


Today's topic is the phrases: "time is over" and "time is up".
今日の話題は、time is over と time is up です。

I often hear "time is over" or "time over" being used. But they are incorrect.
time is over や time over が使われているのを度々耳にしますが、それらは誤用です。

Yes. When you want to say that there's no more time left, you can say it like this:
It's 12 o'clock. Time is up.
Or more shortened version would be: "Time's up."
It's 12 o'clock. Time is up. 12時ちょうどだから、もう時間切れ…って言います。
あるいは、もっと簡単には、Time's up です。

These expressions are very informal but are used quite often to inform participants
when an activity or meeting must end.

イメージ 1


Robert Redford の髪型にしてほしくて、近くの理容院に行って写真を見せつつ、


できあがりは、Redford というより、アフロヘアの悲惨なものに…。



今では、手櫛で Redford の髪型にできちゃう。あはは。

ここにも Michael が! なんだかんだ言ってもアメリカのショービジネスの底力がかいま見える。


Monday, February 22, 2010

Hi, listeners. Welcome to Five-minute English.
This is David Neale, saying hello to you.
Hi! I'm Vicki Glass. Hope you'll enjoy our program.
It's time to build up your English muscles.
Are you ready? Here we go.

Let's review.

Why aren't you studying for your exam? You're not giving up, are you?
I've never known you to be a quitter.

Are you listening to me? You seem distracted. What are you looking at?

Let's read out loud.
One. Now listen.

Try these sweets. They're Japanese confection made of rice.
They go especially with green tea.

I'll tell you how to hit the baseball. Grip the bat like this.
And stand like this. Then step into your swing.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Better late than never. 遅くなってもしないよりはマシです。

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

I'll be away from Tokyo for a while. So I won't be available in person.
But you can reach me by cellphone as usual.

Why are you being so quiet tonight? Something's on your mind.
Come on! Out with it.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Most likely it'll be cold and drizzly.
I wish spring will hurry up.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Stop making excuses. 言い訳をするのはやめましょう。

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

That concludes my speech. I'm sure you all have lots of questions. So ask away.

Thanks for your time today. It's been nice talking to you. I really appreciate your advice.

Good luck with your presentation today. Don't worry. We'll back you up.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Rest leads rust. 休むと錆び付いてしまいます。

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's role play.

One. Now listen.

A: How's the movie? Did I miss anything?
B: No. We just put the DVD in.
A: Could you put it back at the start again?
B: This is the start. See the opening credit?

A: What happened to this butter knife?
B: I don't know. What's wrong with it?
A: The tip is a little twisted.
B: That must be the one I used as a screwdriver.

A: How's your report progressing?
B: Re... Report? Ahhhh....
A: On Thursday's promotional event.
B: Oh, no. I'll have it out and write and ready in an hour.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Don't rust yourself away. 自分自身を錆び付かせてはいけません。

Friday, February 26, 2010

Let's listen and answer.

One. Now listen.

Hand me that book from the bookshelf, would you?
Which one? There are dozens of books up there.
That big fat green one.
Here you go. Phew! It's pretty heavy.

Q: What would the man most likely do? - Hand the book to the woman.

I used to try to get rich. I made some money. But I never became wealthy.
Now my goal is to make other people happy. I'm happier now than ever before.

Q: What does the man try to do now? - Help other people.

You're going to start your own retail business? Have you thought this through?
Starting of a business is no simple matter. Expect 16 hour work days and lots of uncertainty.
It's a jungle out there, you know.

Q: What does the woman imply? - She knows something about starting a business.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Persistence is a virtue. ねばり強さは美徳である。

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Let's listen and write.

One. Now listen.

1 Whenever I drink, I get sleepy.
2 She gets woozy whenever she gets on a bus.
3 My sister follows me around wherever I go.
4 Try to use recycled paper wherever possible. wherever possible 可能な限り
5 Read whichever books you please.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
No more excuses. Just do it. もう言い訳はいりません。やればいいんです。

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Let's fill in the blanks.

