

Yoshi Kamezawa

【MLB】大谷翔平が稼いだ“貯金”の凄まじさ 1か月半登板なしでも上位…投手でも覆す常識






アメリカン・リーグ ホームラン王 44HR

OPS  1.066   MLB 1位

SLG   0.645   MLB 1位

打率 3割4厘 アメリカン・リーグ 4位

三塁打 8本  アメリカン・リーグ 3位




何よりも驚いたのが、163km/h の変化球 (2 Seam) そして、変幻自在のスライダー ジャイロスライダー 150km/h の SFF  カットボール カーブ そして 163km/h の真っ直ぐ(4 Seam) 



2021年の活躍を上回ってしまった。MVP は HR 62本のアーロン・ジャッジになることだろうが、後年、間違っていたことに気づくだろう。
大谷翔平が真のMVPである。 PERIOD!

End Results
Shohei Ohtani
Hitting HR 34 American League # 4 3B 6 #4 OPS 0.875 #5 RBI 95 # 7
Pitching 15 wins # 4 ERA 2.33 # 4 SO 219 # 3
Think about it! You gotta be kidding me!
Believe it or not... It's not fake news!
打者として ホームラン 34本 アメリカンリーグ4位 3塁打 6本 4位 OPS 0.875 5位  打点95 7位
投手として 15勝 4位 防御率 2.33 4位 奪三振 219 3位

CBS Sports
-More home runs than Giancarlo Stanton
ジャンカルロ・スタントン 31本 大谷翔平 34本
-Higher batting average than Mookie Betts
ムーキー・ベッツ 2割6分9厘 大谷翔平 2割7分3厘
-Lower ERA than Gerrit Cole
ゲリット・コール 防御率 3.50 大谷翔平 2.33
-More strikeouts than Justin Verlander
ジャスティン・バーランダー 奪三振 185 大谷翔平 219


https://www.msn.com/ja- より



・奪三振率 11・87=1位(規定投球回に届かなかったためランキング外)

・奪三振数 219=3位(19位)


・防御率 2・33=4位(ランキング外)

・WHIP 1・01=5位(同)

・被打率 2割3厘=6位(同)



・長打数 70=3位(2位)

・申告敬遠 14=3位(1位)

・本塁打 34本=4位(3位)

・本塁打率 17・24=4位(1位)

・三塁打 6=4位(1位)

・OPS 8割7分5厘=5位(2位)

・長打率 5割1分9厘=5位(2位)

・塁打数 304=5位(4位)

・打点 95=7位(13位)

・得点 90=8位(8位)

・打率 2割7分3厘=25位(45位)


 こうした成績をトータルした総合成績は、やはり昨季を上回った。それは、WARという指標が示している。Wins Above Replacementの略で、控えレベルの選手と比べ、どれだけチームの勝利数に貢献できたかを示すものだ。ポジションに関係なく、選手の能力値を比較でき、MVPの選考に大きな影響を与えるとされる。






 46号 100打点 投手として9勝 凄まじいことを27歳の若者がやってのけた。

ゲレーロが ペレスが 追い越したとか、何を言っているの? って感じ。





There have been more than 6,000 instances of a pitcher striking out 100 batters in a season. There have been 351 instances of a batter hitting 40 home runs. Shohei Ohtani is the only player in MLB history to do both in a single season.



HR   46          MLB 3

3B   8           MLB 1

SLG  0.592                    MLB 4位

OPS  0.965         MLB 5位

SB  26     American League 5位

RBI  100         Angles 1


Wins  9                 Angels 1位

SO   156               Angels 1位



書いてて信じられないような話だが、MLBですごいことが起きている。ホームラン 46本の選手が投手としても、100mile/h(161km/h)のスピードボールを投げ、所属チームで一番の勝ち星(9勝)をあげた。防御率も3.18。


あの天才、ブライス・ハーパー(28歳)でさえ、40本以上打ったのは、2015年の42本(ナショナルリーグ ホームランキング)の1回だけ。大谷は46本。
今季、ハーパーはホームランの数こそ35本(ナショナルリーグ5位)だが、OPSではMLB1位の1.044。大谷は 5位で0.965。
そもそもこういう事を書いていること自体が驚異! ハーパーはピッチャーはやっていない。
2021/09/04は、100mile/h の剛速球を投げていた。7回になっても99mile/hが出ていた。すごいではすまないレベル!


