが、嬉しくはないのです

So, there’s an element of reluctance. Therefore there’s condition attached usually afterwards.



Roza. Thank you so much. Let me treat you to lunch at the NHK cafeteria. I’ll buy you a cup of the famous NHK miso soup.

What? No! I want sushi for lunch.

Dream on! Roza. There’s no way Ohnishi sensei will ever be that generous!




Hey, everyone. Roza Akino here. Chris, could you possibly do your opening now?

Sure. And actually, I wonder what’s on today’s agenda. So, let’s find out. Chris McVay here.

Lesson 147   I may have to take charge of a project at work. Can you wait until next Monday for my answer?

Well, when it comes to using our textbook on that. It’s easy to make a quick decision. Yes! I’ll use it.


So, what do you mean by “contingency plan” ? contingency planってどういう意味ですか?

Oh, basically, it means “backup plan.” 要するに “backup plan” ということですね

Hmm, hm.

Exactly! Just in case. まさしく まさかの時のためのプランですね

“Plan B,” we sometimes say, don’t we? Plan Bとも言いますよね


We should have a Plan B. Plan Bを持っておくべき

Yeah! That’s a good expression, isn’t it? そうですね。いい表現ですよね


Hey, Chris. I may have to go to our New York office.

Could you take charge of feeding my fish?

Oh, no. I’m scared of your fish. They might bite me.

Wait, wait! We have a New York office?

I was just practicing, you know.



20201113ボキャブライダー Hi! Hello. I’m Maxell Powers here.

Putの句動詞に注目  put 基本的イメージ 何かを動かしてどこかに位置させておく

put on 着る 身につける on 接触した状態に 接触した状態に位置させておく

I helped my son put on his tie. 息子がネクタイをつけるのを手伝った

体重が増えた Put on weight 重さを身につける、というイメージ

I put on a little weight this fall. 今年の秋体重が少し増えた

Put down  down下の方に 下の方に位置させておく

The test is over. Put your pencils down. 試験終了です。鉛筆を置いてください

I will put the baby down. 赤ちゃんを寝かせてくる

Put away  away離れた状態に 何かを離れた状態に位置させておく

Kids, you need to put away your toys if you want dessert.




Put together 何かを組み立てる 揃える まとめる

My mom and I put this puzzle together.



put our heads together 知恵を集める 一緒に考える

ボキャブライダー Hello. Hi, I’m Maxell Powers here. 郵便局


Post office 郵便局 post 郵便 office 事務所

I’m going to the post office to send a package to my grandparents.


郵便局は大体どの町にも1つはあるので the post office  definite article


Stamp 切手

I’d like ten \84 stamps, please.  84円切手を10枚ください

One \94 stamp 94円切手を1枚 Good!


Registered mail 書留郵便  register記録する 


If you’re mailing important documents, you should send them by registered mail. 大切な書類を送るなら書留郵便で送った方がいい *by ~で


Postage 送料 uncountable noun 複数形pluralにならない

How much is the postage for this package? この小包の送料はいくらですか?

the postage for ~の送料

ボキャブライダー Hello. Hi, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers here.

天気に纏わる単語をご紹介 yが後ろにつくと~に満ちた


Sunny   sun 太陽 Right! 太陽の光に満ちた→晴れ渡った

When the weather is sunny, I’d like to be outside.



Cloudy 曇った cloud 雲 +y 雲で一杯

Clothes take a long time to dry on cloudy days.



Partly 部分的に 天気予報でよく聞く「時々」

The news said it’s going to be partly cloudy today.



High 高い このhighは最高値→最高気温

What’s the high for today? 今日の最高気温は?


Unfortunately, young lady. It will be cloudy tomorrow. If you wish, I will make it partly sunny. But if I do, ah, the high will be 5 degrees.

Don’t be so mean! I was going to grant your wish. Some…some people are just so cruel.

ボキャブライダー Hi. Hi, everyone. I’m Maxell Powers here.


Soar 高く舞い上がる 上空を飛ぶ 鳥の飛び方から連想 何かが急上昇する 急増する

I watched a beautiful bird soar into the air.  


Temperatures are soaring. 温度が急上昇している

Migrate 移り住む 渡る

In the fall, some birds migrate to warmer places.


Workers are migrating to the city to find jobs.


Peck 啄む つつく

A pigeon was pecking at something on the ground.