One. Now listen.

1 I have got a flat tire.
2 The saddle is a little too high for me.
3 It's dangerous to ride double on a bike.
4 These brakes don't work very well.
5 The front tire seems to be a bit low on air.
6 I walked my bike up the steep slope.
7 You can't unlearn how to ride a bicycle.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Don't ever give up. You can do it. 決して諦めてはいけません。あなたならできます。

Taylor Swift と Grammyで共演してたのを見た人は、ただの肥ったおばあさん(61歳)に見えたかもしれないな。

でも、Stevie Nicks は Taylor 以上の超美人だった。

「不毛地帯(三)」 山崎豊子

「シューカツ!」 石田衣良



「社会人の勉強の技術」 高島徹治


「不毛地帯(三)」 山崎豊子 …やっとここまで。
「シューカツ!」 石田衣良 …次の一文がこの小説をピカピカに輝かせている。

p325 この社会でどれほど格差が開こうとも、結局いきいきと生きている人間が最後には笑う。


p186 ビル・ゲイツの年収は、アメリカ国民下層四割の人たちの年収を合計した額に匹敵する。お金だけでいうなら、ビル・ゲイツの価値はアメリカ人の下層四割、ほぼ一億人に匹敵するわけです。これはなんとも異常な社会ですな。日本だったら、ビル・ゲイツの家は焼き討ち、打ち壊しです。


「社会人の勉強の技術」 高島徹治 

p202 だから、語学力を上達させようと思うのなら、単語は目(文字)だけでなく、耳(音)そして口で(音)で同時に覚えなければならない。最初は目で覚えて、あとで耳で確認する方法ではダメなのだ。





Mother Teresa

Antonio Inoki

Michael Jackson

Tom Cruise

… 個人記録ばかり追いかけている、という批判あり。

… あれだけすごいプロゴルファーなんて見たことない。


… スピルバーグ、コッポラ、ジョージ・ルーカスをして師匠と言わしめている、のに…。

… あの年であれだけ優勝して…。優勝記録を作らせないために追放したとしか思えない。

… あの階級で世界チャンピオンだということはもっと評価されるべき。

… はぃ。TIGERさんのおっしゃるとおりです。すごい選手です。

すっごくきれいな声! すっごくきれいな曲!

Today's topic is the words: "hear" and "hearing". Sometimes I hear the word "hear" being misused.
今日の話題は、hear と hearing です。 hear がときどき誤用されているのを耳にします。

Well, if you say, "I couldn't hear what he said", it means the volume was low,
or there was technical problem which made it difficult to hear someone.
The correct way to say it is, "I couldn't understand what he said."

Right. If you did not understand something, remember to say,
"I did not understand." or "I could not catch what he or she said."
understand とか catchを使ってくださいね。






TJ: 腹が減ったか? (猫に話しかけてるところなんて、子どもたちに見せられません…。)

チビ猫: にゃん。


TJ: うまいか? (こんなところを子どもたちに見られたら…。汗。)

チビ猫: …。

FRaU の 3月号 http://watashi-frau.com/ 




Monday, February 15, 2010

Hi, listeners. Welcome to Five-minute English.
This is David Neale, saying hello to you.
Hi! I'm Vicki Glass. Hope you'll enjoy our program.
It's time to build up your English muscles.
Are you ready? Here we go.

Let's review.

You're looking good, Jean. Have you lost weight? If you're on a diet, it's working.

Wondering what to order? Take it from me. Go with the t-bone steak.

Let's read out loud.
One. Now listen.

Sit in this chair and push start. You'll get a big surprise.
It's a special massage chair.

Do you think it's okay to drink this milk? It's past its use-by date yesterday.
One day should be all right.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Don't look back. Go forward. 振り返るな。前へ進め。

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

You're skipping lunch? Isn't that a little extreme? Why not try eating a little less than usual?