2021/11/19 Friday

Bryce Harper, Shohei Ohtani Win MVP Awards





Bryce Harper!!! : ビジネス英語ディクテーション (livedoor.blog)

メジャーリーグのエンゼルスで一番の勝ち星(9勝)をあげて、防御率 3.18の投手が、ホームラン46本でもある、というフェイクニュースなみの現実

これ、ほんとうに現実なの? 僕だけフェイクニュースに踊らされているとか!?


みなさん 100mile/h(161km/h)の球を投げられる投手はそんなにたくさんはいないのですよ。





それにしても…自打球の影響はないのか! すごく心配した。



こんな人間がいていいのか! : ビジネス英語ディクテーション (livedoor.blog) 



映画 「野球少女」より
最大の武器 剛速球を持つ投手を有望株と呼ぶ





MLB史上最速となる球速105.1 mph(169.1 km/h)の記録を保持。ギネス世界記録にも認定された。



Bryce Harper!!! : ビジネス英語ディクテーション (livedoor.blog) 





そして、2021/06/30 さらに、27号・28号。 あり得ない!

そして、2021/07/03 さらに 29号・30号。 松井秀喜の記録にあと1本!

30th Home Run of Season   Leads MLB  メジャーリーグ1位




そして、2021/07/05   31号。松井秀喜の記録に早くも到達。



そして、2021/07/08     32号 松井秀喜の記録をあっさり抜き去る。


160km/hを超える豪速球+150km/hのスプリット+140km/h のスライダーを操る。





193cm 100kg超の大谷さんはメジャーリーガーの中にあっても体格負けしていない。










寄生獣 を全巻読んで、NETFLIX 寄生獣 THE GREYを一気見すべき


20240329Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. Welcome to Friday’s review.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s enjoy today’s review as much as ever.


Lesson 240




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: Wha does dad think?

A Roxy should sleep more.

B Health is more important than money.

C Roxy needs to make more money.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: What does the man want to know?

A Whether this shop is the best.

B Whether they have an English menu.

C Whether an alien has been there.

Listen up.

Q: Who was home when Dr. Stein fell down?

A Jennie and Frankie.

B Frankie.

C Jennie.

Listen carefully.

Q: Where is Sota?

A He’s at home.

B He’s in the shogi club room.

C He’s not in town.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :







Thank you all so much for joining us this year.

We’ll be having even more fun next year.

Thank you all so much. See you again next year.

See you later.





20240328Thursday  11 40


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans.


Lesson 239


It has been fun…ある過去の時点からずっと今に至るまで楽しかった

 present perfect 今に迫ってくる

両手を前に伸ばして、手のひらを自分の方に向けながらゆっくりゆっくり自分の方へ手を近づける それが present perfectの雰囲気


Grammar and Vocabulary

I have to go home now.

House 物体としての「家」

Homeのイメージ 心安らぐ・家族と共に過ごす場所

Thank you both for taking good care of me.



Typical Expressions

Thank you both for taking good care of me.


Okay, everyone. It’s time for today’s PRACTICE. And we’re saying “good-buy.”

So, let’s PRACTICE and hopefully you won’t have to use them too frequently.

All right everyone, be sure to memorize these so well that you don’t even have to think about them. Let’s get started.

Here’s our first.

See you. See you later. Take care of yourself. Good-bye. Bye. Cheers.

Okay. And let’s

These are a bit long but

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. See you later.

And one more.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure to work with you. Take care.

Let’s try that one more time. It’s been an honor and a pleasure to work with you. Take care.



Oh, you did such a good job.  know it’s time to say good-bye soon.

But I just can’t. I’m not ready.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure to teach you all. Take care and a great job.





Typical Expressions in Action

Words cannot express how thankful I am for everything you’ve done. See you around.

