




Kellie Holway さんの名前 とMassachusettsの綴りを調べるのに手間取っちまった。


Massachusetts うーん、一生綴れない単語リスト入り。はは。(^_^;


And I'm Kellie Holway.


Welcome to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate effectively in business.


Hello, everyone. I'm Kellie Holway. I'm from Massachusetts in the United States.

And I teach English in Japan. I'm a big fan of Japanese films.

And I also direct and produce my own films. I'm really excited to be a part of this show.



Lesson 1


Now, let's listen to today's business scene.


Kate Watson.


Hello, Mrs. Watson. This is Naoya Kitano from Yoyogi Foods.





Your name was given to me by Dennis Craig at Austin Trading.

Hello, Mr. Kitano. I've been expecting your call.

Dennis told me that you produce quality products.


Quality products?


Pardon? Sorry?  とただ聞き返すよりも、相手はどこが聞き取れなかったかがわかりますから、



I mean high quality food. We're always keen to add variety to our product range.

*"Keen to" means to be interested in doing or trying something.

*For example, I would really like to learn to scuba dive when I travel, so I could say, "I'm keen to learn scuba diving next time I go to Thailand."

*SCUBA self-contained underwater breathing apparatusこの略もすぐに忘れちまうな。

*add variety to


We're confident of our product quality. And I hope we're competitive in price, too.



Business phrase of the day


Your name was given to me by Dennis Craig.


Dennis Craig gave me your name.


I was referred to you by Dennis Craig.



Upgrade your communication skills


Aim 目標

Our aim is to provide quality customer service.


Variety 変化 多様性

Sometimes working from home adds variety to a job.

*add variety 多様性を足す→変化をもたらす


Okay. Here we go.


Kate Watson.  


Hello, Mrs. Watson. This is Naoya Kitano from Yoyogi Foods. 

Your name was given to me by Dennis Craig at Austin Trading.


Hello, Mr. Kitano. I've been expecting your call. Dennis told me that you produce quality products.


Quality products?


I mean high quality food. We're always keen to add variety to our product range.


We're confident of our product quality. And I hope we are competitive in price, too.



Tips for business communication



Sorry for the unsolicited call.


unsolicited 求められていない 頼まれていない つまり、突然の



I found your name on your website.


Homepage あくまでも最初に表示されるページ トップページ



I hope you enjoyed today's lesson.


まんがで読む 徒然草 … ほんとうに現代にも通じる話。国会議員をはじめとする政治屋たちは共感しないだろうが…。


P9-10 どれだけ権力や財産を得て、派手に暮らしたとしても そんな時間は長く続きません。人には必ず死がやって来ます




それに死ぬときは…… 人は必ず一人ですから





P32 人生には限りがあります


P72-73 限りある人生なのに……、人は流されて生きがちです。 生きている、その一瞬ごとに なまけず、油断せず、やるべきことを 直ちに実行する それはとても 難しいことですが-人は、それを 目指して生きるべきでしょう


P75 財産を持つということは、ぬすまれることを心配して気持ちが重くなったり、柵を立てたり見張りをしたりしなくてはなりません。それは、いろいろとしばられた生活ともいえます。




P97 天下の名人も初めはみんな下手だと言われたものです。




Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Active Aging (6)



Sugita: This vignette starts with a discussion of the FIRE or Financial Independence Retire Early movement.

Lyons says that he probably won't ever fully retire. Which is something you've said yourself in our previous talk, isn't it, Heather?


Heather: It is. Like Lyons, I really enjoy my work, ah, especially translation, which I think, will be just the right kind of mental exercise to keep me sharp as I get older.

And it doesn't require a lot of physical strength. Ah, if I have a computer and an Internet connection, I'll be good to go even in my autumn years.


S: You know, the phrase "active aging" is the first entry in the Dictionary of the Future by Faith Popcorn, and it's much an important concept for the present day, too. The book says this concept "includes elements of preventive and alternative medicine, volunteerism and mentoring, entrepreneurship and consulting." I guess I'm involved in all these activities, with the possible exception of entrepreneurship. As we get older, I think it's important to have a sense of purpose or "a reason to get up in the morning," as Steve Lyons puts it.


H: Absolutely. I also want to do more volunteer work when I'm older. I'd like to do more now, actually, but with work and an almost 7-year-old daughter, I just don't have the time. Ah, but somewhere down the line, I hope I can help out with education-related activities, and perhaps animal welfare.

It's good to be reminded of preventive medicine. Ah, we assume when we're young or youngish, that, ah, good health and strength will last forever. But all know they won't. My efforts have waxed and waned over the years. But I am now once again making a conscious effort to walk more and take the stairs to eat more vegetables and cut down on the snacking. Ah, maybe this time, fear will keep me committed. The big 5 Oh is just around the bend. The clock is ticking, Heather. But seriously I do want to remain as active as I can both for my family's sake and my own. And being physically healthy helps us feel mentally strong as well. Ah, there was a time in younger days when I did a lot of swimming and weight lifting. And I loved how confident my muscles made me feel.


S: The current vignette also talked about different labels for older, elder, mature, seasoned, aging and graying people. What do you think are the best names for such people, and which ones should we avoid?


H: I saw a funny cartoon the other day. It showed a dinosaur saying, "I'm not old. I'm classic." There you go, I thought, that's what I'll start calling myself, especially when I pass 60 - just 12 more years to go - I'm classic. I like the term vintage, and seasoned, too. And don't forget "silver fox." Dinosaur is definitely out I don't like anything that belittles the experience and wisdom that older people often bring to the table. You know what a movie fan I am - well, one thing I really dislike is when films use older people just as stupid comic relief or small-minded villains.

You know, of course, just being classic doesn't guarantee that someone is a wonderful person. But I really want films and TV to be more balanced in that regard to remind viewers that people are not shoes or sweaters. They shouldn't be discarded or ignored just because they've accumulated some outward wear and tear.




Okay. Here we go.


That's all for today


Always great to see you. Bye.

20190927 ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 秘密 secret

Hide 隠す hide a book 本を隠す 物を隠すとき 情報を隠す 秘密にする

Are you hiding something from me? 私に何か隠している?


In private 内密に 非公式に 内緒の話がしたいの という時に

Can we talk in private? こっそり話せますか Okay!

Can we talk in private? - Sure.


Rumor 噂 噂話

I heard the rumor about you. Is it true?



Spread 広める

Who spread the rumor? 誰がその噂を広めたの?

You spread the rumor!

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 授業で使う単語

Translate 翻訳する 訳す

Translate Japanese into English 日本語を英語に訳す

Translate the sentence on the third line from the top.



Indicate 指し示す 指摘する

What is indicated in the first paragraph? 最初の段落では何が示されていますか?


Exchange 交換する 取り替える  両替する

Exchange your sheet with your neighbor. 隣の席の人と用紙を交換してください


Paraphrase 言い換える 同じ内容を通じるように言い直す感じ

I can’t understand what you said. Could you paraphrase that?


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 時を表す表現

Once 一度 once a day 一日に一度 かつては 昔は

This town was once a quiet residential area.

この町はかつては静かな住宅街でした *residential area 住宅街


Previously 以前には 前もって どちらも何かより前にというイメージ

previous 以前の

Previously announced 前もって発表された

The previously announce meeting has been canceled.



Meanwhile その間に それまでは

We’ll fix the hole in the floor tonight.  Meanwhile you have to be careful.



Eventually 遂に 結局は

I worked so hard for a long time and eventually burned out.


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 計算に関する単語

Fraction  断片 破片→数学の分数

How would you express 25 percent as a fraction?


One-fourth 四分の一 Two-thirds 三分の二 Four-sevenths 七分の四


Decimal 小数

Convert a fraction to a decimal. 分数を小数に変換してください

Convert one-fourth to a decimal?  Zero point two five.

四分の一は小数では?     0.25


Proportion 割合 比率

The proportion of international students is 20 percent.留学生の割合は20%です


Ratio 比 比率 純粋に2つのものの量の比を表すときに使います

There are 100 women and 50 men. So the ratio is 2 to 1.


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 博物館

Collection collect集める noun 収集品 集めること 集めたもの 収蔵品 収集品

This museum has a large collection of art from the Edo Period.



Masterpiece 傑作 名作

This museum displays many of Hokusai’s masterpieces.

この博物館は北斎の傑作を数多く展示している *display 展示する


Preserve 保存する 保護する

It’s important to preserve cultural heritage.

文化遺産を保護することは大切です *cultural heritage 文化遺産


Donation 寄付

You can make a donation with your credit card.

*credit cardによる寄付ができます make a donation = donate 寄付をする


Max, it was a great collection.

Yeah. They have many masterpieces of Ukiyo-e.

To preserve them, they must need a lot of money.

Okay, we should make a donation.



Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Let’s have another great review.

Ah, you guys. You render me speechless. Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Let’s review.

Lesson 120 Review

Listening challenge

All right, everyone. Here’s the question.

Question:  What did the woman want to know?

A  Where the London Theatre was  B  Where the ground floor was

Or C  Where the balcony section was

Here we go.

Okay, here’s the question.

Question: Who pays the bill in the end?

A  The woman   B  Mr. Wu  Or C  Both of them

Listen up!

Question: What is new in Keith’s life?

A  He has created his own company.  B  He has met Marilyn.

Or C  He has no support from his wife.

Here we go.

Q: Why will Tsubasa take a test?

A  Because he wants to graduate.  B  Because his uncle asked him to take it.

or C  Because he needs it for his job.

Listen carefully.


Practical challenge

とにかくwellでも何でもいいから文を言い始めてしまう 言い始めてしまって最後まで頑張ってみる!

Hey, everyone. I know we went over a lot this week. 今週、たくさんのことを学びましたね

But just remember to relax and make whatever sentences come to you naturally.


Just have fun with it. そして、それと共に楽しんでください

I agree with that advice, Rosa. その助言に賛成です Rosaさん

Relax is important and especially because you know the Practical Challenge is not a ○ × test. 気を楽にすることが大切です。特に、いいですか-Practical Challengeは○×テストではないからです

So, you can relax and just enjoy the experience. だから、リラックスしていいんですよ。そしてその(英語で話すという)経験をただただ、楽しんでください


I want that!


If you insist on having that frog, go ahead. *insist on ~を強く主張する

*go ahead 前に行く→事を進める

But you should remember that frogs require a lot of care and attention.

*frogs require カエルは何々を必要としている

And I’ll never allow you to abandon it because that can be harmful to the ecosystem. Got it?

*allow you to abandon youabandonに進むことを許す

*Got it? わかった?


Okay, okay. If you insist on getting a guinea pig, I won’t stop you.

*Hey, Chris. Could you tell us the size of a guinea pig?

Sure. A fully-grown guinea pig measures about 30 cm.

Wow! It’s big, isn’t it?

Well, not that big, is it?

But, big for a rodent.

But I’m telling you now that keeping a guinea pig requires a lot of dedication and effort.

*keeping a guinea pig を主語として それがrequireするという形

And there’s no way I’ll allow you to abandon it because that can threaten the ecosystem. Undersood?

*there’s no way ~することはできない あり得ない


Hey, Rosa. I’m just wondering. How about your cats? Do they require a lot of care and attention?

Oh, yes. They definitely require a lot of TLC. They need bugs every few weeks. And they also need plenty of play time. And of course I have to do their toilet and take care of them every single day. But it’s all worth it because they sleep with me every night.




Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Chris, I demand that you give me a compliment right now.

No chance, Rosa. Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. Luckily you’re not required to take an international English test to follow this program.

So, just relax and enjoy.

Lesson 119 His job requires that he take an international English test.

Hi, Gene. Guess who I bumped into at the bookstore yesterday.

*bump ぶつかる *into 衝撃を表す めりこむ感じ *bump into ばったり会う

Your long-lost uncle? 長いこと音信不通になっている君のおじさんかい?

Ha ha! No. It was Tsubasa. He was there with a lot of books in his hands.

*with 同時に何が起こっていたのか 付帯状況のwith

Yes, I bought Professor Peacock’s latest book. I’m looking forward to reading it.

*look forward to… ing ~を楽しみにしている 名詞(動名詞)

Hey, Chris. I have all the textbooks from this year in my hands.

Huh? Including the latest?

Of course.

Good for you.


Check your grammar


Guess who I bumped into at the bookstore yesterday.


*Guess what! 何だと思う?

What kind of books was he buying? 彼はどんな本を買おうとしていたの?

What kind of books… 大きなwh


Build up your vocabulary


His job requires that he take an international English test.


*require 要求する このイメージの中心にはneedがあります



Learning a foreign language requires long-term motivation.


My vintage car requires a lot of TLC.


So, by the way, what’s TLC?

TLC is tender loving care. 優しいお世話


So, “require” is a quite objective word, isn’t it?


Am I required to answer that question? その質問に答える必要がありますか?

Yes, you are. ありますよ

It’s definitely a very objective word with pretty much no emotion to it.


Wouldn’t you agree? そうではないですか?

Yeah. I find it a very factual cold word. そうです。とても事実に即した冷めた語です


*demand  requireとは大きく違う 感情の高揚が感じられる単語

Exactly, in fact, you know I was thinking if you ask me for an image, I was going to say, “thump the table just to show the power.”

まさしくそうですね。実際、私は考えていましたよ。もしイメージを訊かれたら、力を示すためにテーブルを叩く って言うところでしたよ


The woman demanded that she be reimbursed.


*demanding boss あれやれ これやれ 必ずやれ と厳しいボス

*demanding job きつい仕事

*supply and demand 需要と供給 demand 足りないから欲しい


Express yourself in English

The old house requires a new roof. その古い家には新しい屋根が必要だ


I demand an explanation right now. すぐに説明してくれ

語気の強さはdemandにぴったり right now 今すぐに

So, can we use “require” in this sentence?

I don’t think “require” fits well here, you know.

This is a real buff strong strong demand. “Demand” is definitely the appropriate verb to use.

Don’t you agree, Rosa?

I would have to agree with Chris.


The school requires that all students should wear a uniform.


*requireに伴う従属節には動詞原形と同様にshould + verbも使うことができます


Ooops! Is a jacket and tie required here?

Sensei, don’t worry. You are so good looking that you don’t need a jacket or tie.

Oh, thank you very much. It’s great to be good looking, right?

Ah… Rosa’s only joking.




Chris. I insist you go first today.

Okay. Well. Hi, everyone. My name is Chris McVay. Today, we have a very challenging program. But I’m sure you relish challenges, right?

Hey, everyone. Rosa Akino here. Let’s assert ourselves today.

Can’t complain. 順調だよ Actually, I’ve just started my own real estate company.

Actually 相手がちょっと驚くような 相手の予想と少し異なったようなことを 実はですね、と話題に持ち込むフレーズ

Yes, it’s not easy, but I relish such a challenge. *relish 口に食べ物を含んでその味を楽しむ

Absolutely. 100%を意味する単語 非常に強い強調が置かれた単語

*Well, we don’t insist that you use our textbook. But we highly recommend it.



Check your grammar

How have you been? 元気だったかい?


現在完了形のイメージは、現在に迫ってくる この文で話し手の視線は、前回会った時から現在に向かっており、その間の様子を訊ねているんです

Was it tough to persuade your wife? 奥さんを説得するのは大変だった?

*itは指す単語ではなく 受ける単語です

この形は、頭に浮かんだ状況をまずitで受け、とにかくWas it toughで文を始めてしまいます。それだけでは何が大変なのかわからないので、急いで *to persuade your wifeと説明を加えていきます




Build up your vocabulary


I insisted that it was the right thing to do.


*insist のイメージは ここからでないよ 上に立って動かない 自分の考えは変えないよ といった頑固な強い主張

*So, in Japanese, we use クレーム in the sense of complain.


But English “claim” is a bit different, isn’t it? でも英語のclaimは少し違いますよね

It’s quite different actually. 実際のところ、かなり違いますね

Absolutely! そうですよ

*claimのイメージは 叫ぶ 私は正しい・私には手に入れる権利がある

She claimed that she was innocent. 彼女は自分が無実だと主張した

You should be able to claim expenses for entertaining your foreign clients.


*claim 経費は 当然手に入れる権利rightがあるから

Passengers on flight 203 from Istanbul may claim their baggage at carousel No.4.


預けていた荷物の返却ですから、当然 権利right がありclaimが使われる

The leadership camp taught me to assert myself more.


*So, this word doesn’t have a negative image, right?


Not at all. It means, you know, have the confidence to really express yourself, express your own opinion. 全くないです。意味は、そうですね…自分自身を表現する、自分自身の意見を表明する です

That’s right. So, it’s not really connected to words like “aggressive” or “stubborn” which are negative. その通りです。*aggressive 攻撃的であるとかstubborn 頑固な みたいな否定的な語とは繋がりはないですね


Express yourself in English


She insisted on going Dutch. 彼女は割り勘にしようと言い張った

The woman claimed that she had been robbed.


*had been robbed : past perfect  


It’s encouraging to see so many women asserting their rights.


*it’s encouraging それは勇気づけられる 励ましになる と文を始めてしまう



You know, I’m thinking of going for lunch after this.

Hmm. Good idea. Ah, Rosa. Maybe we could join Ohnishi sensei, huh?

Yeah! As long as it’s on you, sensei.

No. I insist on going Dutch!

Well, ah…

We’ll see you next time then.

Have a nice lunch. Enjoy! Bye.