Why are we waiting in this line? This is nothing but a waste of time.
I don't wanna wait here to get a small discount.

Why aren't you studying for your exam? You're not giving up, are you?
I've never known you to be a quitter.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.

No practice, no progress. 練習しなければ上達しません。

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

Are you listening to me? You seem distracted. What are you looking at?

I spent the whole day cleaning the house. Then the kids came home from school.
The house was mess again in about 15 minutes.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Scott. I'm glad that Mary introduced us. Here's my business card.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
No gain without pain. 楽して得られるものは何もありません。

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let's role play.

One. Now listen.

A: Check out this free weekly newspaper.
B: I've seen it before. It's mostly ads. Right?
A: It's because it's free. But the articles are great.
B: Maybe I'll check it out.

A: The hygrometer says it's 53% today.
B: The what?
A: The hygrometer:the thing that tells you the humidity.
B: Oh. What does 53% humidity mean?

cf. hygrometer: measuring instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere

A: How sturdy is that bed side table?
B: I don't know. It's an ordinary wooden table. Why?
A: I want to set the stacks of books on it.
B: I think it can handle that.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
No pleasure without pain. 苦しみがなければ喜びはありません。

Friday, February 19, 2010

Let's listen and answer.

One. Now listen.

Listen. They're playing my favorite old pop song.
You say that with every old song you hear on the radio.
I listened to a lot of music when I was young.
Sometimes I wonder if you ever did anything else.

Q: What are they doing? - Listening to the radio.

I hear that you're getting a Master's degree.
It's amazing that you can study and work at the same time.
Where do you find the time to do it all?

Q: What does the woman imply? - Studying and working is difficult.

My dad always talks about working his way through school.
But things are different now.
It's so much more expensive now. The reality is that you need loans and scholarships.
I'll never pay my tuition just by working part time.

Q: What can be inferred about the man? - He's a college student.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Your English will get rusty if you remain idle. 怠けていると英語が錆びついてしまいます。

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Let's listen and write.

One. Now listen.

1 You can buy whatever you want.
2 Whatever I say she won’t believe it.
3 You can dress however you like.
4 I’ll follow my dream however hard it is.
5 Whoever strikes first wins. 先手必勝

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. 使わないと使えなくなりますよ。

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let's fill in the blanks.

One. Now listen.

Let's check. Let's try.

1 There's a bus every 10 minutes.
2 The buses don't arrive on time.
3 Excuse me, I'm getting off.
4 Could you call a taxi for us?
5 If you take a taxi, you'll get stuck in traffic.
6 How much was the taxi fare to the airport?
7 How long will it take to go there by taxi?

Time's up for today.
Don't be hasty, take it easy. 焦ることはありません、のんびりいきましょう。

No one will dispute the fact that the earth is round.
He put forward the hypothesis that the bones belonged to an extinct type of reptile.
They reached the conclusion that the earth is the center of the universe.
The rise of the scientific method rests on our conviction that nature is not arbitrary,
but is lawful.
I would have been disappointed had my illusion of solitary adventure been destroyed.
He expresses a mistaken idea that extinction is the ultimate sign of failure.
She has a firm belief that love can save the world. 愛は世界を救うという信念を持っている。
He bought it in the full belief that it was genuine. それが本物だという全くの信念をもって買った。
I simply cannot believe his claim that he came across the actor at Disneyland.
Scientists reached the conclusion that the stone was a meteor.
I had a feeling that she would be here. 彼女はここに来るだろうという気持ちをもっていた。
He got a gnawing feeling that something is wrong. 何かがおかしいという気持ちに悩まされた。
He went to New York with the idea that he would become a dramatist.
The student gave the impression that he was smart.
We had information that the store would be closed soon. 
I was shocked by the news that a former cabinet minister was arrested.
Is there any possibility that he will be found innocent?
The girl made a promise that she would never go there again.
I heard a rumor that she was leaving the town. 彼女が街を去るという噂を聞いた。
The rumor that he is dead is circulated. 彼が死んだという噂が流れた。
His statement that he had nothing to do with the affair was greeted with some skepticism.
The thought crossed my mind that I would change jobs.
We have a rule that the loser of the game buys everyone a drink.
He reiterated the view that he was a fool. 彼は自分がバカであるという見方を繰り返した。
When I entered the room, I had the impression that he was conformably off.
The announcement that a new airport was to be built nearby aroused immediate opposition.
The proposal/suggestion that shops should open on Sundays led to a heated discussion.
A report that the area was dangerous was ignored by the residents.