I look forward to the day we can meet again. See you later.

It won’t be the same around here without you. Take care.



Well, it’s… Cannot express how thankful I am for having you guys.

It’s been an honor and a pleasure to practice with you.




20240327Wednesday  9 : 50 出発


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans.


Lesson 238


Grammar and Vocabulary

Much better, thanks.
We can’t stay long.

英語は「配置の言葉」 この文のlongstayの後ろにある 

説明ルール:説明は後ろに置く によってその説明となる 

だから「長くとどまる」と、adverbの働きと特定できる 英語は、配置が大切なことば


Typical Expressions

Thank you for coming to see me.


Okay, everyone. Today’s PRACTICE is short and sweet.

Let’s PRACTICE saying “thank you.”

It’s low risk, high return. Let’s jump in.

Thank you so much. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Thanks a million. I can’t thank you enough. I can’t thank you too much.

Let’s continue.

I’m very grateful for that. I appreciate that. I appreciate it. I appreciate your offer. I appreciate your help. Much appreciated.

Okay, let’s wrap it up with a few more.

I’d really appreciate it. I would really appreciate it.


You know I really appreciate how much effort you put into this PRACTICE. Thanks, guys.

Very nice job.


Typical Expressions in Action

Thank you for letting me stay here. All the hotels in town were fully booked.

I appreciate that. Your kindness really helped me feel welcome here.

I’d really appreciate it if you came with me. I’d feel a lot more confident with you there.



Thank you for listening.

We appreciate you all.

Thank you all so much for listening.




20240326Tuesday             7 : 40 出発


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans.


Lesson 237


I like to think it’s the best. 言わせてもらえば



Grammar and Vocabulary

Do you run this place?

英語は「配置の言葉」 文の意味は、基本文型によって決まる

Silly question, right?


Typical Expressions

As far as I know, there are no aliens here.


Okay, everyone. Ready to PRACTICE? So, these phrases today are really important to know because they set the context for where the information following them comes from.

So, they are really good to have in your vocabulary.

All right. Let’s jump into it.

To the best of my knowledge, ~ As I understand it,

Continuing on.

Personally, ~ From my standpoint, ~ I can’t speak for everyone, but I

Great work so far. Let’s continue.

According to , As he mentioned before, As we all know, ~ Like I said, ~ Research says that

And our last few.

I just overheard that~ Remor has it that ~ It is rumored that ~ Word on the street is that


As we all know, you guys were wonderful today.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I think you did a great job.





Typical Expressions in Action

As far as I know, this is the last copy of this book left in the whole world.

Personally, I’d rather have time off than go on a company vacation. But that’s just me.

According to this article, drinking wine may have some benefits.



Personally, I think ラジオ英会話 is the best English learning program there is.

Word on the street is it’s getting better every month.
Well, according to me, listening to
ラジオ英会話every day may have some health benefits.


I mean to the best of my knowledge.



20240329ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 品揃え



Selection noun 品揃え

Vocab Bookstore has a great selection. You can find any dictionary there.


選ぶという意味の verb select の noun

選ぶこと 選べる対象 品揃え

A selection of 何々 何々の部分は基本的にplural

A selection of sneakers


Retailer 小売業者 小売店

Retail 小売業 re 元へ 再び tail 切り取ったりして整える という意味のパーツ



Retailer  storeshopのちょっとかっこいい言い方というイメージ

Big retailers normally have lower prices. 大手小売店は大抵価格が安めです

Retail price 小売価格 wholesale price 卸売価格


Bestselling  adjective よく売れている ベストセラー

Best もっともよく selling 売れている 合わせて もっとも売れている よく売れている

Bestseller noun  よく売れているもの それが何なのかはわからない

Bestselling 何々 売れているのは何かを表現できる

You’ll find some bestselling items at that shop but not much else.