Hello, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rosa Akino. And today we will have a lovely lesson.

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. As usual, it’s my pleasure to accompany you on this journey of English. Let’s get started.

Lesson 117 Allow me to get this.

It’s good to be back in Hong Kong. The dim sum is amazing, as always.

This restaurant is famous for its wide selection.

We don’t have so many different kinds in my country. Oh, here’s the check.

Allow me to get this.

Oh, no, Mr. Wu, I have a daily budget for this business trip.

Please. It’s my pleasure. Now, let’s go back to the conference hall.

Well, thanks a lot. Next time is on me. 次は、私が払いますから


Check your grammar

Let’s go back to the conference hall. 会議場に戻りましょう


Net time is on me. 次は、私が払いますから

*on me 私が払います/おごりです

*onの基本イメージは 上に乗っている



Build up your vocabulary


Allow me to get this. これは私に払わせてください

*allow 受け入れる・許容するイメージ

*to infinitiveを使った目的語説明型

We don’t allow smoking here. ここは喫煙禁止です 他動型 ~を許す

My mother allows me \3,000 a month. 母は私に月3,000円くれている 授与型

*allowance 手当・お小遣い

The facts allow no other explanation. この事実に対して他の説明はありえない

This machine allows us to make drinking water from air.


So, these are quite sophisticated sentences, right? かなり洗練された文ですよね

Yes. I think so too. We could replace them with a much simpler version, for example, “The facts have no other explanation.” もっと簡単なものに言い換えられますよ

Or, you could say, “There is no other explanation.” それとか こんな風にも言えますよ

*permit 公共機関での使用にぴったり

You are not permitted to enter this government building.


*permit 許可証


Express yourself in English


In my class, I don’t allow students to speak Japanese.


*to infinitiveを使った目的語説明型 →矢印のnuance

*studentsspeak Japaneseをする そちらの方向に向かうことを許さない

So, Chris. Is this a real story?

Well, I think most teachers of English try to stop the students speaking in their own language because it’s beneficial to speak in English.

But I have one class, a high level, top level English class where they do spend 90 minutes without speaking Japanese. So, I’m really happy with that.


Students are not permitted to eat in the library.


*to infinitiveを使った目的語説明型 permit students to…に対応する受動態の文

The law does not permit the sale of alcohol to minors.


*the lawを主語にすれば受動態をわざわざ作る必要はない


So, what’s the antonym of “minor” ?

Well, it’s not major. It’s adult.

Yeah. That’s right.


By the way, Ohnishi sensei. What was your monthly allowance when you were a student?

Hmm. I got \3,000 a month when I was a high school student.

Huh! And what is your monthly allowance now?

Not much different.

Poor sensei.

Yeah. I pity him.



Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. I hope you enjoy today’s lesson.

Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. And as usual, Rosa’s stolen my line. But anyway, I’ll change it slightly and say, I hope you enjoy the show. Let’s get started.

Lesson 116  Let me ask you a quick question. 「許す」系の動詞 中心となるのはlet

Welcome to the London Theatre. I hope you enjoy the show!

London Theatreにようこそ。ぜひこの劇を楽しんでほしいです

Thank you. This is my first time here, so let me ask you a quick question.


*my first time myは省略不可 This is the first time for me. okay!

Of course. ええ、どうぞ

Where is the balcony section in this theater?


It’s on the first floor. 1preposition:  on


Oh, aren’t we on the first floor? I can’t find it.

あら、私たちは1階にいるんじゃないの? 見つからないわ

This is the ground floor. The first floor is right above us.

ここはground floorですよ。1階は僕たちのすぐ上にあるんです

*right above rightはすぐというnuanceaboveに加えている

I see. American English and British English are different.


In some cases, yes. 場合によってはそうですね

*balcony section: 劇場・映画館の 2階席

*the first floor: 英国 2階 米国 1

*the ground floor: 英国 1

Hey, guys. You’ll find both American English and British English in our textbook.

Check it out!


Check your grammar

I hope you enjoy the show!

× I want you enjoy the show.


*hopeある状況を思い浮かべて こんなことになったらいいなぁ と願うことのできるhope

*wantの 欲する は、人やモノに欲望が向かう非常に生々しい単語


I want you to enjoy the show.




Build up your vocabulary


Let me ask you a quick question. ひとつ簡単な質問をさせて

*letは許すの中心verb *letが得意とする文の型は目的語説明型

…が~するのを許す ~させる


*me ask you a quick questionするのを許す


このverb let allowのようなクッキリとした強い ゆるす ではありません

Just let me check my email. ちょっとmailcheckさせてください

Open the door! Let me in! ドアを開けて! 中に入れてよ!

Let me know when you’ve finished. 終わったら教えてね

So, what’s the nuance of “let me know” especially the difference between “let me know” and ”tell me” ?

*let me knowのニュアンスは何ですか? 特にlet me knowtell meの違いは?

For me, ah, “tell me” is quite direct, a bit too strong, you know.

私には、tell me はかなり直接的ですね。少し強すぎるというか…

So, “let me know” is much more friendly. だから、let me knowははるかに友好的です

And it’s like, I want to belong to this group, you know. 

まぁこんな感じです このグループに所属したいみたいな

So, I want to share the information. で、情報を共有したいみたいな

That’s right. It’s definitely a much softer expression.



*let ある状況が展開するのを 許す


*Harry let the cat out of the bag, so now everyone knows about our engagement!


*let the cat out of the bag うっかり秘密を漏らす



Express yourself in English


I won’t let my daughter marry such a guy. 僕は娘をそんなヤツとは結婚させはしない

*So, this “won’t” is definite “no”, isn’t it?

Yes. It’s definitely a very strong “no.”

*marry 直接目的語を伴った他動型で使います

× marry with such a guy


So, this “such a guy” contains negative nuance, right?

It definitely becomes a very negative expression, especially when it’s combined with a strong negative like, “won’t.”

That’s right. It comes out like, I won’t let my daughter marry a guy like that.

But of course, “such a” can be used in a positive way as well.

Wow! I’ve never tasted such a delicious pie. Something like that, right?


Let the dogs alone. They may bite you. その犬は放っておけよ。噛むかもしれないよ

Let me know where the meeting point is, okay? 待ち合わせ場所を教えてね、いい?

*where the meeting point is どこが待ち合わせ地点なのか→待ち合わせ場所


Hmm. I think trying not to let it show. But… I’m hungry.

Don’t worry. Your stomach let us know already.

That’s right. The stomach noises betray you.





Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Active Aging (5)


McMillan expresses gratitude for his friends and family.

And Grace warns against highly stressful time intensive work for older people.

Ueda mentions a name that hes heard for baby-boomers approaching retirement.

And McMillan suggests another possible expression.

Lyons says everyone should continue growing mentally, spiritually and emotionally as they get old.



Worth mentioning: Grace says, "Another point worth mentioning is that it matters what kind of work you do."

This is very much like, worth noting, you know, they both mean that something deserves attention. It's important, influential, etc.

Ah, such as, it's worth mentioning this computer has a long battery life.

Ah, that's very useful when you're working outside the home.


Keep working past the usual retirement age: Just wanted to do a note on spelling here. 

Ah, this is something again that native speakers too often mess up.

Here we use the word "past" P-A-S-T. And that's a preposition. And it means beyond something. Like, beyond in time. You know, I stayed up past midnight. Or, in location, he didn't see the store at first. He walked right past it.

PASSED is a verb. One of its meanings is went beyond something. So, I passed(P-A-S-S-E-D) several parks on my way to the restaurant.


Unrealistic: Not realistic. Ah, separated from reality.

Such as, the sales quotas are unrealistic. There is no way we can sell this much.

Or, women often face unrealistic beauty standards. You know, they're compared with professional models who are often airbrushed, you know, and edited in the magazines.


Happy medium between:


Come across:


Perennial: A perennial, ah, can refer to a plant that lasts more than two growing seasons.

Which is, I think, obviously the image here. There's also the metaphorical meaning of lasting an indefinitely long time, ah, enduring. And in that case, it's an adjective. Like, this baseball player is a perennial favorite among the fans. People always enjoy watching him play. Or, this product is a perennial favorite among our customers.


一年草 Annual plant / yearly plant


Go for: Lyons says, "Some people might not go for that term, but I like it."

Lyons uses "go for" in the sense of like, ah, prefer.

I go for history books and biographies, for example, in my personal reading preferences.

"Go for" can also mean "choose." Ah, like, I think I'll go for a salad today. Ah, I need to eat more vegetables.


Despite the passing years: Notwithstanding, in spite of getting older.

Ah, likewise, you can say, despite the company's offer of a raise, she decided to quit.

Or, Team X won despite being two goals down at the half.


As in: McMillan is giving an example of what he said. You know, he is saying, "This is the kind of thing I'm talking about."

"As in" can also mean this is what I'm saying.

Such as, she said she wanted to explore other horizons as in she's quitting.


As in she's quitting


A as in America    spoken alphabet

B as in Brazil

C as in China

P as in psychology. Sorry. Bad joke. lol


Preferable to:


"Elderly" or "senior citizen":


Be called old or perceived as old: If we are perceived, ah, we're seen a certain way.

People have this opinion about us. They interpret us this way or something. This way.

Ah, like, she's sometimes perceived as shy but she just doesn’t like to talk a lot.


Mentally, spiritually and emotionally:


Old adage: old saying 昔からある格言


Blossom: Lyons says, "Perennials that keep on blossoming and growing despite the passing years."

In addition to a flower opening up, ah, "blossom" can mean "develop", "flourish."

Ah, it is often used about young people coming into their potential.

Things like, she's really blossomed since she started playing soccer.

You know, she seems much more confident and independent now.



That's all for today.

See you next time. Bye.



Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Active Aging (4)


McMillan says employment opportunities are increasing for older people.

And Lyons recommends staying connected with the wide community when one reaches the standard retirement age.

Ueda says people with solid long-time friendships have more empathy for others and are more trusting and cooperative.



Get behind: Give someone or something a support as if we move to stand behind them. And we also say, "be behind." For example, I'm behind you on the work flow reforms. Our current system is highly inefficient. And we need to change it.


Get behind in my work 仕事の手順が遅れている


On the positive side: This refers to the good part of some situation, the benefits.

Ah, like, on the positive side, our new office is much bigger.

Or, to use the opposite expression, ah, on the negative side, it's much farther away from the train station.


On the upside / on the downside  プラス面 マイナス面


It's worth noting that… This point is worthy of notice, you know, it deserves attention.

Ah, it's significant enough that we should notice it, pay attention to it.

Such as, it's worth noting that we're getting more repeat customers.

Or, to use a slight variation, ah, there were several proposals worth noting at the meeting.


Wind down: Lyon says, "I plan to wind down a bit work-wise when I get older."

He means, slow something down, ah, ease off.

Often this means, gradually bring something to an end.

Like, to use the intransitive version, ah, the wedding reception wound down around 11 p.m.

And it can also mean "relax, unwind."

After a busy morning full of meetings, I wound down with a nice lunch.


Work-wise: The suffix, ah, "-wise" is often used to mean "in terms of", "with respect to."

Things like, this apartment is the best option price-wise or rent-wise.

Or, you could say, "Ah, I'm sorry this week is not great time-wise. Could we meet up next week?"


In terms of


Become isolated: Become alone. Ah, get cut off from other people.

This can be physical or mental. Like, imagine, ah, a coworker who doesn't get along with the other staff.

So, eventually you have nobody interacts with them.

You can say, "Ah, they've become pretty isolated within the office."

And this would be true even if they were sitting near other people.

Or, physically speaking, things like, ah, that temple is isolated up in the mountains. Ah, you have to hike a long narrow trail to get there.



Self-worth: Ueda says, "Good friends help us reinforce our sense of self-worth."

A feeling that we are valuable people that we deserve happiness and satisfaction.

Parental love and support is very important to children's sense of self-worth.

Ah, self-esteem is a similar term. Like, doing well in math class really boosted her self-esteem in primary school.


Self-importance 自らの重要性 うぬぼれに近い自尊心


Empathy for:






If you like: In this case, ah, "if you like" is used to present like a way of expressing something or a way of thinking about something.

And, of course, we also use it to ask about somebody's preference, somebody's inclination, you know. Like, we can order pizza tonight, if you like.


Hit: Ah, Lyons says, "Whatever your plans are once you hit what's still considered retirement age,"

In this case, "hit" means, ah, attain or reach some big or high thing.

Ah, be careful using it about age because it often implies, "Wow! That's old."

You know, like, I would never say to a friend, "So, you hit 50 this year, huh!"

But it's safe to say things like, "Interest rates hit an all-time high today." or "The temperature hit 38 degrees yesterday.


SO, you hit  50 this year. と言ってはいけない



So, you're pushing 50.はどうでしょう?


Absolutely not.

I once was at a press conference. And a question to a movie star was translated that way.

I believe it was "Ah, you're pushing 50 now." And that was not what the Japanese reporter had intended to ask.

And the movie star gave her a really nasty look. I felt very sorry for her because that was not her intention.


50 the big 5 oh


So, you'll be reaching the big 5 oh. というのはどうでしょう?


That's better. And often Americans like have some fun with those birthdays and like, ah, as a joke, ah, that would be like, oh, black balloons or something. You know, that is like, okay, let's laugh at it. Let's laugh at the fact that we're getting older.



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.




And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hello, I'm glad you're joining us today.


Lesson 48


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


Okay. Any other questions? Yes, the lady in the middle.


I'm Scarlet Nielsen from Asia Support, an NGO in Denmark. Regarding Pakistan, what are the chances of getting a job after finishing your course?

 *Chances of becoming a manager マネージャーになる可能性


Our survey shows about two-thirds of our students get a job.

*Survey アンケート調査

 Considering the local job market, it's very encouraging.

*Considering the local job market ~を考慮に入れると

*If something is encouraging, it's very positive, it makes you feel optimistic.

Does that answer your question?


Yes. Thank you.

Well, I'm afraid our time is up. Thank you all once again for joining us. Please visit our booth in Exhibition Hall A.



In this case, "up" means "finished" or "complete." Another similar phrase is "to eat something up."

This means "to eat all of something."たいらげる


Did you catch that?

Scarlet asked whether students in Pakistan who take the online course can get a job afterwards.

Kenji replied that many students do find the job.


Does that answer your question?



Business phrase of the day


Does that answer your question?


Have I answered your question?


Similar expressions


Does that address your question?


Does that make sense? 道理に適っていますでしょうか。


Is that what you're referring to? お知りになりたかったのはこういうことですか。


Practical business phrases




We carried out a survey about customer preferences.



This item must have the approval of two-thirds of the shareholders.




The monthly sales in the region are pretty encouraging.



All right. Let's begin.


Okay. Any other questions? Yes, the lady in the middle.


I'm Scarlet Nielsen from Asia Support, an NGO in Denmark. Regarding Pakistan, what are the chances of getting a job after finishing your course?


Our survey shows about two-thirds of our students get a job.

Considering the local job market, it's very encouraging.

Does that answer your question?


Yes. Thank you.

Well, I'm afraid our time is up. Thank you all once again for joining us. Please visit our booth in Exhibition Hall A.


Great work, everyone.



Tips for business communication


Fifty 50 / fifteen 15


He will be back in fifty minutes. 50分後に戻ります


Ahhh. Actually I had a similar situation with a student once.


He had to make up a test and I told him to come at 8:50.



He came at 8:15 instead. 850分じゃなく、彼は815分にやって来ました

It's a good thing it wasn't the other way around.




Hmm. Well, you could also avoid the issue by saying the time that you want the person to call back.


So, for example, I'm sorry but he's out. ですから、例えば…すみません。彼は外出しています

Can you call back in about 50 minutes? Say, around 4 p.m.




Thanks for listening to our program.

I hope you enjoyed our lessons and that you learned some useful words and expressions this season.


Thank you all once again for joining us.

Bye for now.




And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hello, everyone. I hope you're ready to learn with us.


Lesson 47


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


Now, we'd like to take questions from the floor.

*Floor 会場


Yes. The lady in the back in the purple shirt. 

*後方の紫のシャツの女性の方  *場所+服の特徴

*The gentleman in the front with the blue tie

前方の青いネクタイの男性の方 服の上についている感じなので、tie の場合は with


Could you please give us your name? 


Yes, I'm Michelle from PW Consultants. What was the reaction of the partners in Myanmar when you brought in the auditors?

*"To bring someone in" means  "to have someone from outside your group help with a situation."


I'm glad you've brought that up. They initially rejected our idea, saying that it wasn't necessary.

 *To reject something is to refuse it. For example, if I reject a business proposal, I refuse to accept it.


So we thoroughly explained the Code of Conduct issued by the garment association in Myanmar. They showed understanding in the end.


*Code of conduct

Security code  暗証番号

Country code 国際電話をかけるときの国番号

番号 指針 ガイドライン

Dress code 服装規定


How was that?

Sophie began the Q & A session.

Michelle asked about using auditors in Myanmar.

And Sophie explained how the company handle the situation.


I'm glad you've brought that up. 



Business phrase of the day


I'm glad you've brought that up.


I'm pleased that

Thank you for bringing that up.



Similar expressions


You raise an important point.問題などを取り上げる 話題にする


I'm delighted that you pointed that out. 指摘する


Thank you for mentioning that. それについて言及していただき



Practical business phrases



Mr. Bond, the floor is all yours.