Intercultural Notes より


Today's topic is the phrase: "Of course." and "Yes, it is."
本日の話題は、of course と yes, it is です。

Well, if you're asked "Is Beppu located in Kyushu?", what would you say?

Well, you shouldn't use "Of course" here, because it sounds like you're saying,
"Of course, Beppu is located in Kyushu. What a stupid question!"
この場合は、of course を使うべきではないですね。それはまるで、
「別府は九州にあることなんて当たり前じゃんかよ! 考えたらわかることじゃんか!」
So what should we use? それでは何を使えばいいのでしょうか?

For a question like this, you can simply say, "Yes, it is." or "No, it isn't."
このような質問の時には、ただ単純に、yes, it is とか no, it isn't でいいのです。

If you're responding to a question confirming information, you should not use "Of course",
because it can sound rude.
情報の確認のための質問にこたえる場合、of course を使うべきではありません。失礼に響くからです。

You can use "Of course" when responding to requests for permission or assistance, like this:
"Can you give me a hand?" - "Of course."
許可や手助けを求められたりした場合に、of course を使うのです。例えば、
「手を貸してくれるかな?」 - 「いいとも!」 みたいに。


「兎の眼」 灰谷健次郎

「6TEEN」 石田衣良



「兎の眼」 灰谷健次郎 …教育学部出身のくせにまだ読んでいませんでした。先生を志す人にはMUST!

「6TEEN」 石田衣良 …ほんとうにいい感じの物語です。


2009/2/8 の「入門ビジネス英語」で

In limbo means in a condition where nothing is happening. と、Edが言ってましたが、
関係副詞 where の前にcondition とか situation 等が来る場合があるのですが、

Is there a condition where you find most inappropriate things humorous?
Describe a situation where you experienced excellent customer service?
Imagine you are put in a position where you need to sell UX.
What is the state where geothermal energy is being used?
Are there any circumstance where people end up kissing each other on St. Patrick's day?
Is There A Circumstance Where The Mother Is AB And The Child Is O Type?


昨日出てきた call a spade a spade ですが、手元の辞書には「あからさまに言う、率直に言う」

手元の単語熟語帳の記載は、「あからさまに言う = say bluntly」
例文: To call a spade a spade, he is a coward. あからさまに言えば、彼は卑怯者だ。

英辞郎 on the WEB では、
call a spade a spade

・We like Nancy, because she is one who calls a spade a spade, even with the president.
: ナンシーはみなに好かれている、相手が社長でも率直にものを言うからだ。

・Let's just call a spade a spade. : 歯に衣を着せずにずばりと言おう。

"Don't you think we should get a new car?" 「そろそろ新車を買ってもいい頃だと思わない?」
"Let's call a spade a spade. We cannot afford it." 「はっきり言ってお金がないんだ」

I call a spade a spade.  私は率直に見たままを言うタイプだ。

Let's call a spade a spade.  (曖昧な言い方はやめて)ありのままに[はっきり]言いましょう。


Intercultural Notes

Today's topic is the saying: call a spade a spade.
今日のトピックは諺で、call a spade a spade  (spadeのことはspadeって呼べ) です。

Well, it's actually an idiom that refers to people who speak extremely directly.
The "spade" is an example of calling something the way it is.

