And I'm Lindsay Wells.


You're listening to business communication in simple English.


Yes. Let's learn how to communicate better in the workplace.


Hi, everybody. As always it's great to be here.


Lesson 29


Okay. Let's listen to today's business scene.



This photo was taken in Bali, Indonesia. This is my wife, and my seven-year-old daughter, Elisabeth.

10歳の息子 10-year-old son


What a lovely picture! You must have enjoyed the holiday. So, you've been with our company for three years now.

*be with… …で働く I'm with ABC Company. ABC社で働いている

What do you think about the work environment at the Taipei Office?


I find it very open. I strongly feel I'm included in the decision-making process.

*To be included means to belong. If you are included, you are a part of the group of the process.


Great. We take diversity very seriously. We need the ideas and opinions of local employees in order to make social contributions.

*diversity とは 年齢・性別・国籍などを受け入れ認め、生かしていくこと

*If I take something seriously, I think it's really important.

*local employee 現地採用の社員



Did you get that?

Rina asked Robert about his opinion of the Taipei Office.

Robert felt that it was very open and inclusive.



Business phrase of the day


What do you think about the work environment?


Open question

Closed question



Similar expressions


How do you get along with your colleagues?

How do you maintain a good work-life balance?


Do you feel there is a sense of unity in your team?




Practical Business phrases


Be included

It is our corporate philosophy that every employee should be included and respected.


Take … seriously

You don't have to take his criticism so seriously.


Social contribution

We're planning a new kind of social contribution activity.




All right, everyone. Follow me.


This photo was taken in Bali, Indonesia. This is my wife, and my seven-year-old daughter, Elisabeth.


What a lovely picture! You must have enjoyed the holiday. So, you've been with our company for three years now.

What do you think about the work environment at the Taipei Office?


I find it very open. I strongly feel I'm included in the decision-making process.


Great. We take diversity very seriously. We need the ideas and opinions of local employees in order to make social contributions.



That was very good!



Tips for business communication


Open communication 風通しのいいcommunication

Recognition 評価すること

Training 研修


Well, to me as an employee, open communication is most important.

When I can suggest things and be taken seriously I feel like I'm really contributing to my company.

It makes me feel professional. And it boosts my confidence.


Hmm boost your confidence. That's very important.





I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