Bring in…

We need to bring in an expert to solve this problem.



I don't know why they rejected our proposal.



Okay, everyone. Follow me.


Now, we'd like to take questions from the floor.

Yes. The lady in the back in the purple shirt. 

Could you please give us your name?


Yes, I'm Michelle from PW Consultants. What was the reaction of the partners in Myanmar when you brought in the auditors?


I'm glad you've brought that up. They initially rejected our idea, saying that it wasn't necessary.

So we thoroughly explained the Code of Conduct issued by the garment association in Myanmar. They showed understanding in the end.


Nice job. Keep up the good work.



Tips for business communication


Yeah, I'd like to call this a me-show question.


Yeah. This kind of question can be really difficult to understand even for a native speaker like me.

Sometimes I have to say to the asker, "Sorry, but what was the question?


Me-show question


Thank you for your insightful presentation. 洞察に満ちたプレゼンをありがとうございます。


Hmm. Well, first of all, if you don't have a real question, be clear.

You can say something like: I have a comment, not a question.

Or, This is more of a comment. どちらかと言うとコメントです

Second, remember that time is limited.

Other people probably want to ask questions too.

So try to keep your comment short.


That's all for today. See you again.




Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Active Aging (3)


McMillan describes the amount of money that experts recommend saving so as to retire by age 65 and have the same kind of lifestyle.

And Lyons comments about how bored he would be if he only gardened and played golf.

Grace says people who keep working into their 70s and later are healthier and have stronger social connections.

Ueda recommends replacing the concept of retirement with a third act of life.



Personal-finance expert:


In line with:


Feel passionate about: Lyons says that many experts believe continuing to do work that you feel passionate about is a good way to increase longevity.

When you feel passionate about something, we feel strong dedication to it and enthusiasm.

And people feel that it's something that needs to be done. You know, it's important to do it.

He's passionate about recycling, for example. About reducing his carbon footprint.

Or, she's passionate about supporting local businesses. She does most of her shopping in her own neighborhood.


Carbon footprint 二酸化炭素排出量


Longevity: Lyons is talking about the length of someone's life.

Scientists are always researching how to increase longevity, for example.

And longevity can also refer to a long life, living a long time.

Like, she attributes her longevity to low stress and a vegetarian diet.


Quality of life: How good the different elements of one's life are.

Financially, in terms of human connections, etc. etc.

And having community connections is very important to one's quality of life. You know, having friends nearby that we can meet and talk to.


Weed the garden: Lyons is talking about actually removing unwanted weeds, you know, from a garden.

But we also use the phrasal verb "weed out" to mean locate and remove elements that we don't want that are undesirable.

Ah, this software weeds out spam emails.

Or, market surveys help us weed out unpopular products.


Weed 雑草 verb garden 庭の雑草を抜く weed out phrasal verb 何かを除去する 取り除く


Play the occasional round of golf:


Sense of well-being and purpose:


*Work into one's 70s and beyond: Beyond, past, further than.

You could also say, ah, I can't spend beyond $500.

Or, the company has decided to expand beyond tablet computers and get into mobile phones.


Stay socially connected:


When you get right down to it: Ueda says, "When you get down to it, it's a question of mindset."


Mindset: This refers to the way our minds are set.

In other words, the attitudes or personality that determines how we respond to things, how we interpret the situation.

He has a very optimistic mindset, for example. He always believes that things will work out.

Or, she has a very suspicious mindset. She doesn't trust anybody.


Third act of life: This would be the final stage of life if we divide it up into youth, middle age and being elderly.

And obviously we're using the image of a stage play, you know, which is divided up into sections called acts.

We also use "acts" about films too. There's no intermission. There's no lowering of a curtain.

But if we say, "the third act of a film," you know, we're talking about the final section of the story. When it's all rounded up and ended.


Sense of fulfillment and meaning: Fulfilment is the state of being happy and satisfied, often because we're using our abilities or we're doing something meaningful.

He gets a lot of fulfilment from volunteer work, for example


*I mean: Lyons says, "I mean I'd be out of my skull if all I had to do was weed the garden and play golf."

We sometimes use this expression to justify or explain what we just said.

Things like, I don't like logo. I mean the font is hard to read and the colors are way too bright.



Be bored out of one's skull 退屈でたまらない




Be bored to death 死ぬ程退屈する



That's all for today.

See you next time. Bye.

20190920 ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 体のparts

Hand verb 人に何かを手渡す

She handed me a letter and ran off. 彼女は手紙を私に手渡すと走って行った


Head verb 先頭に立つ どこかに向かう

I was heading to Kyoto when she called me.



Face verb 顔を向ける 何かに直面する

I was facing a very difficult choice. 私はとても難しい選択に直面していた


To love or not to love. That is a difficult question.

What’s the matter, Max?

I got a letter and I’m facing a difficult choice.

A letter? What does it say?

It says, ”I’m sorry. I don’t like you.”

Face the reality. 現実を直視しなさい


Skin 皮膚 お肌 verb 皮を剥ぐ 擦りむく

I skinned my knee. 膝を擦りむいた

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 学問

Literature 文学 English literature 英文学 French literature フランス文学

I chose to study literature because I love reading.



Philosophy 哲学

She is studying philosophy to understand the meaning of life.



Economics 経済学 economy 経済 economic 経済の

Do I need to study economics to become an investor?



Engineering 工学 engineer 技術者 技師

機械工学 mechanical engineering 遺伝子工学 genetic engineering

I majored in architectural engineering at Vocab University.


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers interがつく単語

International 国際的な 国際の

Inter 間の 互いの national国の 国と国の間の→国際的な

I want to be an international actor. 国際的な俳優になりたい


Interaction action行動 行動の間→相互作用 交流 お互いに作用し合うイメージ

Face-to-face interaction is still needed in the digital era.



Interface face顔 面 面と面をつなぐイメージ→接点 接続部分

His research is about the interface between and technology.



Intercept ceptつかみ取るというイメージ

間でつかみ取る→途中で捕らえる 遮る

He headed for the door but was intercepted by the guard.


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 見えない

Invisible visible 見ることができる in否定の ∴ 見ることができない

What is really important is invisible to the eyes.



Sheer ごく薄い 透き通るような

sheer silk 透き通ったシルク

sheer stockings 透けて見えるストッキング

I’m looking for sheer curtains. 透き通ったカーテンを探しています


Obscure はっきりしない ぼんやりした

obscure rule 曖昧なルール obscure explanation 曖昧な説明

The politician’s explanation was obscure. その政治家の説明は曖昧だった


Potential 潜在的な 可能性のある potential ability 潜在能力


The doctor explained the potential risks of the surgery.


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers いろいろな変


Odd 奇妙な 風変わりな 何かが普通とは違う時に使えます

I had an odd dream. 変な夢見たんだけど

It’s odd of him to plan a party for us.


It’s odd of somebody to do…


Funny 面白い funny story 笑える面白い話

Funny ha-ha   funny strange

妙な ちょっと説明しづらいんだけどなんか変という場合にも使えます

It feels funny on my tongue. 舌の上で変な感じがする

なんか変わった食感がする 口の中で変な感じがする



物事に対して→好奇心をそそるような 不思議な

A curious thing happened yesterday. 昨日妙なことが起こった


Mysterious 不可思議な 謎めいた

mysterious smile 謎めいた笑顔 mysterious look 謎めいた外見

I was very attracted to her because she’s very mysterious.

彼女が謎めいているので、私はとても惹かれた *attract惹きつける


Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Are you ready to challenge yourself today? It’s time for the review.  

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. Well after Ohnishi sensei’s remarkable introduction, I think we’ll just get straight to it. Let’s go.

Lesson 115 Review

Listening challenge

Okay guys. Here’s the question.

Question: Which of the following is true?

A  The meeting was successful.   B  The meeting was not successful.

or C  The meeting was postponed.

Here we go.

Here’s the question.

Question: Which of the following is true?

A  The Nobel Prize winners have just been announced.

B  The Nobel Prize will be announced next week.

Or C  The Nobel Prize winners will be announced next month.

Listen up.

Question: Why did the man say, “I can explain everything.” ?

A  Because he knows the magician and his assistant.

B  Because he knows why the show’s popular.

Or C  Because he knows how the magic trick is done.

Here we go.

Question: What did the man do?

A  He asked the woman how to eat noodles.

B  He asked the woman to suggest the dish.

Or C  He asked for an English menu with photos.


Practical challenge

So, for today’s practical challenge, we have a very fun kind of situation for you.

So, just imagine yourself in that situation and think of your example that way.

Right, Rosa. And on top of that, pay close attention to the rhythm of each sentence.

Feel the music of English and then try to imitate it. Okay!


Hey, I did it!


Oh, you persuaded Tamiko to go out with you, right? Congratulations!

*persuadeto infinitiveを使った目的語説明型で使っている

I recommend you guys go see the Mouse Parade at Zo Zoo. I heard it’s so romantic.

*recommendの内容を、節を使って表現 verbは原形

You can easily buy tickets online. I’ll show you now.

I’ll show you how. *showが使われ、手取り足取りの説明が期待できる


What? You finally persuaded Taro to go out with you? Awesome!

*awesomegreat, amazingよりも感情のこもった 素晴らしい

I suggest you take him to see the Mouse Parade at the Zo Zoo. It’s really fun, so he’ll definitely be impressed.

*suggestは気軽な こうしたらいいんじゃないかな 後ろに続く節 verb 原形

*take him 彼を連れて行く 彼を手に取って連れて行く感触でtake

*be impressed 感銘を受ける

impress 中にpress 心に判子みたいにぐいぐいぐいと押していく

I’ll explain how to get online tickets.

*explain~を説明する 他動型で使う how to~ ~の仕方


So, Rosa, where would you like to be taken on a first date?

Hmm. I’d like it to be something romantic, something unforgettable, something like…


Video Arcade.




Oh my goodness!


Do not listen to Ohnishi sensei’s dating advice, guys!




Hello, everyone. This is Rosa Akino.

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. Well, my recommendation is that you sit back and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of our program.

Lesson 114 What do you recommend?

Well, what I usually order is the cold soba with shrimp tempura on the side.

*what I usually order 何を私が普段頼むのか→私が普段頼むもの

*What do we recommend? Well, our textbook, of course.


Check your grammar


There are no photos, unfortunately. 残念ながら写真はついていません


最後っ屁の感覚 それにしてもこれはすごい番組だな 最後っ屁 って…(^^

I can’t accept your offer, I’m afraid.


It’s raining, but the match is still on, as far as I know.


That sounds wonderful. それはとてもよさそうですね

*be verbではなく実質的な意味を持つsound that=wonderfulに聞こえる


Build up your vocabulary


What do you recommend? あなたは何を勧めますか?

*So, what’s the image of “recommend” ? recommendのイメージは何でしょうか?

Well, I think it’s basically lifting something up and showing it to people so that they get a beautiful full view of it and can make a judgement.


Ah! Right. That’s why “highly” and “recommend” is a good combination, isn’t it?

Ah, excellent! Well then. Oh, yeah! – そうですよ


*highly recommend 高さとrecommendのイメージがしっかりとmatchする

*recommend Tokyo +noun

*recommend walking  +verb ing

*recommend +節


The school principal recommended that my daughter (should) apply to Oxbridge.


*that以下で使われている verb  applyが原形であることに注意してください


現在形は現在の事実を表す形なので recommendの内容には使えない


So, what’s “Oxbridge” ? Oxbridgeとは何ですか?

Well, it’s quite simple really. ああ とても簡単ですよ

It’s Oxford University and Cambridge University. And those two are referred to as Oxbridge.

Oxford大学 と Cambridge大学 のことで、この2つがOxbridgeと言われています


I suggest that you phone her and say you’re sorry. 彼女に電話してごめん、って言ったら?

*suggest ただ自分の考えを述べているだけ

*propose 事前に練られた提案 しっかりとした提案

I propose a radical downsizing of the company. 私は会社の抜本的な人員削減を提案します


Express yourself in English


I highly recommend the new Italian restaurant. The pizza is amazing.

その新しいItalian restaurantを強くお勧めします。そこのピザは素晴らしいですよ

*highly 高く→非常に veryよりもformalな感触


I suggest taking a taxi for the sake of convenience.


こうしたらいいんじゃない? のsuggest

*for the sake of ~のために もたらされる利益の焦点があるphrase

So, is “for convenience” possible?

Of course. – No problem.


I propose that we rent rather than buy an apartment.


*rent 有料で(金銭が伴う)借りる 貸す

rather than~ ~というよりもむしろ ~ではなく


Hmm. I’m thinking of getting a pet. What do you recommend?

Well, I highly recommend getting a cat or even two. What about you, Chris?

Well, I even more highly recommend that you don’t get a pet at all.




Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Get ready for some fun!

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. You know, if you have any problems at all with the grammar,  we can explain everything.

Lesson 113 I can explain everything.

Dad, I’m really enjoying this magic show. I love magic.

I’m really enjoying ほんとうにレベルでenjoyingしているから 指定ルール

And now he closes the doors of the box… and she disappears!


Wow! How did he do that?

*How did he do that?


*Hey, guys. You know what? Our textbook is magical.


Check your grammar

現在進行形 今~している最中です と今行われている内容を述べる最も普通の言い方ですが、行われていることを客観的に述べている感触

現在形 もっと臨場感溢れる言い回し

Here comes the magician again with his lovely assistant.


And now he closes the doors of the box… and she disappears!




Build up your vocabulary

I can explain everything. 私はすべて説明できます

日本語 ~について説明する

× explain about everything.

理由 それはこのverb explainplain平ら にする というイメージだから

複雑な地形や森で道が見えない様子を想像してください。それらをバシャッと平らにして見渡せるようにするのが explain



I don’t know how to use this printer. – Don’t worry. I’ll show you.

このprinterの使い方わからないよ - 大丈夫。教えてあげるから


He showed me how to get to the station.  彼は駅への行き方を私に教えてくれました

He told me how to get to the station.     彼は駅への行き方を私に教えてくれました

*show 地図を使ったり身振りを使ったりするなど、見せる ニュアンスで使われている


The salesman demonstrated how to use the grater.


These slides will help me illustrate our company structure.


*illustrate illustrationイラスト からわかる通り図表を使うなどvisualに訴える説明


Express yourself in English

It’s difficult to explain how I feel.


*how I feelwh節 様子・程度・方法を表すhowの後ろに平叙文

私がどのように感じているのか 文の部品であり疑問の気持ちはありません

Let me show you the latest photos of my cats.


*let me~ ~させてください 見せる ですから使うべき動詞はshow

授与型で 誰々に何々を見せてあげる

You should give much clearer examples to illustrate each point.


*give 与える ここでは 例を出す という意味


So, can you give me an example of a demonstration?

Over to you, Rosa,

Well, everyone, please gather round. I will demonstrate how to make my famous Rosa salad.

Now, first, we take this knife. And we cut the tomatoes like this. And now, we slice the cucumbers. Finally, we use this knife to dice the onion. And walah, we have my salad.


Hmm. Delicious!


And don’t forget the dressing.


Hey, everyone. It’s Tuesday. Which means it’s time to teach.

Ready to get started? This is Rosa Akino.

Chris McVay here. Yeah. You know I’m getting excited about today’s lesson.

So, hurry up. Let’s begin.

Lesson 112  She teaches physics at a university in Stockholm.

Hey, Yayoi. Look. This is my sister Anna.

*my sisterと言ってAnna  説明ルール 説明は後ろに置く

Stockholm? Oh, that’s where the Nobel Prize winners are announced, isn’t it?

*that’s where そこが~の場所 重要フレーズ

Well, we might not win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

But we’re still very proud of our textbook. Check it out.


Check your grammar

What does she do? 彼女は何をしているの?

現在形の典型的な 広く安定した状況 を示す使い方

What do you do? 職業・学生などの立場を相手に訊ねる頻度の高い言い回し

I wonder who will get the Nobel Prize for Peace this year.


*wonder この動詞のイメージは 大きなQuestion mark ?が浮かんでいること


Build up your vocabulary

She teaches physics at a university in Stockholm.


× Can you teach me the way to the station?

Can you tell me the way to the station?

× Can you teach me your name?

Can you tell me your name?

Is it possible to say, “Can you teach me the way to the station?” ?

Can you teach me the way to the station? って言えますか?

No! ダメです

Can you teach me your name?

Okay, you really need to stop. No! ほんとうにやめてください。その文はダメ!

*teach ある程度複雑な内容を、時間をかけて教えること

Many songs teach us a lot about social issues.


*educate ある場所で行われる教育全般や日常生活をしていく上で必要な知識の学習なども含まれる

an educated person 教養のある人

× a taught person

Chris was educated at Oxford University. ChrisOxford大学で教育を受けた

I have instructed the Head of Quality Control to look into the matter.


*instruct 何かの手順ややり方などを 指示をする→これしなさい、あれしなさい


Express yourself in English

My older brother taught me how to drive. 僕の兄は僕に車の運転の仕方を教えてくれた

We need to educate our children about the dangers of drugs.


*we 私たちはみんな と一般的な人々を指す使い方

*the dangers of drugs

So, could you tell me the native speaker’s intuition behind the plural form here?

Well, here it’s because “the dangers” refers to many different types of dangers, I think.

Right? Chris.

Yeah. Exactly. I mean the singular is fine. But if you use the plural, it highlights, you know, the many dangerous paths down which drugs can lead you.