If we look at the expression positively, it means that a person who calls a spade a spade
can be trusted to speak the truth, at least, the truth as they see it.

Yes. On the negative side, the same person may be overly frank and direct even about
subjects which may be embarrassing to others.

Yes. Don't expect polite soft spoken English from such a speaker.
But do expect honest answers.
"Calling a spade a spade" in the American business culture is usually seen as positive.

イメージ 1


Monday, February 8, 2010

Hi, listeners. Welcome to Five-minute English.
This is David Neale, saying hello to you.
Hi! I'm Vicki Glass. Hope you'll enjoy our program.
It's time to build up your English muscles.
Are you ready? Here we go.

Let's review.

Hold on a minute. I have to stop. It looks like my bike has a flat tire.

Happy birthday, Jane. You seem surprised. Did you think I forget it again?

Let's read out loud.
One. Now listen.

Hi, Mike. It's me, Jane. I need to talk about something.
Call me at my office as soon as you can.

Hey! Look at his picture of me. This is the first real suit and tie I ever wore.
That's a clip-on tie, of course.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
It's so important to practice here and now. 今ここで練習することがとても大切なのです。

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

You're looking good, Jean. Have you lost weight? If you're on a diet, it's working.

You ought to try meditation. It's easier than you think. And it'll help you release your stress.

You seem sort of lethargic today. Are you feeling all right? Maybe you should lie down for a while.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
You'll never improve if you skip practice. 練習をサボったら決して上達しません。

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

Hey, the fridge is empty. It's time for a beer run. Who wants to go?

Thanks for visiting today. Here. Take some tomatoes with you. They're from our garden.

Wondering what to order? Take it from me. Go with the t-bone steak.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Always keep a positive attitude. いつでも前向きな姿勢でいましょう。

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Let's role play.

One. Now listen.

A: Look out. There's a bee.
B: Don't worry. One bee won't hurt you.
A: But they can sting.
B: If you won't bother them, they won't bother you.

A: Do you know where we are?
B: No. But my GPS does.
A: It's reliable, isn't it?
B: It's never let me down yet.

A: Here are your keys.
B: They've been lost since we went shopping last week.
A: I put them in the refrigerator by accident.
B: That explains why they feel so cold.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Follow your dreams and never give up. 夢を追い求め決して諦めては行けません。

Friday, February 12, 2010

Let's listen and answer.

One. Now listen.

I'm quitting my job and moving to Hawaii.
You what? Say that again?
What's the matter? Are you surprised?
You can't drop a bomb like that and expect no one to be surprised.

Q: Why is the woman surprised? - The man is moving away.

If you could travel to the future, you could get rich.
Just travel ahead a few weeks and look at the stock market.
Then come back to the present and make a few wise purchases.

Q: How can the talk best be described? - A time travel fantasy.

Have you ever been horse back riding?
You may get a chance this weekend.
My family is driving out to a ranch.
They have guided horse trail rides.
Beginners are welcome.
So why don't you come along?

Q: What does the woman want to do? - Go ride horses.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
A dream without action will remain a dream. 行動しなければ夢は夢のままです。

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let's listen and write.

One. Now listen.

Let's fill in the blanks.

1 That's how Tom apologized to her.
2 Watch how he hits the ball.
3 Tell me how you got to know him.
4 That's why Meg didn't show up.
5 There's no reason why you should feel depressed.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Practice every day for better English. 英語上達のために毎日練習しましょう。

Sunday, February 14, 2010

One. Now listen.

1 What did the weather forecast say?
2 There isn't a cloud in the sky.
3 It's going to be scorcher today.
4 Those clouds are bad sign.
5 It's coming down in sheets out there.
6 This morning we had the first frost of the winter.
7 Look at that wonderful snowscape.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Your goal is reachable. Go for it. 目標には到達できます。頑張りましょう。















「看護師」 正解は 「ダンゴムシ」


...low range pan 正解は ...lower in Japan





猪木のところに来てくれないかな…。政治家なんかやめて! 朝青龍! がんばれ!










