202192 Thursday 

Well, sensei. It’s over-freshing to hear you call me your friend. Hey, guys. 秋乃ろーざ here.

Chris McVay here. Chris McVay here. Can you hear me? Fix this mic. Okay. Let’s get started.

Lesson 104  I have a 22-year-old son, who lives in Canada.

That’s where I am! Maybe I can meet him.

*wh節 where の後ろが疑問形になっていないところがポイント それが私がいる場所

疑問ではない 文の部品


Can you hear me?

*listen が耳を傾ける という積極的な動作であるのに対して

この単語hearは 音が向こうからやってくる ことを意味する


You haven’t changed at all!

現在完了形のイメージ 今に迫ってくる この文も過去から手元に向けて視線が移動し、変わっていませんね と今に焦点が当たっている

I have a 22-year-old son, who lives in Canada.



Okay, guys. Let’s practice together.

Now here today’s point is quite simple. Whatever you put in front of the noun becomes an adjective. That’s it! So, if you put “22-year-old” in front of “son,” it becomes an adjective. All right. So, let’s practice the key sentence together.

I have a 22-year-old son, who lives in Canada.

Great! One more time.

I have a 22-year-old son, who lives in Canada.



Hey, guys. Thank you so much for your “we-always-admire-you” look.

Well! That’s a mouthful!

Uhm, I think you’ve mistaken it for our “you’d-better-watch-what-you-say” look.

Anyway, these compound adjectives are a bit of a mouthful. But why don’t you enjoy creating some of your own. Have fun!

That’s right! You can make any kind of compound adjective you want.

Compound adjective 複合形容詞