He instructed us on how to set up our computers.


*set up 設定する

So, what is the nuance behind “instructed” ?

I think it’s a step by step thing, isn’t it? Rosa. Maybe you can give an example.

Yeah. Definitely. So, when you get instructions for how to build something, it’s step by step.

Step 1… Do this.  Step 2… Do this. Right?


You know, this mention of the Nobel Prize reminds me that in 2016, Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. And I’m wondering actually if he got this prize partly because his songs teach us a lot about social issues.


But you know, that’s way before my time.

That’s way way before my time.


Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Ready for another great exciting lesson?

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. I’m sure our listeners will be delighted with this lesson as always. Let’s go.

Lesson 111 Do you think you persuaded them to accept our conditions?

Hi, Pam. How did the meeting with the Japanese company go?

Pretty well, I think. We spent a long time preparing for it, so we were able to put forward some powerful arguments.

*prettyveryと同種の単語 veryよりもちょっと弱い 非常に砕けた単語

*put forward 前に出す→提示する

So, do you think you persuaded them to accept our conditions?

Well, they were tough negotiations, but in the end I believe they will agree to most of them.

Well done. I’m sure the boss will be delighted.

*delighted  delight 上からlight光が落ちてくるようなハッとするような喜び

I believe most of our listeners will agree. The textbook is pretty awesome.


Check your grammar

How did the meeting with the Japanese company go?


*how 様子・方法・程度を表すwh語 どのように

*go 進んでいる


We were able to put forward some powerful arguments.


*can は潜在 canの できる はそうした力を潜在的に持っている

*we could put forward やろうと思えば提示する力がありました

My granddad could fix any kind of machine.

私のおじいさんはどんな機械でも、やろうと思えば 直すことができた

The washing machine is okay now. My grandpa was able to fix it.


過去の 実際にできた にはwas/were able to を優先する


Build up your vocabulary

Do you think you persuaded them to accept our conditions?


*to infinitiveを用いた目的語説明型

Don’t let him persuade you into lending him money.


*into ~の中へ

you を説得しlending him money彼にお金を貸す という状況の中へ入れる

You don’t have to accept – nobody’s forcing you.


So, could you explain the feel of “force”?

Well, I’m sure you all remember “May the force be with you.”

So, basically, the “force” is kind of like an image of breaking down a door that’s locked. The door won’t open. So, you force it open.

Really strong pressure, right? – Right.


My boss has stopped ordering me to work late. 私の上司は私に残業を命じるのをやめた

*order 命じる 権威や力の裏づけが感じられる


Express yourself in English

You’ll never persuade your parents to agree to that.


*agreeは提案などsomethingの場合はto  /  somebodyの場合はwith

I wasn’t going to go to the party, but Akane talked me into it.

*talk somebody into~ は persuade somebody into~ よりはるかによく使われる


My parents forced me to apologize. 両親は私に無理矢理謝らせた

*force 強制力


Well, talking about “force,” I’ll never forget that when I was in primary school, the teachers tried their best to force me to use my right hand. But now I’m still proudly left-handed.

Hmm. You know that’s weird. Nobody ever forced me to use my right hand.

That’s because you’re right-handed, huh?







Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Active Aging (2)


McMillan says the old rules regarding retirement were created for an era when most people were engaged in manual labor.

Grace points out that the average life expectancy is much higher now and says 80 percent of Americans today live paycheck to paycheck.

Lyons cites a number of reasons for Americans' difficulty saving including long periods of unemployment and increasing student debt.



Be designed for: Designed for this purpose or need, you know, with this purpose or person, whatever, in mind. These smartphones were designed for elderly people, for example, with easy-to-see buttons. Or, to use a variation, this software was designed to teach math to children.



Release from bondage: Here "bondage" is being under someone's control like a serf or slave. History books will often say things like, millions of people were kept in bondage during the days of slavery.


Liberation from: To be relieved from something. Ah, released from it. To use the verb form, thanks goodness, we've been liberated from those daily meetings. Ah, they're a big waste of time.


Workforce: The people engaged in some job activity or who are available as workers.  People leave school, they graduate from high school or college and join the workforce. Or, the company is planning to cut its workforce by 5% next year.


Join the workforce 就労人口 労働人口に加わる 社会に出て働き始める 国家単位の労働人口


The company will cut its workforce by 5% next year. 全従業員の5%をカットする

企業単位の従業員数 全従業員 国家単位の労働人口


We also have the term "labor force." But I think that one will be applied to society in general.

I don't think it refers to a company's labor force.


Manual labor:


Retire the concept of retirement: Up at the top, Grace says, "It might be time to retire the concept of retirement."

She means stop using something, put it aside often because it's old or outdated.

Ah, you might say, ah, it's time to retire this computer. It's crashing a lot. You know, it doesn't have enough memory anyway.

Or, we should retire that joke. You know, it's sexist and insulting.


Social Security Act:


Average life expectancy:


Outdated: Out of dated, outmoded. No longer appropriate, ah, for technology or ways of thinking. Ah, like tape recorders are certainly outdated now.

Or, he has very outdated ideas about how men and women should dress in the office.


*A long stretch of: long stretches of unemployment, the housing crash

長期間にわたる何々  長く続く何々

Lyons is talking about a long consecutive period. Like, her business didn't make a profit for a long stretch of time. But this can also refer to an actual, you know, physically long row of something. Like, oh! there's a long stretch of cherry trees along the river. It's just beautiful in the spring.


Housing crash:




*Harsh reality: McMillan says, "That's the harsh reality for many people these days."

The unpleasant truth. The situation that cannot be denied.

You could also say, "The harsh reality is that marine pollution is getting worse."

Or, the harsh reality is that we have to close this store.


Marine pollution 海洋汚染


Set aside:


Lose the habit of: Grace says, "People seem to have lost the habit of saving money."

They no longer do something regularly or often. We also say, "fall out of the habit of" or "get out of the habit of." He's lost the habit of exercising in the morning, for example. Or, she's fallen out of the habit of doublechecking her work.


Fall out of the habit / get out of the habit / kick the habit 習慣を止める



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.



Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Active Aging (1)


Ueda asks Lyons if hes heard of the FIRE movement, which he says is very popular among young members of the tech industry.

Grace says it involves cutting back dramatically on spending or also putting together a portfolio of investments.

Lyons remarks that such a plan would be difficult given New Yorks high cost of living.

And McMillan says the rules have changed regarding retirement.


*given = considering ~のことを考えると



Ignite interest: Obviously, Ueda uses "ignite" here deliberately because of the acronym FIRE.

Ignite can mean, of course, actually start a fire. Or, spark a metaphorical blaze. And so, I'd say we use it about strong emotions, movements. You know, things that can be linked to burning in a way. Like, her racist remarks ignited a storm of criticism from the public. Or, reports of animal abuse ignited a movement to protect them.


Racist remarks 人種差別的な発言


Financial independence, retire early: Lyons hears the term "FIRE" and says, Oh, right- that's the acronym for "financial independence, retire early," isn't it?


All the rage among:


Lay aside: Ueda could also say "put aside" or "set aside."

Ah, in other words, reserve money for a later use.

Like, I'm putting aside money every month for a vacation.

"Lay aside",  "set aside" etc. can also mean leave something to deal with it later.

You might say, "I have to finish this translation first. So, I'll set the other one aside until tomorrow."


*Calculate compound interest over: I admit this one I had to look up. "Compound interest" is applied to both the principal amount and the included interest.

We also use "compound" as a verb. Ah, one meaning is to make a situation or a problem even worse. Like, imagine a coworker makes a big mistake. And then they compound the problem by not apologizing. So, not only did they make a mistake now maybe the boss is angry because they're not taking the responsibility.


Compound problem by not apologizing. 苦難の度合いを強める




Cut back radically on: Grace says, to be "firing" means cutting back radically on your expenses.

Cutting back dramatically on them, ah, in a very noticeable way.

He's cut back radically on his sugar intake, for example.

Or, she's cut back radically on her smartphone use.


Put together:


Portfolio of investments:


Generate: Produce. Ah, bring into existence. A generator creates electricity, creates power.

Likewise, we can say, "The corporate tax cuts have generated a lot of debate."

Or, the company's paternity leave program has generated a lot of goodwill among employees.




Well-thought-out: We also have the expression "think thorough," ah, which is the same idea of thinking about, you know, considering every part of some process or project.


*Given: When one considers this, ah, based on this.

You could say, "Ah, given our booming sales, we're going to open another outlet."

Or, given the long commute, I couldn't accept the job.


Sky-high: Extremely high, you know as if something is touching the sky.

I was once shocked by the sky-high prices at a designer boutique.  Like, $3000 for a blouse, you know. Or, the company's expectations, ah, for its new tablet computer are sky-high. You know, they expect enormous sales.  


Sky's the limit. 天井知らずだ 青天井だ


Cost of living:


Minimalist lifestyle:


Move inland:


Watch one's nickels and dimes: 5cent / 10cent

Lyons is talking about carefully monitoring and restraining how much we spent.

We also use "nickel and dime" as a phrasal verb, ah, has a few different meanings.

Ah, one of them is to charge a lot of small fees that add up to a large amount.

Like, the convention center is trying to nickel and dime us into paying a fortune.


Not be for someone: Lyons says, "I'm afraid that's not for me."

It doesn't suit me, he's saying. You know, I don't wanna do that.

Likewise, you could say, "Ah, freelance work is not for Marilyn. You know, she wants a more stable income. "

Or, personally speaking, ah, horror movies are not for me. I don't like to be scared.




Radar = radio detecting and ranging

Laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization



That's all for today.

Have a great day. Bye.




And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hello, are you ready for today's lesson? I know I am.


Lesson 46


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


Now, I'd like to hand over to Kenji for our final point.


Thank you, Sophie. Our third point is education. In Pakistan, we provide young adults who can't go to university with online classes.


*Provide with:

If I provide A with B it means that I give B to A.

It's not a present though. B is something that A needs.

For example, I might provide my client with a copy of a contract.


*Hmm. Thank you.


*Young adult.



Well, we usually mean someone between the ages of about 18 and 25.

However the age limit can vary a little depending on who you ask.


Our aim is to increase their chances of getting jobs in the future. If you visit the CSR section of our website, you'll find more detailed information.

*visit … website webを見る

*detailed information 詳細な より詳しい 情報


To sum up, we support local communities in Asia through fair pay, equal opportunities for women and education. Thank you for listening.


*To sum up means to summarize or conclude.

*through 以下 公正な賃金・女性に対する機会均等・教育


Did you understand that?

Kenji began his part of the presentation.

He explained Shibuya Clothing's education program in Pakistan.


I'd like to hand over to Kenji.



Business phrase of the day


I'd like to hand over to Kenji.


I handed over my duties to my successor. 私の仕事を後任に引き継ぎました


*handover period 引き継ぎ期間



Similar expressions


Brigitte will take over and talk about the final point.


In a minute, Mario will take you through the legal protections. 法的な保護


I'd like to ask Susan to tell you about credit risks.



Practical business phrases


Provide A with B

The project is designed to provide local people with clean water.




A detailed analysis can be downloaded from the Intranet. 社員用ネットワーク



Sum up

Geraldine will present the main points and I'll sum up. 私がまとめます



I hope you're ready. Let's go.


Now, I'd like to hand over to Kenji for our final point.


Thank you, Sophie. Our third point is education. In Pakistan, we provide young adults who can't go to university with online classes.

Our aim is to increase their chances of getting jobs in the future. If you visit the CSR section of our website, you'll find more detailed information.

To sum up, we support local communities in Asia through fair pay, equal opportunities for women and education. Thank you for listening.


That was excellent.



Tips for business communication


Hmm. I think changing presenters can be a great thing. Especially if the two presenters have different areas of expertise. Then the audience can benefit from each presenter's specific knowledge.


Hmm. Exactly.

For example, when talking about a new car, perhaps the designer could talk about the car's design and the engineer could talk about its technical specifications.


Hmm hmm.  That's true.



Thank you for tuning in.

I hope you learned something new today. And please join us again.





And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hi, everybody. Welcome to our program.


Lesson 45


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


Moving on, let's look at the second point, equal opportunities for women. In Myanmar, the government is leading reforms to enhance gender equality.


*To enhance something means to make something stronger or expanded.


Shibuya Clothing is collaborating with a couple of international non-profit organizations to make it work.


Do you mean you're trying to enhance gender equality at your local partner's offices?


No, we are initiating this activity in local communities across different regions in Myanmar. The biggest challenge is the unequal treatment of women. The diagram on this slide shows how the scheme works.


*A challenge is something difficult that you need to overcome. For example, for many foreigners who come to live in Japan, learning Japanese can be a challenge.


Did you get it?

Sophie talked about how Shibuya Clothing is trying to increase gender equality in Myanmar. She then clarified where the company's activity is taking place.


Moving on, let's look at the second point.



Business phrase of the day


Moving on, let's look at the second point.


Let's move on to the second point.



Similar expressions


That leads me to my second point.


This is a perfect transition to the next point. *transition 繋ぎ目 移行


Let me turn to my next point: an analysis of the pros and cons.

*turn to the right 右に曲がる



Practical business phrases



This new product will definitely enhance our reputation.


Collaborate with

We'll collaborate with the consultant on the next project.



We're ready to meet the challenges lying ahead.

*lie ahead 前に横たわる→前途にある


All right. Let's get started.


Moving on, let's look at the second point, equal opportunities for women. In Myanmar, the government is leading reforms to enhance gender equality.

Shibuya Clothing is collaborating with a couple of international non-profit organizations to make it work.


Do you mean you're trying to enhance gender equality at your local partner's offices?


No, we are initiating this activity in local communities across different regions in Myanmar. The biggest challenge is the unequal treatment of women. The diagram on this slide shows how the scheme works.


Great effort.



Tips for business communication



Do you have any questions so far?


Well, one thing that I'd like to do is summarize the point that I just finished before moving on. It's like having a mini conclusion for each main point.


Yes. So I repeat the two or three most important ideas or pieces of information

from that part of the presentation.



Thanks for joining us. See you next time.








Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.


Coping With Student Loan Woes (6)



Sugita: This time around, the vignette talks about an announcement by Alex & Alex that it will launch a new package of student loan benefits.

That should be highly appealing as many people in the states have crippling student debt obligations these days.

Ah, Heather, you've talked about your debt load from your college days. How did you deal with it, if I may ask?


Heather: Sometimes I feel like I had no debt at all, compared to the amounts I hear about these days. I graduated from college with about $10,000 in outstanding student loans. As I recall, there was a selection of repayment plans, of different lengths, and I chose the longest one. I opted for a 10-year plan, and every month, for 10 years, I went down to the post office and got a money order to mail to the Unites States. I was very fortunate to receive some scholarship money when I went to college, ah, including one scholarship that was specifically aimed at reducing the burden of student loans. Recipients had to have a job and participate in some kind of volunteer activity, and in return they could receive up to $2,500 a year. Again, as I recall, that scholarship alone saved me $7,500 in loans. What about you, Mr. Sugita, did you have any student debt when you graduated?


S: Well, I worked my way through college in Japan, so I didn't have any student loans. When I was admitted to the Ohio State University for a postgraduate program, I was quiet fortunate to get a waiver of tuition in addition to a generous fellowship. I couldn't believe it at first. To make sure, I remember going to my dictionary and looking up the word "waiver."


Heather: I would have too. I can see myself asking the admission's office just to be clear before I sign anything I don't have to pay, right? That's an area where you'd wanna be sure.


S: Why do you think college education has become so expensive in the U.S.? Some people point to factors like the salaries of teaching staff and administrators.


H: I just read a long article about this in an American magazine, and one of the factors it pointed to was lower state funding to public universities. Over the past three decades, it said, many state legislatures have been spending a decreasing amount per student on higher education. The easiest way to compensate for this lost revenue was to partly transfer the costs to students and bring in wealthier students.

And this competition over high-paying kids eventually spread into big long-term operating expenses, such as non-teaching staff. Ah, the article also said that most global rankings of universities prioritize how much research is published by members of the faculty. This isn't related to whether students are learning. But administrators reportedly pay attention to those rankings in the competition for students. So, they encourage faculty to focus on research and pay star professors accordingly.



That's all for today


Thanks for tuning in. Bye.

20190913 ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers   advice

Advice 助言 忠告

Do you have any advice for me? 私に何か助言はありますか?


Idea アイデア 心に抱いている考え 認識

I have no idea about that. その件については全然わかりません



Thought thinkpast formだが、noun formの場合は→考え 見解

Idea よりも理性でしっかり考えた結果の考え というイメージ

I need some time to compose my thoughts.



Opinion 意見 ここがいい、とか悪い、とか何かに対して持っている意見 見解

Please give me your opinion on this issue?


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 道案内で使える単語

Locate location 場所 位置 verb form 位置を特定する

I can’t locate where I am on this map. この地図のどこに自分がいるかわかんない


Landmark land土地のmark印 目印


Are there any landmarks? 何か目印になるものはある?


Skyscraper 高層ビル 摩天楼 sky scrape擦る というイメージ


I’m surrounded by skyscrapers. 私は高層ビルに囲まれています


Opposite 向こう側の 反対側の

The shop is opposite the station. そのお店は駅の反対側にあります


Excuse me, I’m looking for Vocab Shop.

Oh! It’s opposite the station.