My son pecked at his food silently. 息子が黙って食事をつついた 少しだけ食べた

Perch 鳥が何かにとまる 高い場所や狭いところに座る、というイメージ

The bird perched on a branch and started looking around.



Look, Hiyori. There’s a little bird perched on that branch. No idea. Oh, look! There’s a blue bird pecking at some nuts over there. No idea. Uhhh! A flock of birds soaring into the air! No idea!

ボキャブライダー Hi. Hello. Maxell Powers here. 映画館 Action!

Movie theater 映画館  movie 映画 theater 劇場

Let’s meet at the movie theater at 7.  7時に映画館で会おう

*cinema=movie theater  British English

Showing 映画を見せること 上映

I’d like two tickets for the 7:30 showing for Vocab Rider Adventures.

730分上映の「Vocab Rider Adventures」のticket2枚ください

The next showing 次の上映  the last showing 最終上映

Screen スクリーン 画面

This movie theater has 16 screens. この映画館には16のスクリーンがある

Big screen 大画面→ 映画 映画館

Small screen 映画館よりも小さな画面→ テレビ

She made the jump from the small screen to the big screen.


Jennifer Lawrence / Emma Stone / Steve McQueen / Brad Pitt / Michael J. Fox

Trailer  予告編  trail 後を追う

This is the trailer for my favorite actor’s new movie.


昔、予告は映画本編の後に上映していた 後からついてくるもの→trailer




This is Roza Akino.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. I love seafood. Anyway, let’s have a great time today.

Lesson 146  Risa and I are thinking of going out for takoyaki next Thursday. Would you be free to join us?

Would you be free to join us? *Are you free… ? Would you be free… ?

Hey, Chris. I’m thinking of going out to check the textbook. Would you be free to join me?

I’d love to.


So, what’s the difference between “think of” and “think about” ?

で、think of think about の違いは何でしょうか?

Well, I think “think of” is like a pop-up, you know, like, think of dinner… pyung!

そうですね。“think of” は突然起こる、っていう感じですね。夕食のことを考える、とか

Whereas, “about” … basic image is “looking around you.”


It’s much deeper than that. “I’m thinking of going out for takoyaki” is just one simple event.

より深いですね。たこ焼きを食べに行こうと思っている というのは単なるイベントに過ぎないです

So, “about” doesn’t really fit, you know. だから、aboutはそぐわないというわけです

*about 周りの 様々な角度からよく考える


Could you spare some time for me?


Can you spare some time for me? 時間があるかどうかを訊ねる定番の表現


Avengers Infinity War

Spare his life, and I’ll give you the stone. Doctor Strange


2020318日 Wednesday

I know you’re busy, but could you spare a couple of minutes to check this report?



So, could you explain “spare” ?


Sure, well, for me I think a good image is that of a spare tire, right?


A tire that you have as an extra but you don’t need.


So, spare minutes are extra minutes that you could use for that person.

だから、spare minutesは、その人のために使おうと思えば使える余分の数分間です

That’s right. So, it’s something that you have enough of that you can give to somebody else.


Exactly. その通りです



Hey, Chris.

Hmm. Hm.

I’m planning to go to the gym after this. Do you have time to come with me?

Uhm. why?

Ah, because I wanted you to meet my friend. He’s muscular and hairy.

I call him…








Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.




「アメリカの方ですか? Are you American? 」 と聞かれたので、

「まあね Sort of.」とこたえておいた。(^^ゞ。


Solo Living (3)


Salmans says one person households are expected to be one of the fastest-growing sections of U.S. society.

And Grace lists several reasons why more people are living alone.

Alvarez says urban millennials and aging consumers are fueling the trend.

And Salmans talks about the kind of products that single consumers want.



Fast-growing: Something growing quickly. Likewise, you could say, a fast-growing industry, a fast-growing business. "Fast-acting" means "something takes effect quickly" or "it takes action quickly. Like, I bought some fast-acting headache pills. Or, the fast-acting policeman quickly put out the fire. 


Segment: A part of something, a division among a larger whole. Market segments, for example. We often hear that term. Or, a large segment of the voters are unhappy about the tax increase.


Shift: A change in direction, attitude, emphasis. Such as, 10 years ago, the company made a big shift from industrial equipment to home appliances. And it can be a verb. The company shifted from industrial equipment to home appliances.


No kidding.

Ueda says this up at the top, "No kidding."


A multitude of: There are many reasons. There are a lot. For example, there are a multitude of things you can study at college. Or, this software is used by a multitude of companies. It's very reliable. "Multitude" can also mean "the masses, the populace." Like, to get elected, you have to win over the multitude.