「ムーン・ウォークのできる TJ はMichael と同じくらいすごい」 ~ がはははははは。


Monday, February 1, 2010

Hi, listeners. Welcome to Five-minute English.
This is David Neale, saying hello to you.
Hi! I'm Vicki Glass. Hope you'll enjoy our program.
It's time to build up your English muscles.
Are you ready? Here we go.

Let's review.

You're a pretty good speller. And your vocabulary is enormous.
But you need to work on your penmanship.

Have you been getting enough sleep? You look tired. And you have bags on your eyes.

Let's read out loud.
One. Now listen.

I usually don't wear light colors like this.
But I thought I'd give it a try. Does this dress make me look fat?

Hi! Don. How have you been? Sorry I haven't called lately.
What have you been up to?

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Practice and self-confidence go hand in hand. 練習すれば自信がついてきます。

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

The phone's ringing. Can't you hear it? Are you going to get it or should I?

Hey, you're a fantastic singer. Why didn't you tell. You've taken lessons, haven't you?

Hold on a minute. I have to stop. It looks like my bike has a flat tire.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Don't put pressure on yourself to be perfect. 完璧になろうと自分にプレッシャーをかけてはいけません。

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let's read out loud.

One. Now listen.

Happy birthday, Jane. You seem surprised. Did you think I forget it again?

Have you been to Korea. I went there last year. I only had time to visit Seoul.

I met my daughter's teacher yesterday. Her school was holding an open house.
The teacher was quite impressive.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Keep working toward your goals. 目標に向かって努力を続けましょう。

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let's role play.

One. Now listen.

A: What's your schedule for today?
B: I'll be working mostly.
A: Can you be a little more specific?
B: No. I haven't made any specific plans.

A: Thanks for dinner. It was great.
B: How about coffee? I have a new espresso machine.
A: No, thanks. I'd never get to sleep.
B: That's all right. I have a decaf.

A: You can't park in this space, honey.
B: Why not? It's empty.
A: It says it's for compact cars only.
B: We'll fit.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Don't leave things unfinished. 中途半端はいけません。

Friday, February 5, 2010

Let's listen and answer.

One. Now listen.

What's this bag of socks doing here in the kitchen?
It's part of my effort to be more thrifty.
But don't socks go on your feet or in your closet?
These are worn-out socks. They make great rugs.

Q: Where are they? - In the kitchen.

Hey, Jason. You're good with computers. Right?
Come over here. I can't figure out what happened here.
I pushed the buttons. And nothing happened.

Q: What is the problem? - Her computer isn't working.

Can I give you some advice, Larry? Don't take this to a wrong way.
But you shouldn't let your kids boss you around.
As a parent your job isn't to make them happy.
It's to help them grow into good responsible adults.

Q: What is the man doing? - Telling Larry how to be a better parent.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
You don't have time to practice? Make time. 練習する時間がない? 時間は作るものです。

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let's listen and write.

One. Now listen.

1 The day will soon come when he regrets this.
2 There was a time when I could do a hundred sit-ups.
3 This is the season when the leaves turn red.
4 This is the park where I used to play.
5 Is there any place around here where I can park?

Let's check. Let's try.

Time’s up for today.
Quit procrastinating. 先に延ばすのは止めましょう。

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let's fill in the blanks.

One. Now listen.

1 I want to go on a carefree trip.
2 How about taking a day trip to Kyoto?
3 Traveling abroad makes me miss Japanese food.
4 It's best to travel light.
5 What's the local specialty?
6 Don't be self conscious when you travel.
7 Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Let's check. Let's try.

Time's up for today.
Nothing good ever comes out of idleness. 怠けていたら何もいいことはありません。