The station? Where is the station?

It’s in front of Vocab Shop.

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 模様替え

Customize 私好みにcustomizeする 誰かの要求に合うように作る 直す

I customized my shoes with spray paint.


They customized our furniture to fit our needs.



Combination 組み合わせ 配合

Combination of A and B ABの組み合わせ

I like the combination of stone and wood. 石と木の組み合わせが好きです


Stabilize  stable安定した verb form  安定させる 落ち着かせる

Adjust the legs to stabilize the chair. 脚を調整して椅子を安定させてください


Attach 取り付ける くっつける

I attached a headboard to the bedframe.


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 親と子で名前の変わる動物


Chick 雛 雛鳥 鶏の雛以外の鳥にも使える

A tiny chick is hatching from its egg.小さな雛が卵から孵ろうとしている

*hatch 孵る 孵化する


Calf 子牛 大人になるとcow 雌の牛 河馬や犀の子ども

The cow is in the field with her calf. 雌牛が子牛と一緒に野原にいます


Lamb 子羊 sheep 羊の子ども

A lamb is jumping around its mother sheep.



Fawn 子鹿 deer鹿の子ども

I gave crackers to a fawn at the park. 私は公園で子鹿に煎餅をあげた


Minami, look at the fawn. It’s so cute.

Fawn? No. It’s a lamb.

No way. It’s a fawn.


It’s a calf.

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 文法

Tense 時制 present tense 現在時制 past tense 過去形 過去時制

The past tense of cut is cut. *cutの過去形はcutです


What kind of animals do you like? I like dog.

Minami, use the plural.

Plural 複数形 複数形の  I like dogs. – Great!

What is the plural of mouse? *mousepluralは何? Mice


Conjunction 接続詞 and / but

These two sentences can be combined by using a conjunction.

この2つの文は接続詞を使ってくっつけられます combine 結合する


Preposition 前置詞 pre position 置くこと *at / to / from

Should I put the preposition “in” before this word?



Review, review. It’s review time. Hey, everyone. Rosa Akino here.

Chris McVay here. Yes. This word. Do you know it’s quite easy if you break it up?  View means “look,” re.. “again.” Let’s look again at what we’ve done this week.

Lesson 110  Review

Listening challenge

Hey, everyone. Here’s the question.

What were Nadia and Aileen doing?

A  They were enjoying a nice conversation.   B  They were quarrelling.

Or C  They were sharing jokes with each other.

Question: Why did David ask Nadia “What did you say?” ?

A  Because he didn’t hear what Nadia said. B  Because he wanted to hear Nadia’s news.

Or C  Because he was surprised by what Nadia had just told him.

Listen up!

Question: Which of the following is true?

A  Only the woman enjoyed the movie.  B  Only the man enjoyed the movie.

Or C  Both of them enjoyed the movie.

Here we go.

Question: What will David probably do?

A  He will leave the company with Nadia.  

B  He will ask Nadia about how to organize a party.

Or C  He will plan a party.

Listen carefully.


Practical challenge

Hey, everyone. So, I want to remind you. Don’t worry too much about being 100% correct. Remember it’s a learning experience and mistakes are a part of it.


Great advice, Rosa. And following that, there are lots of levels possible in the answers for this practical challenge. So, just do the best you can. That would be great.

素晴らしい助言です、Rosaさん。続けると、このpractical challengeにとっての答え方は様々です。ですから、できるだけのことをやってください。それでいいのです。



Are you going to tell us what the boss wants?


Yes. Everyone, attention please. The boss told me to hand in a report on the cause of the delay

We need to discuss this issue as soon as possible.

Ken, can I ask you to arrange a meeting?

*problem 障害となっていること

*issue 話し合って解決すべき課題

*as soon as possible できるだけ早く

*ask 頼む to infinitive を使った目的語説明型

*youto以下の行為に移るようにaskする *arrange 手配する


Yes. Listen up, everyone. The boss has just told me she wants a full report on the cause of the production delay. *listen耳を傾ける listen up よく聞く 注意力がupしている

*has just told justpresent perfectが使われ たった今 が強調されています

We have to discuss this as a matter of urgency.

*matter 考慮・処理すべき事柄

*matter of urgency 急を要する事柄

Ken, could I ask you to arrange a meeting for, let’s say, first thing tomorrow morning?

*for first thing tomorrow morning 明日の朝一に向けて


Hey, Rosa. -Yeah?- We need to arrange a meeting to discuss the video for the textbook website.

Hmm. You know, I’m kind of tired and I’m not really in the mood.

Listen. This is a matter of urgency.

It is?


Well, in that case, okay… as long as you meet my conditions.

That’s enough.

You must bring a whole batch of brownies.

I can do it.




Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Hey, Chris. Can I ask you to hand me that pen over there?

Well, Rosa. That question was a big surprise. Chris McVay here, everyone. But anyway, here you go. – Thanks – Welcome.

Lesson 109   Let’s ask David to organize a party.

I know. I can’t imagine this place without her.

*can’t imagine 反射的に使えるかどうかが問題 言えるかどうかが

Is there going to be a farewell party?

*be going to どこそこに向かっていく 流れの中 contextの中にある

*You know the textbook is very popular.

Hey, Rosa. Should we organize a party?

I think we should. It’s such an important part of ラジオ英会話.


Check your grammar

I heard that Nadia is leaving the company. Nadiaが会社を辞めるって聞いたわ

聞いて知っている というニュアンスのhear


She said she didn’t want to have one, but we have to.


*one uncountable nounの繰り返しを避けるためにその代わりに用いられます

この文では前の文のfarewell partyの代わり

I lost my umbrella, but luckily I found it.



*itmy umbrellaが指し示すモノをうけています

I lost my umbrella, but luckily I found one.



*oneは名詞の代わり I found one = I found an umbrella


Build up your vocabulary


Let’s ask David to organize a party. Davidpartyの準備をするように頼みましょうよ

*to infinitiveを使った目的語説明型の文

*to infinitiveは矢印のニュアンス


He asked me where I lived. 彼は私がどこに住んでいるかを訊ねた

*asked meの内容をwh節で展開するリポート文

頼む と 訊ねる この2つの使い方がaskに共存する理由

→このverbimageが 求める・お願いする だから

助力や行動を求めれば→頼む 答えや情報を求めれば→訊ねる

So, could you give me another お願い verb? 他のお願いverbを教えていただけますか?

Sure, how about “beg” ? いいですよ。*begはどうでしょう

For example, I beg you not to tell anyone my secret.


Look, I’m getting down on my knees. I’m begging you, begging you, please.

見てください。跪いていますよ。お願いします、お願いです どうか。

I asked her if she was okay. 私は彼女が大丈夫かを訊ねた

*if/whether 節 ~かどうか asked her の内容を説明し ~かどうかと訊ねた

I asked about her summer vacation. 私は彼女の夏休みについて訊ねた

*ask about ~について訊ねる

She asked me for more money. 彼女は私にもっとお金を頼んできた

*ask for 求めて for ask頼む ととりわけ相性のいい前置詞

You’re asking for it. 自業自得だよ


Express yourself in English


I asked her why she didn’t want to get married.


*asked past tense didn’t  also past tense時制の一致

Ask the server for some parmesan cheese. 接客係にparmesan cheeseをいくらか頼んで


You should never ask a lady her age. ladyに決して年齢を訊ねるべきじゃないよ

*askは授与型verb + object + objectにも使えます

誰々に何々を訊ねる 教えてもらえるように訊ねる やはり授与の意味は生きています


So, by the way, Rosa. -Hmm?

How old are you?

Huh! Ohnishi sensei. We’ve just said you should never ask a lady her age.

Ah, how old are you, Rosa?

My age? Well, actually, I’m… Oh! Look at that. We are just out of time. I guess we’re over that time to go over that today. We’ll see you next time, guys. Bye.




Hello, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Wow! That was some extra information this morning.

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. Maybe more than we needed, you know. – Definitely.

But anyway. Shall we get started? – Let’s go.

Lesson 108 Tell me why you cried.

He had a nice relationship with the boy.

*relationship つながりを示すconnectiveされた状況

The boy was like a son to the old man. He was so proud of the boy.

*be proud of ~を誇りに思う

Ohhh. You’re getting sentimental in your old age.

*get ~になる 動きを表すgetが変化に繋がっている  

*sentimental 感傷的な 進行形で使って、感傷的になってきた

The textbook will teach you the spirit of English.


Check your grammar

The actor who played the old man died many years ago.


*the actor 先行詞 それを説明するwho以下の節ではplayedの主語が欠けており、

*the actorwho played the old manの位置が日本語では入れ替わってしまうことに注意




The man taught him the spirit of karate.


英語は配置の言葉 配置の意味がある言葉です

授与型 動詞の後ろに目的語が2



Build up your vocabulary

Tell me why you cried. どうして泣いたのか私に教えて

*tell この動詞はメッセージに焦点があります

メッセージを相手に伝える ということ

英語で占い師はfortune-tellerと言います 未来のあなたはこうなります とメッセージを渡してくれるから

Don’t tell anyone your password. 誰にも君のパスワードを言ってはいけません

So, can other verbs like “speak”, “say”, “talk” take this form?

他の動詞speak, say, talkなどはこの型をとれますか?

You mean, like, ah, don’t speak anyone your password?

つまり、don’t speak anyone your passwordと言えるかということですか?

Chris. I have no idea what you just said. Chrisさん、あなたの立った今言われたことわからないです

So, the answer is “No!” ですから、答えは Noです

We told you to have the car checked before buying it.


*youto以下の行動に移るよう指示した ということ

*can + tell わかる

Can’t you tell that they are just using you?


Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the good guys from the bad.


*tell A from B ABを見分ける 区別する

*can tell 伝えることができる=分かっている


Express yourself in English

My teacher told my parents that I needed to pay more attention in class.


リポート文の形 told my parentsの内容補told以下で展開

*pay attention 注意を払う・注意してちゃんと聞く more もっと

Have you told your parents the good news about your promotion yet?

ご両親に君の昇進についてのいいnewsをもう話した? *promotion昇進

*tellを使った授与型の文 メッセージを伝えるtellならではの形


So, is it possible to say this sentence without “yet”?


Sure. いいですよ

So, what kind of nuance does it add to the sentence?


For me, it(yet) places emphasis on the time gap, like from the moment the person heard about the promotion till the present moment. 私にとってこのyetは時間の開き強調を置いています。つまり、この人物が昇進のことを聞いた瞬間から現在の瞬間まで(の時間の)開きです

That’s right. If you say it without the “yet”, it focuses more the fact of “Did you tell your parents or not?”. その通りです。yetなしでこの文章を言うと、どちらかというと、両親に言ったかどうかにより焦点が置かれるんです

Hmm. Exactly. うん まさしくそうですね


How can you tell organic foods from non-organic?


*can tell A from Bの形 ABを区別


You know, you can tell yummy food and yucky food?

Really? No… - Yeah, yeah. Tell us how?

Oh, just eat it.

Oh. Okay. Gocha!

Ahhh. Listeners. I’m so sorry.




Hey, everyone. Rosa Akino here. Say, Chris. What day of the week is it today?

Oh. Wednesday. – No. It’s Tuesday.

Chris McVay here, everyone. So, you guys, do you mind if I join you? – Sure. -

Okay. Let’s get going.

Lesson 107 What did you say?

Oh, hi Nadia. Of course not. Take a seat. How are things?

*things 漠然とその場の状況を表す


Well, actually, I have some news. I’m quitting.

*quit辞めて自由になるというニュアンス プロセスの途中 進行形

I’m leaving the company. 止める決心をしている そして今はプロセスの途中 進行形

You know, guys, the textbook is one of the key parts of ラジオ英会話.

Yeah. It will be hard to do anything without it.


Check your grammar


しっかりと全文覚えてくださいね それが英会話の力を伸ばします

Do you mind if I join you? – Of course not.

あなたの隣に座っていい? - もちろんいいよ

Do you mind if…? 相手の許可を求める言い回し

*mind 気にする 嫌だと思う 許可を与える場合は No / Of course not.

The current situation here leaves me no other choice.


*leaveを使った授与型の文 誰々に何々を残す ということ

*no other choice他の選択肢は何も残されていない


*日本語 「私は今の状況で他の選択肢を持っていません」と人を主語にするのが普通

*英語ではthe current situationで文を始めることに何の違和感もない


Build up your vocabulary


What did you say? あなたは何と言ったのですか?

*sayのイメージは 言葉を言う sayの焦点は 言葉 にあります

ここでは愛の発言を受けて、何を言ったのですか? と言葉を訊ねている

Say thank you. ありがとうって言いなさいよ

*thank youという言葉を言え ということ

I have to say that I’m surprised by your reaction.



The sign says you can’t swim here. この標識には遊泳禁止って書いてあるよ

*the sign看板が言葉を言っている

*let’s say 仮に何々としよう say 例えば

Let’s say… I talk with the boss and see what he thinks about your proposal.


Why don’t you come around to my place, say,… at 8:30?

私のところに来ない 例えば830分は?

*say 仮に~としよう 例えば

But these expressions are basically proposals, right


That’s exactly right. まさしくその通りです

Pretty much. そうですね

So, you have to be very careful how you say them.


So, could you repeat number 4 and number 5 for us, please?


Sure. Let’s say… I talk with the boss and see what he thinks about your proposal.


So, you notice Chris took time when he said, Let’s say….

ですので、お気づきでしょう。ChrisさんはLet’s sayと言った時、時間をとりました

So, same thing with the other sentence. それで同じ事がもう1つの文章にも当てはまります

Why don’t you come around to my place, say,… at 8:30?

So, without the pause, without that deliberate pause, it wouldn’t make sense. Right?


Hmm you’re thinking…say,…around 8:30?

あなたは考えているです、うーんと 830分頃は…どうでしょう?


Express yourself in English


She’s saying that our plan sounds terrible.


*sayの内容はoverlapping の形で使われています

*our plan=terrible に聞こえる ということ

*Some claim that climate change doesn’t exist, but the facts say otherwise.



*say otherwise別のことを言っている

the facts say that climate change exists. 事実は言っている 気候変動は存在する、と

Let’s say you put aside \20,000 a month. You’ll have enough to buy a new laptop by next year.

彼に君が1ヶ月に2万円貯めたとしようか 来年までには新しいlaptopを買うのに十分なお金が貯まるよ


So, could you explain the context of this sentence?

Well, you know, students always are saying they don’t have enough money.

But they really want a new laptop. So, they’ll have to do it step by step, put aside \20,000 a month. And by next year, they’ll have enough money.

So, as you can see like we mentioned before, this is a proposal. Let’s say you…


Hey, guys. I have an idea. -Right?-

Let’s say…we go ahead and say goodbye now. Then we can go and have a drink.

Hey, that’s about the best proposal you’ve made.

Oh. Exactly.

See you guys, tomorrow.




Chris, I’m going first. - Okay. No! I want to go first. – No! I’m going first.

Listen. Ladies first.

Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Now you can go.

Thank you. Chris McVay here. We’ve got lots to chat about and even to discuss today.

So, we’d better get a move on.

Lesson 106  We weren’t chatting. We were arguing.

It’s kind of a long story, but we have different opinions about the company.

*kind of 明確な表現を避けるときに使う

Oh, really? I heard a lot of laughing, so I thought you were chatting.

*hear 向こうから感覚がやってくる感じ

You know, there are no different opinions about our textbook.

That’s right. Everyone thinks it’s amazing.


Check your grammar

I saw you and Aileen having a long chat by the coffee machine today. 今日、君とAileencoffee メーカーのところで長々とおしゃべりしているのを見かけました



*you and Aileenhaving a long chat以下が説明し、

you and Aileenhavingしているところを見たという形

頻度の高い重要な形 文を来るごと覚えて自分のものしてしまいましょう

*byは そば を表す前置詞 by the coffee machine coffeeメーカーのそばで

What were you arguing about? 何について言い争っていたんだい?


Women can argue and laugh at the same time.


*women womanpluralthe などの限定詞がついていない「裸」のplural

一般の~ を表す最もpopularな形


Build up your vocabulary

We weren’t chatting. We were arguing.


*chat おしゃべりをする friendly で気軽な会話

*argue 論争・主張する

*discuss × discuss about 正しくはaboutなしで、他動型で使います

I need to discuss this matter with my family.


So, why is “discuss” always used in the transitive construction.


It’s kind of like attacks. So, there’s a direct contact with whatever it’s discussing.


Okay. And actually, you know the very verb “discuss” implies sharing a variety of ideas.


So, the notion of about is already included in it.



We are now negotiating very hard for better working conditions.


So, “negotiate” sounds like a verbal tag of war, right?


Yeah. I think that’s a good description. The image to-and-fro pulling both sides, right?


That’s right. And each side trying to get the best situation for them.


Exactly. まさしくその通りです


Express yourself in English


The two brothers often argued about the most ridiculous things.


*argue 言い表す talk about / argue about / chat about

Today, we need to discuss arrangements for the upcoming conference.


*arrangement 準備・手配 upcoming 近づきつつある

My boss always remains calm when she negotiates.


*remain my boss=calmの状態に留まる



Hey, Chris. Let’s stop arguing about trivial things.

Okay. That’s a good idea. But, this is my chocolate. Not yours. So, hands off. Okay?

No. This chocolate is mine.

No. It’s mine. I’m telling you.