Put off:






Track: Alvarez refers to researchers who've been tracking the growing number of single-person households. They've been following, monitoring what's happening. For example, this index tracks the performance of small and midsize businesses. Or, the GPS function lets him track his children's movements.


GPS=Global Positioning System


Urban millennials:


Aging consumer:


Relatively: Or, comparatively. That would work here too. More than others, Alvarez is saying. Or, fairly, somewhat. This brand is relatively affordable. Or, the weather has been comparatively good.


Well-off: Prosperous, affluent. This is a pretty well-off neighborhood. Or, he's very well-off due to his inheritance. We also have the expression "bad-off," which can mean "in financial difficulty." She's really bad-off due to her uncontrolled spending.


Well-off / better-off / best-off   comparative - superlative

↔ bad-off / badly-off British English  金銭の状態だけでなく健康状態についても


Urban area:


Cake and brownie mixes:


A slice of: When we're talking about food, a slice tends to mean "a piece cut from a larger block of food." If it's pizza or cake, it's often wedge-shaped. We also have a slice of cheese, ah, slices of meat and a sandwich. And, of course, "slice" is a verb too. She sliced up the cabbage.


a slice of life 人生の一断面 暮らしの一断面

This book portrays a slice of real life in modern Japan.



Deli(=delicatessen): Here's another abbreviation that has become the norm.  I almost never hear the longer original word ah, "delicatessen." That sounds, ah, very old-fashioned now. So, a deli sells cooked or prepared foods, you know, ready for eating. Supermarkets have deli sections. I used to love going to the deli section when I was a kid, get a salad, you know, picking all the ingredients was lots of fun.



That's all for today.

Hope you had fun. Bye.


Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino. Ready for another exciting review?

The question is, Roza, are you ready?

I’m always ready. Well, Chris McVay here. That means we’re all ready. Let’s do it!

Lesson 145  Review

Listening challenge

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Q: Where will the man to with the woman?

A  To an oyster bar.

B  To his office.

C  To his home town.

Here we go.

Okay. Here’s the question.

Q: What did the woman decide about going to the concert?

A  She will go.

B  She won’t go.

C  She’s not sure.

Listen up.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A  The woman had been looking for a new apartment.

B  The man found the woman a new apartment.

C  The man will help the woman to move.

Listen carefully.

Q: Who will hold the rakugo event?

A  The man’s friends.

B  The man’s students.

C  A professional comedian the man knows.

Here we go.


Say it in English


Friend: What happened?


I left my parasol in my car. I’ll be right back.

I’ll be back. TERMINATOR

Could you watch my bag, please?

とられないように見張っておいてね watch じーっと見る 監視する


Colleague: Hi, good morning.


Hi. By the way, I’m going on a business trip to Nagoya next week. I’m going to buy some delicious miso for my wife, who is a vegetarian.

You’re from there, right? Can you recommend any good miso ships?



Hmm. Hm.

Are you a vegetarian?

Well, I’m a flexitarian.

So, I told I’m a vegetarian. But when I eat out, I eat anything. So flexible. Flexitarian. So a new word.

How about you, Roza?

Hmm. I’ll eat anything except for shellfish.

Is that because you’re selfish?


It’s becoming colder in here. 空気が重たくなってきてます






Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Solo Living (2)


Salmans says the singles market is growing all over the world.

And he and Ueda talk about how many people are living alone in the U.S. and Japan.

Salmans says A&A is focusing a lot of marketing on the growing number of single-person households.

And Grace describes products being tailored to single-customers.


Pandemic: A pandemic of a certain disease occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population. It spreads further and affects more people than an epidemic. In regular times, we often use epidemic to mean the rapid spread or growth of something bad, like, theres been an epidemic of mistakes in our work lately. But nowadays we would probably avoid this usage.




Household: Salmans says, "That represents roughly 28% of the country's households." A household is the social unit of people who live together in one dwelling. And we also have the expression "head of the household." And this is the person designated on tax forms and other documents as the leader of the family, the head of the household. 世帯主


Comprise: To be made up of, like, "Our department comprises three different sections." Or, Japan comprises 47 prefectures. Now, sometimes you'll see sentences like, many households are comprised of three or four people. And language purists may say this is wrong that it should be many households are composed of three or four people. But according to my dictionary, ah, "comprised of" has been around since the late 18c.