Broad 幅広い

The nice thing about online shopping is the broad selection of products available. オンラインショッピングのいいところは扱っている商品の品揃えが幅広いことです


*Wide 端から端まで のように物理的な幅広さのイメージ

*Broad 抽象的なものにも使える 

broad perspective 幅広い視点 broad sense広い意味


ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. フィナーレ


Finale フィナーレ 最終回


Did you see the Vocab Rider Word on the Street finale? It was the perfect ending. Vocab Rider Word on the Streetの最終回見た?完璧な結末だったね


Final 最後の 確定的な 決勝戦

Today is our final episode of the year. 今日は私たちの今年最後のエピソードです

Last Yes 少しnuanceが違う

Final  それ以降、変わることがない決定的な という image  がある

Last  一続きの順番や時間が最後の という感じ


Homestretch ゴール前の直線コース 最後の追い込み

競馬から生まれた単語 home 帰って来る場所 stretch 伸びたエリア

合わせると ゴール前の直線コース

The drama’s in the homestretch now. Just 2 more episodes until the finale.



Wrap 終了 終える

And cut. Congratulations, everybody. That’s a wrap. これでおしまい

で、カット。みなさん、おめでとうございます これで終了です

クランクアップ は 和製英語



Well, Hiyori. It’s time to wrap our time as Vocab Riders. Today’s our big finale. Same here, Hiyori. Same here.

Oh! Don’t cry, Max.

You and I have a friendship that will last forever.

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.

Maxwell Powersに関する単語


Ham 大袈裟な演技をする 人前で皆を笑わせようとする人

19cのコメディーショーの曲 the ham fat man 由来という説がある


Max was the life of the party hamming it up for everybody.



Humor ユーモア 可笑しさ

Latin 体液を意味する言葉に由来とされている 昔は体液が体調や気分を決めると信じられていた そこから 面白がる 気分 笑いに繋がるもの という意味になっていった

Max has a great sense of humor.



Persevere 屈せずにやり抜く 辛抱する

Learning English isn’t easy. It’s important to persevere in your studies.


Persevere in 何々  何々を我慢強く続ける



Flexible 柔軟な 曲げやすい 融通の利く

If we want to innovate, what we need are flexible thinkers.


Flex 曲げる ible 何々できる という意味 合わせると 曲げられる

イメージとしてはいろいろな状況に応じて曲げられる 柔軟な



ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  桜田ひよりに関する単語


Logical adjective 論理的な・理にかなった・当然の

Hiyori is a logical person, never letting emotions make decisions for her.


Logic論理 noun  Greek 言葉・理性・道理を表す言葉logosに由来



Megastar 超大スター

Max has known Hiyori since she became a megastar.


Megastar: Superstarよりも大きなstar


Learn 学ぶ 身につける 知る

Learning is a life-long process. 学ぶことは生涯にわたるプロセスです

学ぶ 学習する という意味意外に 何々であることを知る わかる 何々できるようになる



Diverse  様々な 多様性のある

The population of this area is very diverse.



Diversity  noun 

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  番組を紹介する単語


Streak ひと続き 連続

If I don’t listen to Vocab Rider today, I’ll lose my streak.


基本的なイメージ 何かを特徴づける色のついた細長い線



Winning streak  連勝 losing streak 連敗


Log verb 記録をとる noun 記録

The app logs your progress automatically.




Go back 遡る 戻る

You can go back and listen to any episode.


Go 行く back 戻って 以前の場所に戻って行く→遡る


Pay off 効果を生む 報われる  intransitive verb 基本的に後ろにobjectは来ない

Trust me. When it comes to remembering words, this app really pays off.


Yes, totally. Yeah!

Pay 利益になる off 何々から離れて 何かから利益が生まれる 効果を生む



I’m sorry, Hiyori. I didn’t know how to say goodbye. My memories with you go back so far. But now it’s time for all my vocal training to pay off. I’m going to be a star. Fairwell, Hiyori. The next town over.



Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Regrets I’ve had a few. But then I again too few to mention. I did what I had to do. And saw it through without exemption.


Knock on wood. 木を叩く 幸運を願う


Lesson 236


Grammar and Vocabulary


I don’t think you should work so much.

I think you shouldn’t ~ よりも圧倒的に自然な文


I never get sick. I = sick ではない


Typical Expressions

I don’t think you should work so much.