Hey, hey, hey. You guys! You need to stop arguing about the most ridiculous things.

Yeah. Okay.

And anyway. That chocolate is mine!


See you guys, tomorrow.





Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Coping With Student Loan Woes (5)


Grace says the solution to the student-debt problem is not clear and recommends that young people take courses in personal-finance.

Ueda agrees saying its dangerous to make uninformed financial decisions and that financial literacy is just as important as reading literacy.

McMillan and Collins agree that financial decisions are difficult in any event.



Choice: Here, "choice" is an adjective. And it means the best, ah, select.

Something chosen out of various options is the best.

We also use "prime" the same way.

Like, people who have studied overseas often get prime overseas assignments.


Quality 極上の 質の良い


Getting back to: Grace says, "Getting back to the basic problem of student debt,"


Take a personal-finance course:


Make a lot of sense: The logic, ah, the reasoning behind something is strong.

The logic or reasoning holds up.

Things like, it makes sense to have extra disaster supplies on hand.

You never know when you'll need them and how much.


Have a solid grasp of:


Critical survival skill: A vital skill that allows us to survive, to get through.

And we can use this about actual physical survival skills. Like, learning how to start a fire, ah, use a compass, make a shelter. That sort of thing.

But Grace is talking about skills that help us get through modern life. Like, computer literacy is certainly a vital survival skill these days. I should ask the 20 some things in my office to teach me more.


*Truer words were never spoken. まさしくその通りです


Young adult: You'll often see this abbreviated as YA too.

Ah, like, ah, an article we talk about YA novels. Novels written for young adults.






The way I see it:


Financial literacy:


Magic bullet: McMillan says, "Having good personal-finance skills is important, of course, it's not a magic bullet."


Count one's pennies: Monitor one's spending very carefully and be very careful about how much we spent.

You might say, I want to go to Hawaii next year. So, I'm counting my pennies these days.

Or, we have to count pennies right now. Our department has a very tight budget.


Run a  tight ship: Conduct some operation in an efficient, well-managed way.

On everything, you can use this about everything from a business to a home.

Ah, the image is of a well-maintained boat. You know, with tightly pulled ropes.

My mother ran a very tight ship. Homework done early and always tidy up your toys.


No kidding.


Keep on top of: Remain fully informed or in control of the situation. Things like, he reads a lot of newspapers to keep on top of national events. Or, I use a smartphone app to keep on top of my calories and exercise.


Far from: Grace says, "the solution is far from clear."

"Not at all" or "hardly" would also work in these situations.

English also has the stand alone expression "far from it."

Ah, imagine someone asks you, "How was the book? Ah, was it boring?"

You reply, "Oh, far from it. It was very exciting and provocative."


Plan ahead: McMillan says, "It can be tough to plan ahead."

To plan in advance, to plan for the future. We plan ahead about all sorts of things. Like, my daughter's birthday is still a month away. But I'm trying to plan ahead to think about the party and her presents and everything now.


Consensus: Collins says, "There's no consensus among experts about the best investment and retirement-savings strategies."

Consensus is the general opinion, the agreement among a certain group.

We couldn't reach a consensus on when to have the party.

Or, the consensus in the office is we should delay the product launch.



That's all for today.

We hope you had fun. Bye.



  …首相(当時 麻生太郎)は、彼ら(ハローワークに相談に来た人々)には選びたくても選ぶ仕事すらない、という現実に気づいていないのだろう。それこそが、失業の恐怖や無職の不安、さらには将来に対する絶望を一切味わったことのない典型的な二世議員の言葉に他ならない。









Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Coping With Student Loan Woes (4)


Ueda envisions how the burden of paying off student-debt can affect other areas of life such as being able to purchase a car or home or start ones own business.

Collins recommends that students consider study-abroad programs partly because experience studying overseas can be an advantage in ones career potentially bringing a higher salary.



Be affected by: Be influenced by something. Be altered by it. Things like, she never lets her hiring decisions be affected by her personal feelings.

We also use "be affected by" to mean "moved emotionally or distressed by something."

For example, she was deeply affected by his speech on global poverty.


Potential income:


*Pose a threat to: McMillan says, "The student-debt problem poses a real threat to this country's social stability." Here, ah, "pose" means "present, ah, put forward." We use it in a lot of situations like, pose a question. John posed some interesting questions at the sales conference, for example. Or, oh, pose a problem. That's another common one, like, this production delay poses a real problem. Ah, can we make our announce to launch date?


Pause 立ち止まる


Increased inequality:


Spend a big chunk of one's paycheck on: A big chunk is a large piece or amount of something. Ah, and it can be a physical thing or non-physical thing, like, I spend a big chunk of my day answering emails. Or, rent takes up a big chunk of my income.


Paycheck 給与小切手


*the unbanked 銀行口座を持っていない人たち


Credit rating: The assessment of how likely we are to pay back debts. You know, and it determines whether we can get future loans and credit cards and such. You know, I remember  my mother, ah, telling me when I went to college, "Always pay back your credit card bill on time so you'll have a good credit card rating."


*negative list  ブラックリスト


Knock-on effect on: When one action or event, you know, causes subsequent events, like a string of dominos, knocking each other over. And we also say the domino effect. Losing our top employees had a real domino effect, for example. Production slowed down and that resulted in lower sales.


Domino effect ドミノ効果


Public purse: Public resources, public money. Ah, we also say the public coffers. Things like, the massive tax cuts are a big drain on the public curse. Or, improvements in infrastructure should come from public coffers.


Public Coffers?


Alternative for: Collins says, "One alternative for students is to consider study-abroad programs."


Limited financial resources: Financial resources that only go so far. So, not a lot of financial resources. Ah, it's also common to hear "limited means." And this refers to a small income, you know, small financial resources. His family has limited means. So he decided to go to a community college.


Plus: Ah, in this case, plus means "in addition, also." Imagine you are choosing a new apartment. And you like this neighborhood because it's quiet and safe. You tell a friend, "Plus, all the fast trains stop there. So I can get to work quickly."




Statistics show: Collins says, "Statistics show that students who study abroad for a meaningful period of time make as much as 20 percent more money during their careers."

When statistics show something, they illustrate it, they demonstrate the point. Ah, statistics show that voters want lower taxes. Or, statistics show that the job market is improving.

We also say things like, surveys show, ah, research shows, opinion polls show and so on.






That's all for today.

Have good day. Bye.




And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hi, everybody. Are you ready to learn some business English with us?


Lesson 44


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


Let's start with fair pay. First, how many of you have been to Myanmar? Let's see a show of hands.


*Hmm. Well, you could also say, "Could those who have been to Myanmar please raise their hands?"

Or, please raise your hand if you've been to Myanmar.

You could even say, "How many of you have been to Myanmar while raising your own hand?"


Thank you That's just 5. Okay.


Well, I haven't been there yet, but I'm going there next month.


Oh, that's good to know. Now, Myanmar has become a manufacturing base for the garment industry.

*manufacturing base 生産拠点

*production base


And you may have read that some companies there pay unfair wages.


*Unfair wages 不当に安い賃金


We hire auditors to check whether our local partners pay reasonable salaries 

and whether they do so on time.



When we say something is reasonable, we mean that it's fair or appropriate.


Could you understand?

Sophie asked the audience whether they have been to Myanmar.

Then she talked about what Shibuya Clothing was doing to protect workers in that country.



Business phrase of the day


Let's start with fair pay.


Let's start off with some current topics. 最近の話題から始めましょう


Let's start off with beer. とりあえずビール!


Similar expressions


I'd like to kick off my presentation with an overview of the Asian market.


First of all, let me talk about global warming.


要点が3つの場合 first of all

firstly / secondly / finally


To begin with, I'd like to ask you two questions.

=to start with


Practical business phrases


Show of hands

Shall we take votes by a show of hands?



The wage increase is on the agenda for the board meeting.



That client's request sounds reasonable.


All right, everyone. Follow me.


Let's start with fair pay. First, how many of you have been to Myanmar? Let's see a show of hands.

Thank you That's just 5. Okay.


Well, I haven't been there yet, but I'm going there next month.


Oh, that's good to know. Now, Myanmar has become a manufacturing base for the garment industry.

And you may have read that some companies there pay unfair wages.

We hire auditors to check whether our local partners pay reasonable salaries 

and whether they do so on time.


That was great.



Tips for business communication


Well, one technique that I like is telling a short interesting story.

That's a great way to grab an audience's attention and introduce them to your topic.


Well, also a powerful or amusing picture or even a video clip can make an immediate impact on your listeners.

When a speaker uses one of these techniques, I'm usually hooked right away.


Hum huh.


Thanks for listening. And we hope to see you again next time.


ちょっと今から仕事やめてくる」 北川恵海より


P103 「いや、おかしいで? 新入社員がミスしてそこまで詰め寄るって、普通とちゃうよ」


P110 「隆にとって、会社辞めることと、死ぬことは、どっちのほうが簡単なわけ?」






仕事と命とどちらが大事? と問われれば、大部分の人が「命」と答えるだろう。

しかし、そういう当たり前の判断ですら、できなくなるのが 鬱病 という状態。






And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hello, everyone. Welcome to today's program.


Lesson 43


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


Good morning, everyone. My name is Kenji Yamaguchi. I head the CSR team at Shibuya Clothing in Tokyo.


*"To head a group" means "to lead it."


It's a great honor to be invited here.


*When we say that something is an honor, we mean that it makes us feel proud. For example, it was truly an honor to work with you. Means, I'm proud that I could work with you.


We're going to cover three points today: fair pay, equal opportunities for women and education

*fair 公正な 公平な

There will be time at the end for questions. But please feel free to interrupt us at any time.

Now let me introduce my colleague Sophie Barnard.

Thank you, Kenji.

I'm in charge of CSR at our Paris office.

*be in charge of ... ~を担当している


I'm going to present the first two points.


How was that?

Kenji began the presentation. He mentioned their three points. And then he introduced Sophie.


We're going to cover three points today.

My presentation will cover three points.


Business phrase of the day


We're going to cover three points today.


My presentation will cover three points.



Similar expressions


I'm going to go over three points.


My presentation is divided into three sections.


I'd like to talk about two things today.




Practical business phrases



Mr. Kim heads the disaster recovery team.



This award is a great honor.



The agent offered me a fair price for the house. 妥当な価格を提示しました


If everyone's ready, then let's begin.


Good morning, everyone. My name is Kenji Yamaguchi. I head the CSR team at Shibuya Clothing in Tokyo.

It's a great honor to be invited here.

We're going to cover three points today: fair pay, equal opportunities for women and education

There will be time at the end for questions. But please feel free to interrupt us at any time.

Now let me introduce my colleague Sophie Barnard.


Thank you, Kenji.

I'm in charge of CSR at our Paris office.

I'm going to present the first two points.


Well done.


Tips for business communication


Ah, well I've taken questions during presentations before. But I try to avoid it because it interrupts my flow of thought. So, at the beginning of the presentation, I might say something like: Would you mind holding your questions until the end? Then the audience knows not to interrupt.



That's it for today. Please join us again next time.




① ディクテーションをして、スクリプトで確認


② スクリプトを暗唱


③ 再びディクテーション


④ 暗唱


⑤ 暗唱したものを音読


⑥ 実際に使う


⑦ 継続する



Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Coping With Student Loan Woes (3)


McMillan gives figures for how much NYU medical school students will save in tuition and how much they will still have to pay for other things.

Collins says she was shocked by the huge debt held by its most recent graduating class and says this will significantly change things.

Collins compares the average salaries of doctors in different areas of medicine.



Be awarded: Be given some prize or form of recognition.

For example, the police officer was awarded a medal for bravery in the line of duty.

Or, she was awarded a research grant to study seals.


Bravery in the line of duty

Bravery  勇敢な行動・行為

in the line of duty   勤務の一環として・職務上


Independently of: Without relation to. Here, McMillan is saying the scholarships are not awarded in connection with financial need. Ah, that's not a factor in awarding the scholarships.

Imagine a young person who chooses a college, we could say, "He made the decision independently of his parents. It was completely his choice."


Fork over:


Be saddled with: Be burdened with something as if someone has strapped the horse's saddle onto as soon as riding us with some heavy burden.

A country might be saddled with a huge deficit.

Or, an employee saddled with a heavy workload.


He was saddled with many responsibilities. 彼はいろいろな責任を背負い込んだ


Six-figure: McMillan is talking about debts of hundreds of thousands of dollars, you know, that are written in six digits.

Ah, you could also say, Mary makes six-figures. Or she makes a six-figure income.

If someone is making millions, you'd say seven-figures.

Doctor A gave up a seven-figure income to do relief work overseas.


Promise to: Collins says, "So this promises to be a real game-changer."




Debt load: The amount of debt one carries, the burden of that debt.

Ah, likewise, there's the workload someone has. How much work they have to handle.

You might say, "I think we should reduce his workload. And he's been very tired lately."

He's been very tired lately.


General practitioner:


Think twice about:


Medicine as a career choice:


Pediatrics and internal medicine: Down at the bottom, Collins says, "Doctors specializing in pediatrics and internal medicine have average annual salaries of a quarter of a million dollars."


Peanuts compared with: A tiny amount. Ah, piddling amount compared to.

You could say, that small change compared with.

And we often use peanuts on its own. Like, ah, he had to work for peanuts when he was starting out in the industry. So, he made very little money.


Or, ah, don't do any translating for that company. They pay peanuts.


Neurosurgery and thoracic surgery:


*Upwards of: Now, the dictionaries that I've seen, ah, define this term as "more than."

And that's how we're using it here.

But when I asked some friends in the United States about this, some of them said they use it to mean "about" or "around."

So, when you're hearing this expression or using it, it might be a good idea to clarify exactly what is meant.


Revised upwards 上方修正


Surplus: Ah, surplus is extra, more than needed. "Shortage" appeared earlier in the vignette.

Another opposite term would be "shortfall."

We also have the word "surfeit." And this means too much of something, an excessive amount.

Like, ah, she suffers from the surfeit of confidence. Or, the doctor warned him about the surfeit of fat in his diet.


Agricultural surplus 余剰農産物


Lucrative: Profitable. Brings in a good amount of money.

Ah, she has a lucrative career in medical translating, for example.

Or, designing apps can be a lucrative business if you get a hit.



That's all for today.

See you next time. Bye.

20190906 ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers LRに注目

Erect 建物などを建てる 何かを直立させる

We erected a fence to protect wild animals.



Elect 誰かを選ぶ 選出する election 選挙

The mayor is elected every 4 years. 市長は4年おきに選出されます


Frame 骨組み 骨格 建物の骨組み window frame 窓枠

He painted the window frames pink. 彼は窓枠をpinkに塗った


Flame 実際に燃えている炎 比喩的にこんな使い方もできます

His words only added fuel to the flame. 彼の言葉は火に油を注いだだけだった

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 通勤・通学に関する単語

Commute  verb通勤する 通学する noun 通勤・通学

I usually use a language learning app during my commute.

普段私は通学時に言語学習のアプリを使っています app=application


Vehicle 乗り物 車 自転車 バイク 電車 飛行機 宇宙船 いろいろな乗り物

Our company allows us to use a personal vehicle to go to work.



Traffic 交通 traffic accident  交通事故 traffic sign 交通標識

*be caught in traffic 交通につかまって

I’m sorry I’m late. I was caught in traffic.



Transportation 輸送 輸送機関 交通機関

公共交通機関 public transportation

Do you take public transportation to work?


ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers キーキーゴワゴワヌルヌル

What? Key key?

Creak キーキー鳴る きしむ 椅子が軋んでキーキー

The floor in my room creaks even when no one is walking on it.



Stiff 固い 髪の毛やタオルが ゴワゴワした Stiff handle固い取っ手

My hair is always stiff after I take a shower.



Slimy お風呂場の排水溝 蝸牛などを表現するときに

ヌルヌルした ネバネバした

I stepped on something slimy. 何かヌルヌルしたものを踏んづけた


Baggy だぶだぶした ぶかぶかした baggy pants

I wear a baggy shirt when I sleep. 寝る時にはぶかぶかのシャツを着ます

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers 人間関係

Close[s] adjective 近い close[z] 閉める

I live close to the situation. 駅の近くに住んでいます *距離的な近さ

*親密な 人間関係にも使える

I have been getting closer to her recently. 最近、彼女と親密になってきた


Isolate 孤立させる 隔離する 物理的な意味でも使えますが 人間関係でも使えて

I felt I was isolated from my classmates.



Reconcile 仲直りさせる 和解させる be reconciled 仲直りする

They have finally reconciled after years of apart. *apart離れて


I want to reconcile with you. あなたと仲直りしたい


Minami, please forgive me.


I want to reconcile with you.


I’ll buy you some ice cream. So…


Bond strong bond 強い絆

We have a really strong bond. 私たちはとても強い絆で結ばれています

ボキャブライダー Hi! I’m Maxell Powers ふりをする

Pretend 何かのふりをする

He pretended that he didn’t remember what he had said.


Don’t pretend you don’t remember. 覚えてないふりしないで


Imitate 真似る 模倣する negative/positive imitation模倣品 模倣 模写

He imitates the hairstyles of movie stars of 1980s.



Disguise 変装させる transitive verb 偽装する

Disguise myself 変装する

I disguised myself by wearing a wig and glasses.



Fake  verb 偽物 模造品 verb でっち上げる 偽造する

She faked her death for an insurance payment.



Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Let’s have a great review.

Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. I just love the review. Review, review, review.

Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go.

Lesson 105  Review

Listening challenge

Okay, everyone.

Question: Which of the following is true?

A  Taro Tanaka isn’t a band member.

B  MCT’s name is Taro Tanaka.

Or C  Taro Tanaka and MCT are different people. タロウ・タナカとMCTは違う人物

Here we go.

Okay, here’s the question.

Question: Why did the man reject Monica’s idea?

A  Because it would cost too much.   B  Because he doesn’t like the book.

Or C  Because she didn’t listen to him.

Listen up.

Question: Why is Carol upset?

A  Because someone got hurt in a car accident near her home.

B  Because she got arrested for drunk driving. 

or C  Because there are too many car accidents in her neighborhood.

Here we go.

Question: What will Aoi and Ken probably do after this conversation?

A  They will relax together.

B  They will have a presentation practice.

Or C  They will prepare lots of slides.

Listen carefully.


Practical challenge

Hey, everyone. Like we always say, remember to take the situation and imagine it in your head and then build it in English. So, don’t go off of the Japanese.

Okay. We’d like you to treat this challenge as a performance. It’s not normal everyday English in that sense. So, put everything into it. Act out as Rosa said. Jump into the situation and it will come out really naturally. Good luck!


What are you so excited about?

Do you hear about Mari? I got an email from her saying she was engaged.

*hear about ~について聞く 具体的な情報が意識されています

*got an emailは気軽な言い方

*emailsaying言っている 無生物が言う 英語独特の言い回しに慣れてください

If feel it’s a good idea to buy her a present together.

*feelを リポート文の形で使った文

*it’s a good idea to~ よいアイデアだと述べてから、to以下で何がよいアイデアなのか itの内容を展開する意識で作ります

If you agree, I’ll talk to her and ask what she wants.

I’ll talk to her 彼女と話すよ 話し合うのtalk


Have you heard the news about Mari? She called me to tell me she has gotten engaged.

Have you heard~ が、出来事が 手元で、最近 起こったという感触

*called me to~ ~するために電話をかけてきた 目的を表すto infinitive

*tell me she has gotten engagedtell meの内容をshe以下で展開したレポート文の形

How about we get her a joint present?

*how aboutは後ろにfull sentenceをとることができます

*get her a joint present 彼女に共同でpresentを買ってあげる get 授与型

If you feel okay with this idea, I’ll go ahead and ask her what she’d like.

*feel okay with this ideawithはやはり 一緒


*go ahead前に行く→事を進める

*she’s like = she would like wantから生々しさを取り除いた大人の表現


Hey, Rosa. Isn’t this month your birthday?

You remember! - Yes. -

That’s right. It’s my birthday. So, what are you going to get me?

Or rather… what would you like?

Well, I do love sushi.

Sushi? For a birthday present? Huh?

You can take me to eat the best sushi in Tokyo.

Yeah. I know the nice place for sushi.

Okay. Let’s go together and then celebrate.





Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. We are going to talk about so many interesting and fun things in today’s lesson aren’t we? Chris.

Sorry. I don’t want to speak to you.

Oh! Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. I do want to speak to you. So, let’s get started.

Lesson 104  I hate to speak in front of people.

Hi, Ken. Can you give me some advice? *advice  uncountable noun

Sure, Aoi. What’s up? 何か出来事がニョキニョキと現れてくるような感触

I want to use lots of slides. *lots of a lot ofよりrelaxしたphrase

*Hey, Can you give me some advice on studying English?

Sure. Check out our textbook.


Check your grammar

Just relax and make sure you’re prepared.


説明ルールの形 make sure

Actually, I think it’s better not to use too many slides.


*it’s betterとまず言い切って、何がよりよいのかをnot to use too many slidesで説明

*actually は相手にとって予想外な内容を持ち出すときの前置き

Speaking in your own words is important. 君自身の言葉で話すことが大切なんだ

英語は配置の言葉 主語の位置にあればverb ing形のphraseも主語

所有格+ownは所有格の強調 ~自身の


Build up your vocabulary

I hate to speak in front of people. 私は人前で話すのが苦手です

*speakのイメージは 単に 口から音声を出す


*talk おしゃべりをする

You can come to me anytime you want to talk. 話したければいつでも僕のところにおいでよ


単に音声が一方的に出てくるだけのspeak 双方向のtalk

*speech noun  壇上に立ち一方的に話をする感触

*talk  noun   peace talk(和平会談)など 話し合い

I don’t want to speak about it right now. 今はそれについて口を出したくない

I don’t want to talk about it right now. 今はそれについて君と話し合いたくない

*So, can you explain the difference between these two?


Sure. So, “I don’t want to speak about it right now.” really focuses on me. I don’t want to speak. I don’t want to utter single word.

いいですよ。I don’t want to speak about it right now.は「私」に重点を置いています。私は話したくない。ただの一言も発したくない

Whereas, the emphasis with talk, “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” is more like a two-way discussion. Talking implies something more in depth.

それに対して、talkに強勢を置いたI don’t want to talk about it right now.はどちらかと言うと双方向の話し合いです。talkingは何か深いことを含んでいます


Express yourself in English

You’ll often hear people talking to each other in Spanish in many U.S. cities. アメリカの多くの都市で人々がお互いにスペイン語を話しているのをしょっちゅう聞くでしょうね

目的語説明型 hear + object + verb ing

peopletalking to each other in Spanishしているのを聞く

*talk を選んだことから人々がおしゃべりしている情景が浮かぶ

I didn’t catch what you said, so can you speak more slowly, please?


*catchは 動いているものを捕まえる


*So, what’s the nuance of “catch” here? ここでのcatchのニュアンスは何でしょうか?

Well, it’s like you said something. And it went passed me before I could understand it. So I couldn’t catch it.


That’s right. There’s movement involved, right? …in a conversation.


There’s a flow of conversation and then, you try and catch.



Actually, I hate to speak in front of people.


Huh? Why is that? え? どうしてですか?

I’m so shy. That’s why. 私はとても内気なんです。だからです

But you always speak to our listeners on the program.


No. Please don’t say that. I think I’m just speaking in front of a microphone, not in front of the audience.


No…  No, man! そんな… 勘弁してよ





Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Hah! I feel so wonderful today.

Don’t you always feel wonderful? – Only when I’m with you.

Ahh. Chris McVay here, guys. Let’s get started.

Lesson 103  I feel we need to do something about this problem.

Carol, what’s the matter? You look upset.

*upset 基本的に何かがひっくり返る様子 それを想像させる単語


文脈によっていろんな解釈が為される 軽く立腹をしている 怒っている 心配している がっかりしてる 心の平穏が乱されている その状態

There was another car accident in our neighborhood last night.

Again? That’s the third one this week.

The driver got arrested for drunk driving.

Another drunk driver? What is going on these days? I feel we need to do something about this problem.

I couldn’t agree more.  (I couldn’t agree more with you.)

By the way, was anybody hurt?

No. Luckily, no one was injured.

*I feel everyone should take a look at the textbook. - I couldn’t agree more.


Check your grammar

ポイント 考えずに作ることができる文を増やす

ダイアログの音読、暗唱学習は進んでいますか? 私が音読、暗唱を推奨するのは 英作文していては会話にならないから です。私たちは日本語で、文をいちいち組み立てながら話したりはしていません。頭の中にすでにある文を状況に合わせて加工するだけ だから瞬時に口から文が出せるのです。英語も同じ。頭の中にある文の数が勝負なんです。このダイアログで次の文は、特に反射的に、考えずとも口から出すことができなければなりません。

What’s the matter? どうしかしたの? *matter 考慮・処理すべき事

What is going on these days? このごろは一体どうなっているんだろう

*goの進む にonが 継続 のニュアンスを添えて 出来事が起こる・続く

I couldn’t agree more. 大賛成です

これ以上賛成することなどできないでしょうね → 大賛成

Luckily, no one was injured. 幸い、誰も毛かしなかったわ

*Luckilyの位置に注意してください 後ろに続く内容を指定するニュアンスであるため文頭に置かれています



Build up your vocabulary


I feel we need to do something about this problem.


*feelは 感じがする・感じる 触覚 感じる を表す動詞 そこから 心で感じる ことも表すようになっているわけです

この文ではthinkではなく、feelを選んだことで、理詰めの話ではなく、そうした 感じがする というニュアンスとなっているわけです

This is a non-smoking restaurant, but I can smell smoke.



Can you taste anything strange in this stew? このシチュー何か変な味がしない?

* taste 味がする

*So, is it possible to say, “I’m smelling smoke.” ? I’m smelling smoke.と言えますか?

No! ダメです!


嗅覚を表すsmell、味覚を表すtaste そして触覚を表すfeelには大きな特徴があります

それはsee 見える やhear 聞こえる の向こうからやって来る 感覚と、look 視線を向ける やlisten 聞き耳を立てる などで見られた自発的、積極的な行為を表す使い方が、1つの動詞に同居している どちらにも使える



Feel this cashmere sweater. It’s so soft. *触る 自発的な行為


Smell the milk first to see if it’s still okay to drink. *嗅ぐ 積極的な行為


Taste the sauce for salt. 塩加減がいいかどうか、ソースを味見してみて

*味見をする 積極的・自発的な行為

*視覚や聴覚では、「向こうから来る感覚」と「自発的な行為」 これは別の動詞に割り振られていた see 向こうから来る感覚 見える look 目を向けるという行為

触覚・嗅覚・味覚に関する動詞の場合、向こうから来る感覚と自分で実際に行為をしていく その2つの使い方がたった1つの動詞に同居している


Express yourself in English


I felt the excitement building up in the audience.

聴衆の興奮が高まっているのを感じた 目的語説明型

*the excitement building up するのを感じた

*So, what’s the nuance of “building up” ? “building up”のニュアンスは何でしょうか?

Well, it’s like blocks piling up on top of each other, taller and taller, escalating.


I’d like to use a musical word like, “crescendo.” Starts a little and then little by little. Hoo! Becomes bigger and bigger.

crescendoのような音楽用語を用いたいですね。小さく始まって、それから少しずつ 徐々に大きくなっていく


I think I can smell gas. ガスの臭いがするように思う

I can smell gas. ×I’m smelling gas.

I’ve never tasted anything like this before. It’s delicious.


現在完了 経験用法 never 今まで~したことがない


Hmm. Chris’s carrot cake! I’ve never tasted anything like this before.


Well, I’ve tasted something like it before. 私は以前このようなものを味わいました
Really? What’s that?
ほんとう? それって何ですか?

Well, his carrot cake. It’s the second time he’s brought it.


のー こめんと




Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Let’s have another great lesson.

Hey, Rosa. I think we should make a doll of Ohnishi sensei.

Listen to me. That is a very bad idea.

Okay. Chris McVay here, everyone. I think we should get started as soon as possible.

Lesson 102  Listen to me. This is a bad idea.

*listenは聴覚に関わる重要動詞 音が向こうからやってくるhearとは大きくイメージが変わります

Yes. I think we should make a doll of the author in a Hawaiian shirt. アロハシャツ

The cost of making the dolls would be too high. *would 仮定法


Well, if you say so. You’re the boss. 匙を投げたような感触

Hmm. Should we promote our textbook every day?

Hey, that’s not a bad idea.

Well, if you say so.


Check your grammar

Have you thought of something to promote the new book book?

*think ofは 思いつく 何かを想像する 頭に思い浮かべる


いろいろ考えている場合はthink about

*something:  thing, one, bodyで終わる単語 something, someone, somebodyはまずその単語を言い切りその説明を後ろに続けるリズムで用います

*somethingと言ってから、あの新刊書を宣伝するためのね とto promote the new book説明

If you say so. 前に出てきた文 This is a bad idea. 全体を受けています

Has she arrived yet? I don’t think so.

前の文全体を受けて I don’t think so. と言っています


Build up your vocabulary

Listen to me. This is a bad idea. よく聞くんだ。それはいいアイデアじゃないよ

*hearが 聞こえる 音が向こうからやって来る 感覚で使われる単語であるのに対し、

*listen聞く は 自発的・積極的な行為 耳を傾ける

*see 見える look 視線を向ける


耳を傾けるlistenにはhearにはない意味の広がり アドバイスを聞く があります

My son never listens to me. 僕の息子は決して僕の言うことを聞かない

*listen to… toのイメージは指し示す 耳を傾けている対象を ここだよ と指し示す感覚

You were listening in on our conversation, weren’t you? – No way!

君は僕たちの会話を盗み聞きしていたんだね? - まさか

*in ~の中 容器のイメージ listen in 人の会話の 中に 耳をいれる感じ


*listen in on

So, what is the nuance of “on” here? ここでのonのニュアンスとは何ですか?

I’ll bet you handle that, Chris?  Chrisさんがお答えしてくれるはずです

Well, first of all, it’s “listen in.” So, you have to enter the area where the conversation is taking place and then you want to stay, don’t you? So, it’s like a platform. And you sit on the platform. And the platform is the conversation.

ええ。まず、listen in ですね。ですから、会話が起きている領域に入る必要があります。そして留まりたいわけですよね。だから、プラットフォーム(会話の起こっている演壇)のようなものです。プラットフォームの上にいる。そしてそのプラットフォームは会話というわけです。


I was listening for my name to be called. (病院の待合室で)


*listen for ~を求めて ~が聞こえないかと 聞き耳を立てている


Express yourself in English

Hey, listen to this song I just wrote. ねえ、僕が今作ったばかりのこの歌を聞いてよ

*this songと言い切ってから、その説明をI just wrote私が書いたばかりの、ね

So, by the way, is it possible to use, “made” ? “I just made” here?

ところで、madeを使うのは可能ですか? I just made…

It is possible. But it means more of you made the melody, like, for example, on your computer. Whereas “wrote” refers to the lyrics.


That’s right. そうですね

My parents caught my brother listening in on their conversation.


*catch  目的語説明型

*my brotherlistening inしているところを捕まえる

Make sure you listen for the postman. I’m expecting an important delivery today.


*make sure 必ず~する

*listen for郵便配達員が来た音に聞き耳を立てておいて

*expect 予期する 期待する

*delivery配達 配達する


So, “postman” is British English, right?  *postmanはイギリス英語ですよね?

Yeah. That’s the way we’d use in the U.K. そうですね。イギリスではそういう言い方ですね

How about America? アメリカではどうですか?

I think American English, “mailman” is more common.


Ah, yeah. I’ve heard of that. そうですね。そう聞いたことがあります


Hmm. My son doesn’t listen to me. 僕の息子は決して僕の言うことを聞かない

I don’t blame him. I don’t want to listen to you either.

彼は責められないですね 私もあなたのいうことなど聞きたくありませんから

What? Sorry? What did you say? え? すみません、何か言いました?



Wow! That was amazing, sensei. Hey, everyone. This is Rosa Akino. Let’s have another great lesson.

Hello, everyone. Chris McVay here.

What? Nobody can hear you, Chris.

Oh, sorry. You want me to speak up. Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here. Let’s get started.

Lesson 101  I’ve never heard of anyone by that name.

No problem. We’re taking a break. *take a break 休憩を手につなぎ上げる感触

Taro Tanaka? In our band? I’ve never heard of anyone by that name.

名前は人の隣にあるような感じ 近さを表すby

REKT?  Oh! ラジオ 英 会話 textbook? I didn’t know that was its real name.

Me neither.

Me neither.


Check your grammar


I’m sorry to bother you guys in the middle of your practice.

*bother ~を困らせる 邪魔する take the trouble to~ わざわざ~する

*you guys  youplural form

I didn’t know his real name was Taro. *real name 本名

主節動詞が過去didn’t knowなら従属節も引きずられて過去was



Build up your vocabulary


I’ve never heard of anyone by that name. そんな名前の人は聞いたことがありません

*hear see とよく似ています

*seeは見える 自発的な動作ではなく 向こうからやって来る感触をもった動詞

*hearも自発的・積極的に耳を傾けるという動作ではありません 聞こえる 音が向こうからやって来る感触

この文では 聞こえる が 聞いて知っている に意味を広げています

*hear ofofが意味の薄い前置詞であるため 単に~を耳にする 程度

*まわりをイメージするaboutを用いた hear about は~にまつわること と具体的な情報が意識されます

Have you heard about Geoff? He’s going to get married.

Geoffについて聞いた? 彼、結婚するんだよ

音が聞こえる の意味ではhearは直接目的語をとる他動型で使います

Sorry, I can’t hear you well. ごめん、よく聞こえないんだけど


I heard Ken play the piano. Kenがピアノを引くのが聞こえた


I heard that Ken plays the piano. Kenが習慣的にピアノを弾くという情報を聞いた

So, this sentence is quite different from “I heard Ken play the piano.”, right?

この文 I heard that Ken plays the piano. I heard Ken play the piano.とはかなり違いますよね?

Oh, yeah. It’s totally different. “I heard Ken play the piano.” means Ken was playing the piano and I heard that sound.

そうです。まったく異なります。I heard Ken play the piano.の意味は、Kenはピアノを弾いていた。そしてわたしはそのピアノ音を聞いた

Whereas, “I heard that Ken plays the piano.” refers to the fact that he can play, his ability to play the piano.