Forward-looking: Salmans says, "Forward-looking companies like A&A are staying on top of this trend." They're looking forward, in other words. They're thinking about the future, they're planning for the future. Such as, forward-looking companies are planning to keep remote work in place. Or, forward-looking educators are using digital technology more.




Single-person household:


Emphasis on: Focus on, giving the most attention or priority to this. At Company X, for example, our emphasis is on innovation and creativity. Or, your presentation should put more emphasis on potential profits.


Place emphasis on / put emphasis on …


Family-focused: Attention, priority content is concentrated on the family. The government has complied a family-focused relief plan, for example. Or, this streaming service has a number of family-focused programs. And we use hyphen-focused after a lot of other things too. Work-focused, self-focused, profit-focused, and so on.


Product development and marketing:




Single-serving: In this case, "serving" means "a portion, a helping of a certain type of food." So, "single-serving" refers to a portion appropriate for one person. 

1人の人が1回に食べる分量 レストランの料理 一人前 食器によそってある一盛り




Stick with: Continue to do or use something, not change it. I might tell my daughter, "I know this lesson is hard. But stick with it. Don't give up!" Or, I'm going to stick with this tax accountant. She's expensive. But she's done a really good job for me.


Stick with 方針などを守り続ける

Stick with one job 1つの仕事を続ける 辞めない


Template: A "template" is a guide or pattern for something. Salmans is speaking metaphorically, you know, the social vision of a typical pattern. But it can also be something tangible. Like, you might give a new employee a paper and say, "Here, this is a template for writing your personal profile. Ah, it shows the kind of information you should include and in what order."


Template 一定の形式の文章 

Personal profile 




That's all for today.

See you next time. Bye.


This is Roza Akino.

Oh! Chris McVay here. Sorry I’m late again. But I had to take a phone call. Let’s get started.

Lesson 144   My old friends from college are planning to hold a rakugo event soon.

Actually, it’s more like “sit-down” comedy. The comedians sit on cushions as they perform.

*actually 相手の予想外の内容を持ち出す時に使われる 前置きの言葉

Sounds interesting. Can I come? 落語の場所を頭に置いてそこに近づくので Can I come?

Well, guys. I can assure you that it won’t be hard to understand the humor in our textbook except for Ohnishi sensei’s parts.


Grammar and vocabulary

It’s a form of comedy performed in front of an audience.

It might be hard to understand the humor, though.

*might  mayの控えめversion

*may ~かもしれない 50%程度の可能性

*might                30%程度

*though  ~ですがね と添えるこうした使い方もできる


Absorb the flow

My old friends from college are planning to hold a rakugo event soon.


I’m scheduled to make a speech in English next Friday. Can you help me?


So, “be scheduled” and “to” is a good combination, isn’t it?

“be scheduled” “to” はいいコンビですね

Yeah. The “to” is like an arrow pointing to what’s coming.


Absolutely. You know, we’re talking about the future. So as Roza said, “to” is pointing towards the future. Great combination. その通りです。未来のことを話しているのです。だからRozaさんの仰ったように、toは未来を指し示しているのです。すばらしくいいコンビです

I’ve arranged to meet the bank manager tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know how it goes.


現在完了形 現在その手はずが整っている と現在に焦点が当てられているから

I’m looking forward to going to the new shopping mall. Wanna join me?



Create the flow

I’m planning a surprise party for Gillian. Don’t say a word to her, okay?  Gillianのためのsurprise partyを計画しています。彼女には何も言わないでくださいね、いい?

I’m looking forward to going to Egypt. I’ve always dreamed of seeing the pyramids.



Ohnishi-sensei, I hate to tell you this, but you’ve got to lose some weight.

I couldn’t agree more. Look at you!






Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


お隣に住んでいる義父母 義父は寝たきりになりつつあり、義母はすごく心配症だ。




Solo Living (1)


Ueda asks everyone if theyre aware that November 11th is Singles Day in China.

And Alvarez says its the biggest shopping day in the world.

Ueda describes how it began as a promotional tool in the 1990s and developed into a social phenomenon.

He cites the enormous sales are achieved last year.

And Alvarez says electronics and fashion items sold best.



Solo living: Living on one's own, living by oneself. We also say "fly solo" and "go solo," which mean "do something alone, ah, go it alone." Things like, she decided to go solo. She left her company and opened her own design firm. Or, going to college helped me learn to fly solo, to be able to live independently like an adult.