Okay, it’s time for today’s PRACTICE.

These phrases help to soften the impact of the main statement.

So, let’s practice them and help make your sentences softer.

Let’s get started.

Here’s our first.

I’m afraid this is not the right time to . I feel this is not the right time to .

Great. Let’s keep going.

It seems to me that you don’t practice enough. It appears to me that you don’t practice enough.

Let’s keep going.

It feels like you’re missing my point.

And our last couple.

I can’t help thinking . I can’t help feeling .


Excellent work, everyone.




Typical Expressions in Action

I don’t think you should go alone. At least bring a friend with you.

I’m afraid this is not the right time to make an important decision.

It seems to me that you haven’t listened to a word I said. I told you what would happen.



Hey, guys. Did you have part time jobs when you were in university?

I had a couple of part time jobs. I was a cashier for a little bit. And then I worked the night shift, I was a freight clerk. Stocking shelves for a supermarket.

Well, I worked as a waitress in a Japanese restaurant. And then I was a receptionist at a Japanese hair salon.






20240322Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. It’s time for Friday’s review. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s go!


Lesson 235




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: What does Akira mean when he says it’s great to be here?

A He’s happy to be back on earth.

B He’s wanted to visit the TV station.

C He’s happy to be on the show.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: What did Yoshi tell Barbara before?

A His name.

B How to use the machine.

C His age.

Listen up.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A This is the man’s first visit to Matsuyama.

B The woman thinks Soseki is well-known and famous.

C The man did something rude toward the woman.

Listen carefully.

Q: What will Frankie and Ginnie do?

A Ginnie will go to a flower shop and Franki will go to the hospital.

B Frankie will go to a garden and Ginnie will go to the hospital.

C They both will go to a flower shop and then to the hospital.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :





Hey, Rosa. Do you have a good taste in clothes.

Yeah, I think so. I mean I told a lot.

How about you, David?

Oh, for sure. Yeah! I have an excellent taste in clothes.

I doubt it!




20240321Thursday  11 40


Sensei. It’s hard to tell you this, but your haiku was about the last lesson.

Ah, really?

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. It’s hard to tell you this, but it’s time to start the lesson.

Yeah, that’s right.


Lesson 234




Grammar and Vocabulary

We have to go to the hospital.

Must 主観的な単なる しなければならない

Have to 必要性が感じられる しなければならない客観的で強い理由がある

We should bring him some flowers.



Typical Expressions

It is hard to tell you this, but Dr. Stein is in the hospital.


Okay, everyone. Today, I would like you to try to remember these phrases in chunks. So, when you practice, try practicing them smoothly. Okay?

Let’s jump into our first.

I hate to say this, but~  It pains me to say this, but~ I don’t know how to say this, but~ I don’t know how to tell this, but

Great work so far. Let’s keep going.

I’m afraid, but… I regret to tell you this, but~ We regret to tell you this, but

I regret to inform you but We regret to inform you but

All right. Let’s wrap it up with a few more.

Unfortunately, I’m too busy at the moment. Actually, I’m too busy at the moment.


You did wonderfully.

Excellent job!

Typical Expressions in Action


It is hard to tell you this, but we’ve chosen another person to give the presentation. I hope you understand.

We regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted.

Unfortunately, your bags were loaded onto a different plane. They were sent to Chicago by mistake.



Hey, it’s hard to tell you this, but time is up.

See you all next time.




20240320Wednesday  9 : 50 出発


I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re not funny.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. I’m pretty sure that joke is well known.


Lesson 233


Far and wide 遠く広く 

He is known far and wide for his writings. 彼の著作で広く知られています


Grammar and Vocabulary

It’s so quiet and peaceful.

He is not so well known outside of Japan.


Typical Expressions

I don’t mean to be rude, but he is not so well known outside of Japan.


Okay, it’s time for today’s PRACTICE.

Sometimes we need to say something that may have a strong or negative impact. So, before we say it we give the listener a cushion, something to soften the impact of the words. Today’s phrases practice those. So, let’s master them, okay?