それに対して、I heard that Ken plays the piano.は、Kenがピアノを弾けるという事実、Kenのピアノを弾く能力のことを指しています


Express yourself in English


I heard a strange noise. 私は奇妙な音を聞いた

*a strange noise

So, why a noise? どうしてnoiseが可算名詞として使われているのですか?

Well, here, a noise is like a specific noise.

そうですね。ここでa noiseなのは特定の音のようなものだからです

That’s right. Whereas if there’s nothing specific you’re referring to, for example, I couldn’t sleep because of the noise in the street. Then noise becomes uncountable.

その通りです。それに対して、特定のものを示さないのであれば、例えば、道路の騒音のために眠れなかった などの場合は、その時にはnoiseは不可算名詞となります

Like, noise. とらえどころのない音のような


Did you hear about the jewelry store robbery? その貴金属強盗について聞いた?

実際の音ではなく 音がきこえるではないため 他動型でなく*hear about

Can’t you hear the phone ringing? 電話が鳴っているのが聞こえないの?

*can hearは頻繁に使われる形


目的語説明型 the phoneringingしているのを聞く


Shhhhhh! しぃーっ

I can hear a strange noise. 変な音が聞こえる

Oh, that’s… あ、それって

Chris’s stomach. Chrisさんのお腹ですね

He must be hungry. 彼は腹ぺこなんですよ きっと

I’m starving. 腹減った!





Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Coping With Student Loan Woes (2)


Collins says the situation involving student loans is very serious in America and cites the enormous amount of student debt held in that nation.

She says people paying off the loans often have nothing left for retirement and student debt has made college impossible for many people in the first place.

McMillan describes an enlightened policy at New York university.



Be aware of: Realize something. Know what the situation is. Know what's happening.

Things like, it's important to be aware of how many calories we consume.

Or to use a slight variation, he wasn't aware that the staff were so unhappy.




Grim: About the student loan situation, Collins says, "It's pretty grim, actually."




What's more: This next thing is also important or even more important.

Things like, she's always dominating the conversation. What's more, her comments are uninformed and rude.


Moreover=What's more さらに その上


Crushing burden:


Higher education: This refers to undergraduate education and higher. So, basically college on up.

This new tax will fund higher education, for example.

Or, 60% of this high school's graduates go on to higher education.


Out of reach for: Collins means something that can't be obtained because of a limitation or restriction.

Like, this car is out of reach for ordinary consumers. It's much too expensive.

But we also use this about things that just physically can't be reached.

Cleaning products and such often say on the label, "Keep out of reach of children."



Tuition-free: McMillan says, "The obvious answer to this situation is to make universities tuition-free."

To make the universities not require any tuition not involve any tuition.

And we put "free" after a lot of different terms. Like, ah, fat-free ice cream, for example.

Or, no matter what, I enjoy my ice cream guilt-free.

Or, another one might be, ah, "This new ordinance will make our streets litter-free."


Email-free Eメールのない生活




Medical school:


Enroll someone in: Put someone's name on the roll or the list of people who will participate in something or become members.

It's very commonly used for classes, you know, study of some kind.

Young people enroll in college.

Or, I've enrolled in a class on Greek History.


MD degree:


Forward-looking: Looking forward, in another word. Thinking about or planning for the future.

I once read about a forward-looking DVD rental company.

And it was phasing out. It was gradually reducing physical DVD rentals.

And it was moving toward online streaming, you know, because that was the way of the future apparently.


Enlightened: An enlightened person or thing is forward-thinking and wise.

Ah, they show understanding and reason.

Like, that company has an enlightened policy regarding parental leave.

New fathers and mothers can take up to one-year off.


Parental leave 母親あるいは父親による育休




Take: McMillan says, "Take New Your University, for example."

He means, consider this as an example of what I'm talking about.

You might also say, ah we have a lot of experienced employees.

Ah, take Mary for example. She's been with us for 30 years.


Take something/somebody for example 何々をあるいは誰々を例にとりましょう



That's all for today.

Thanks for tuning in. Bye.



Business Communication in Action  実践ビジネス英語

Hello everybody.   こんにちは。みなさん。


Hello and welcome to the show.

This is Heather Howard.

Let's take a look at conversation at work.



Coping With Student Loan Woes (1)


Grace describes a package of student loan benefits detailing how A & A will put money in the retirement accounts of employees who use certain amount of their salary to pay off student loans.

She says an employee with a fifty-thousand-dollar annual salary could accumulate nearly forty thousand dollars in their retirement account over ten years without any contribution of their loan.


Woe: A source of misfortune, of suffering or sorrow. Ah, things like, John is suffering from a number of legal woes right now, ah, including tax audit. Or, hopefully Company X can overcome its financial woes this year. We also have the expressions "woe betide" and "woe to." These basically mean, if this happens of if you do this, there will be negative consequences. Things like, "woe betide anyone who disagrees with the boss. He hates being contradicted." Or, woe to her if she interrupts me again.


Betide 古い英語 happen 起きる生じる

Woe betide you. 汝に災いあれ


Be aimed at:


Retirement nest egg:


Respond to:


Crippling: This refers to something so damaging, so distractive, that it stops something else from functioning. Ah, we also have the verb, "cripple." Like, she suffers from crippling migraines. So, the migraines are so terrible that she can't function. Or, the cyber-attack crippled the company's computer system.




Essentially: Ueda asks, "How does the program work, essentially?"

Basically, he means. Ah, fundamentally, in principle. He essentially told the boss he was quitting. Or, we've essentially cancelled that project.


Contribute A toward[to] B: To contribute toward or contribute to. That's to give money or some other contribution toward a bigger goal or purpose as a part of a larger whole. Everyone in the office contributed toward a wedding gift for John and Karen, for example. Or, this product contributed greatly to our jump in sales last quarter.


Savings plan:


Let's say…: I use this expression a lot, don't I? It means imagine this scenario. Okay? Envision this premise. Things like, let's say we go to Hawaii for our next vacation, should we go this fall or at the beginning of next year? Or, let's say we rent a bigger apartment, which area of town should we live in?


Pay down: Grace uses this to mean "pay something in installments" you know, a partial amount at a time. If we say, "pay off" that refers to ultimately paying off the whole debt. So, you could say, he puts aside $100 every month to pay down his credit card debt.


In installments 分割払い


And we also say "an installment plan."  Like, if you went to the store in the states, for example, you wanted to buy a big, new, expensive computer, you might ask the store, might ask the salesman, "Ah, do you have an installment plan?"


401(k) tax-qualified, defined-contribution pension account:


Assume: Grace says, "That's assuming a 6 percent average annual return and yearly merit increases of 3 percent."

Here, ah, Grace is using "assume" as based on this assumption, you know, taking this as a basic premise.

Things like, assuming I get the job, I'll start next month.

Or, assuming it doesn't rain, the picnic will start at noon.


Annual return: The return you get back on an investment or such, ah, each year.

Ah, yearly return would work too.

For example, you might tell a friend, "They promised a yearly return of 25 percent? That's a scam."


Yearly merit increase:


Set something apart: Differentiate something or someone from the rest of a group. You know, make them stand out. And this can mean "stand out in a good way or sometimes a bad way." You might say, "His extensive experience set him apart from the other job candidates." Or, ah, when I was a kid, my love of old, old movies set me apart from my classmates. Hardly anybody else was watching old black and white movies.



That's all for today.

I hope we see you next time. Bye.




And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi! I'm Lindsay Wells.


Hello. I'm looking forward to today's program. I hope you are too.


Lesson 42


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.


So, Saki, which area are you focusing on geographically?

*Uh Hum.  In this case, "geographically" refers to where something is in the world or in the region.


We care about people around the globe, but our focus is on Asia. Oh, here come my colleagues. This is Kenji from Tokyo, and Sophie from Paris. This is Joe from Tiger Advertising in Singapore.

*Around the world

*To care about things or people means to feel concern for them.

For example, she cares about the environment. So she always recycles.


Pleased to meet you, Kenji, Sophie.


Nice to meet you, Joe. I wish we had time to talk, but we need to rush. Our session will begin in 10 minutes.

*To rush means to hurry.


Rush hour



You're more than welcome to join.


I'd love to.


Could you understand?

Saki told Joe more about the company's activities.

She then introduced Joe to Kenji and Sophie and invited Joe to their presentation.


You're more than welcome to join.



Business phrase of the day


You're more than welcome to join.


More than A  A 以上である 大歓迎である


I'm more than happy. I'm more than pleased. とても嬉しい。



Similar expressions


Would you like to take part in our session?



Perhaps you could stop by our cocktail reception starting at 5 p.m.


Would you mind dropping by our booth later, say around 3:30?

*drop bystop by~ ~に立ち寄る





Practical business phrases



For U.K. citizens, Australia is geographically distant, but psychologically close.


Care about

I think our manager cares a lot about our team.



You don't need to rush. The deadline is next Wednesday.




Okay let's begin.


So, Saki, which area are you focusing on geographically?


We care about people around the globe, but our focus is on Asia. Oh, here come my colleagues. This is Kenji from Tokyo, and Sophie from Paris. This is Joe from Tiger Advertising in Singapore.


Pleased to meet you, Kenji, Sophie.


Nice to meet you, Joe. I wish we had time to talk, but we need to rush. Our session will begin in 10 minutes.


You're more than welcome to join.


I'd love to.


Good work.




Tips for business communication




Beach sandal


Smile / explore / connect


You're more than welcome.


Well, I like it when a booth representative takes the time to find out 

about me and connect me to the person who is best able to help me.




Ah, yes. Well, at an educational conference that I went to, the representative for one textbook publishing company introduced me to his colleague who worked in my region.

It was a useful connection for me.

And we corresponded later.


Oh, really?


Uh hum.


That's good.



Thanks for tuning in. See you next time.


「気持ちの整理 不思議なくらい前向きになる94のヒント」 斎藤茂太


P16-17 例えば、私が小学三年生のときの家事だ。炊事場から出た火はあっという間にまわり、私は裸足で逃げ出してやっとのことで助かった。しかし、病院は焼け、住む家はなくなり、知り合いの人の家や叔父の家に居候することになった。



P19 アメリカの精神科医フレデリック・フラックの『ようこそ鬱へ』という本に、こんなことが書いてある



P25 弟の作家の北杜夫が、こんな話を書いている。まだ小説家としてデビューする前に自費出版した『幽霊』を、母が岩波書店に見せにいった。ところが、その編集者に、「優等生の作文で、どこといってとりえがない」と突き返された。母は、「もう小説なんか書くのはやめなさい」と忠告した。しかし弟はあきらめなかった。いい悪いという判断は、あとになってみなければわからないという自負があったという。



P29 いつもいつもポジティブに生きてきた人は、確かにりっぱかもしれない。しかし私は、ある時期、ネガティブに落ち込んだ経験のある人間のほうが、人にやさしくなれると思うのである。人生のネガフィルムをじっくり見つめてほしい。その風景は、きっとあなたの心を豊かにしてくれるはずだ。


P41 ワーカホリックにとっては、仕事以外のことを考えている時間は「もったいない」「ムダな時間」と考えがちだ。しかし、実はそれがまったくムダではなく、生きた時間になるのである。


P53 「今できること」をとにかくやっていると、できないことや考えてもしかたがないことはあまり気にならなくなってくる。



P67 「もしもあのとき、こんな大人がいてくれたら……」



P71 …悩む時間を区切ることも大切だ。例えば、限定一時間だけ悩んで、あとは考えないようにする。悩みの締切を設定するのである。



P81 もうひとついっておこう。失敗例も成功例も、過去のことだ。今回も同じになるとはかぎらない。そのやりかたで九十九回失敗したからといって、その次も失敗するかどうかはわからない。そこが世の中のおもしろいところである。人間の心も、環境も変わる。今までダメだったことが、急にヒットすることもあるのだ。


P89 だから、誰かが「普通はこうだ」「たいていこうするもんだ」といっても、必要以上に気にすることはないのだ。例えば、「そんなの斎藤茂太がそういってるだけじゃないか」とおおらかに思えばよい。実際、そうなのだ。私がいっていることなど、私の考えであって、平均でもないし、絶対に正しいことでも何でもない。


P91 正常か異常かというなら、歴史上の天才など、みな異常ではないか。誰もかれも平均的な人間にしつけてしまったら、天才など現れないだろう。変わっているところは変わったまま、長所として生かせるように伸ばせばいいではないか。変わっていることを悩む必要など、まったくないのだ。


P107 美人は周囲の人から愛されて育っている場合が多いので、明るい、ひがまない。劣等感がないわけではないが、劣等感にこりかたまってはいない。


P111 …相手は、アドバイスよりも、自分の話を聞いてもらうことを望んでいるのだ。


P133 …そして、どんな悩みも必ず終わる。それまでに、大いに心を鍛えてほしい。


P148 …風呂を「ムダな時間」と敵視せずに、もうちょっと楽しんでみてはどうか。風呂の中で歌うくらいの余裕もなくなっては、人生の長期戦を健康に保っていくのは難しいだろう。


P155 今まで服装などに興味のなかった男性も、ぜひこれからはおしゃれに気を配っていただきたい。だいたいそのほうが女性にモテる。それがまた気力を充実させる原動力となること間違いなしだ。


P161 …掃除のできる男は、仕事もできるようになること間違いなしだ。


P163 人間関係は、落ち込みの原因もつくるが、本当の意味であなたの落ち込みを救ってくれるのは、やはり人間関係だ。花や木々に心が休まるのも確かだし、神仏に祈るのもいい。精神科医に相談するのもいいだろう。しかし、究極的には、あなたの心を本当に救ってくれるのは、生身の人間、あなたの周囲にいる家族や友人だ。


P165 …犬は人を責めない




P181 スランプにおちいったからといって、「あのとき、ああしておけば」と後悔しなくてもいい。不調になってから、泥縄で対策を考えたっていい。好調なときにも気を抜かずにがんばっていた人に比べたら一歩後れをとるかもしれないが、あなたのペースでやっていけばいいではないか。


P183 結局、最後には、あなた自身で答えを見つけるしかない。あなただけが、自分がスランプからはい上がる方法を知っているのである。他人はいろいろわかっていそうに見えても、そうではない。最善の知恵は、あなたの中から出てくるものなのだ。


P184 …体のコンディションを「調整するために」病気になったのである。体の「バランスを整えるために」病気になったのである。病気は挫折ではなく、さらに前に進むための積極的な調整方法なのだ。


P186 病気の原因というのは、実のところ難しい。節制したからといって、必ずしも健康体が保てるとはかぎらない。また、病気をしたからといって、「自分は体が弱い」と思い込むこともない。病気をしたことによって、体が丈夫になる例もあるのだ。


P190 「あなたひとりいなくなっても、会社はちっとも困りませんよ」



P197 しかし、誰かひとりくらい、あなたの話をわかってくれそうな人がいないだろうか。あなたが好きな人はいないだろうか。ひとりでも、ふたりでも、本当に好きな人だけつきあえばよいではないか。あとは適当にしておけばよい。人間関係を上手にやろうと努力することなど、やめてしまおう。きっと気持ちが楽になるはずである。


P198 小さいときにたっぷり親に甘えて育った子供は、意外に親離れが早い。



And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi, everyone. I'm glad you've joined us today.


Lesson 41


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



Hi, are you looking for something specific?


Hello. I'm keen to know about your activities in general.


Our CSR report will give you the big picture.


Here, please have a copy. You can get additional up-to-date information with our monthly newsletter. If you sign up now, you'll get this T-shirt for free.

*In this context, "sign up" means to register or subscribe.


Oh, thanks. I'm Joe, by the way. I'm a copywriter at Tiger Advertising in Singapore. Nice to meet you.


Pleased to meet you, Joe. I'm Saki. I'm a CSR officer in Tokyo.

*An "officer" is someone who has a position of authority in their company or organization.

In other words, they're in charge of something.


Police officer


Did you get that?

Joe visited Shibuya Clothing's booth.

Saki greeted him and offered him some materials about their activities.



Business phrase of the day


Our CSR report will give you the big picture.


You will get the big picture with our CSR report.



Similar expressions


You'll get an overall picture of our affiliated companies.


This flyer will give you a snapshot of our operations in Asia.

*snapshot スナップ写真 ぱっと見て全体が把握できる資料


This booklet will give you a summary of our company history.




Practical business phrases



We need to examine country-specific issues.



We need the up-to-date numbers in order to discuss our strategy.


Sign up for

Why don't we sign up for a business English course?



I hope you're ready. Let's go.


Hi, are you looking for something specific?


Hello. I'm keen to know about your activities in general.


Our CSR report will give you the big picture.


Here, please have a copy. You can get additional up-to-date information with our monthly newsletter. If you sign up now, you'll get this T-shirt for free.


Oh, thanks. I'm Joe, by the way. I'm a copywriter at Tiger Advertising in Singapore. Nice to meet you.


Pleased to meet you, Joe. I'm Saki. I'm a CSR officer in Tokyo.


Nice job, everybody.



Tips for business communication


Well, in general, I like it when someone acknowledges me right away and offers to help me.

But when I want to look by myself and my own pace, they let me have my space.

I also appreciate specific help.




Well, the last time I went to a conference, it was an educational conference.

And many publishing companies had exhibits there.

I visited several booths and I found it really helpful when the booths' representatives would suggest specific books that might work for me.


Hmm. Hum. Exactly. That's right.


Smile explore connect

笑顔で迎えて ニーズを探って 繋げる


Thanks for listening, everyone.