Solo traveler  1人旅の人 solo diner 1人で食事をする人


Singles' Day: Alvarez says, "Singles' Day is the biggest shopping day on earth."




Black Friday:


Cyber Monday:


Be scaled back: Be reduced in scale: volume, quantity. That kind of thing. You might say, "The advertising campaign has been scaled back. It was getting too expensive." Or, to use the active form, "I scaled back my renovation plans. I'm not going do the whole house."


Promotional ploy: A "ploy" is basically a tactic based on deception, done to manipulate other people or trick them into doing what we want or gaining an  advantage. Now, obviously there are all levels of ploy and deception. This is not criminal. Or, this is a tactic. This is a promotional strategy. But remember the ore-ore, you know, the it's me-it's me scams.  Those are a ploy to get people to send money to fraudsters.


Retailer: A retailer is a business, a store that sells directly to individual customers as opposed to a wholesaler who will sell to businesses. A wholesaler will sell large quantities at lower prices to a business.


Brick and mortar retailer 従来型の小売店


Online shop   online retailer / e-tailer (e-retailer)


Aim at:


Social phenomenon: An event, a trend that effects society as a whole, you know, that spreads throughout society. Such as, this app has become a social phenomenon. Every teenager in America is using it.


Be caught up in: Get entangled in something, ah, preoccupied with it. Like, we were carried along by a whirlwind. Everyone's caught up in the excitement about our new product, for example. Or, I got caught up in the movie and lost track of time.


Frenzy: "Frenzy" can mean "a mania, a craze." Ah, also a state of violent agitation. We often say "a frenzy of something," meaning "something done very energetically, ah, in great amounts." Like, the latest economic data set off a frenzy of trading on the stock market. Or, I went into a frenzy of cleaning at my house this weekend. I threw out lots of old stuff.


Staggering: Ueda says, "The numbers are staggering."




Rack up: Accumulate a lot of something. I'd say it's most often used about  numbers. Things like, I've racked up a lot of reward points. I think I'll use them today. Or, Company X racked up 30 million dollars in sales last year.


Blimey: This is a British expression. Americans certainly know what it means but we wouldn't use it ourselves. It means "My goodness!, Wow!" That sort of thing.

Bloody Hell.




Top the list:



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.


Hey, guys. Chris McVay here. I have big news.

What’s that, Chris?

Today is Wednesday.

That’s not big news.

Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino.

Well, since it’s Wednesday, we’d better get started.

Lesson 143   I’m moving next week.

That will save you a lot of hassle.

*hassle 面倒なこと 手間 *save 救う あなたを面倒なことから救う

I have big news. I’ve finally found a textbook I like. It’s the Radio Eikaiwa textbook.


Grammar and vocabulary

You finally found a place you like, huh?

,huh? 文に付加疑問文と同等の軽い念押し・疑問の意味を添える「ちょこっと疑問」

That’s very kind of you.

*of は最も意味の軽い前置詞 前の語句をofの後ろの名詞で説明する


Absorb the flow

I’m moving next week. 私は来週引っ越します

I’m moving next weekend. Let’s have a house-warming party.


I’m flying to Bangkok tomorrow. Can you give me a ride to the airport?


未来は現在形でも表すことができる 現在形は現在の事実を述べる形


The train leaves in five minutes. We’d better hurry.


The Picasso exhibition ends on Saturday. Shall we go?



Create the flow

I’m baking some scones. Why don’t you come over for afternoon tea?

スコーンをいくらか焼くんです。Afternoon teaにいらっしゃいませんか?

I finish work at 1:30 p.m. Let’s meet at the coffee shop around 1:45.



“In” is also possible, right?  (Let’s meet in the coffee shop around 1:45.)


It is possible. But for me, meeting at the coffee shop is what I would go to. Like I imagine two people meeting outside the coffee shop and going in together.


Right. Whereas if you use “in”, which I think is perfectly acceptable, it highlights the fact that you are actually inside seated, inside the coffee shop. And maybe you’re already having a coffee while you wait for your friend, like Roza who is always late. そうですね。一方、inを使うと、それでも全然大丈夫だと思うのですが、喫茶店の中にいて座っている事実が強調されます。多分もうすでにコーヒーを飲んでいて、お友だちを待っている。例えばいつも遅れてくるRozaさんみたいな人を



You know, Chris. I was just thinking. You make the best scones[skohns].

Sorry, I make the best what?

Scones[skohns]. You know, the pastries you showed me a photo of.

Oh! You mean scones[skons]!