Let’s go.

Here’s our first.

No disrespect intended, but~ With all due respect, ~ No offense, but~ No offence to you, but~ due 支払われるべき 当然支払われるべき敬意を持って述べますが→憚りながら 失礼ですが お言葉ですが

Let’s keep going.

Sorry, but~ Excuse me, but

All right. Let’s keep up the pace.

I hope you don’t mind, but~ I hope you don’t mind me saying, but

I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Forgive me for asking, but~ And one more. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but


You guys worth fantastic.

With all due respect, Rosa. That’s absolutely true.

Great work, everyone.





Typical Expressions in Action

I don’t mean to be rude, but that just sounds like an excuse to me.

With all due respect, we tried your ideas and none of them worked. It’s time for a new approach.

I hope you don’t mind, but this isn’t the first time I’ve heard a salesperson make such a promise.



Hey, it’s time to wrap up this lesson, right?

That’s right.


20240319Tuesday             7 : 40 出発


Gracie Jiu-jitsu 

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ here.

And I’m David Evans. Ah, Jiu-jitsu. I get it.


Lesson 232


I’m done. I’m not finished. Let me finish. Consider it done.

See ya! Ciao.


Grammar and Vocabulary

I think you told me before. I don’t know why I said that.

I wonder if she’ll stay with us again.

Thank you for teaching me how to use this machine.

Typical Expressions

That’s none of your business.

It’s none of your business.



Okay, everyone. You’re ready to PRACTICE? These phrases are quite harsh. So, be careful when you choose to use them.

All right. Let’s jump right in.

Keep out of it. Stay out of it. It’s not your concern. Mind your own business.

Let’s continue.

Come off it.

Good work so far. Some of these phrases may sound a little aggressive. But that’s the point. So, try to match that intonation when you practice.

Keep your nose out of other people’s business. Keep your nose out of my business.

Don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. Don’t stick your nose where it isn’t wanted. Butt out! Stay out of it.

Okay, and one last one.

Leave me alone.


Great work, today.

Yeah, great job!



Typical Expressions in Action

That’s none of your business. What I do outside of work is my problem, not yours.

Keep out of it. This has nothing to do with you. This is between Billy and me.

Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about it, not with you or anyone.



Hey, yeah, Rosa. Do your wanna go grab some lunch?

Sure. Sensei, wanna join us?

Leave me alone.

Oh, I didn’t feel…

I mean … you don’t have to come. We can just go back…

Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute. I was just practicing. Don’t leave me alone.

Ah, oh, yeah. Well, let’s go, Rosa.

Yeah, too late. Bye.






20240322ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  戻ってくるもの


Echo verb 音などが反響する こだまする noun こだま 

相手に言われたことをそのまま繰り返して言う 発言などを真似る

The coach’s voice echoed through the gym. コーチの声が体育館に響き渡った


REbound 跳ね返る 跳ね返り 立ち直る

Verb noun   re 戻って bound 飛び跳ねる 何かが飛んでぶつかって方向を変えて戻る

Lauren rebounded surprisingly well after she lost her job.



Responsive  adjective 反応が早い 敏感な

Respond verb よいイメージの言葉 


For any company, it’s important to be responsive to new demand.



Backlash 強い反発 反動  back 反対に lashむち打ち  

反対方向へのむち打ち 反発 反感 大勢の人による反対の声、反発というイメージ

1人で何かに反対している時には使わない Correct!

The government prepared for a backlash against the new economic policy.




Echo… echo… echo… echo… See? When you shout, the sound rebounds off the rocks and comes back as an echo! 

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  日本語由来の単語


Tycoon 大物 大君 偉大な君主を意味する言葉 

元々は江戸幕府が外国との間において将軍のことを大君という称号で呼んだ、ということが由来とされている そこから トップの人 とても偉い人のことを tycoonと呼ぶようになり、今では主にビジネスにおける大物の意味で使われる oil tycoon / media tycoon

Did you ever think a real estate tycoon would become president?



Bokeh 写真や映像ボケ味


boke [bouk] と発音してしまいそうになるので、hを付けた H 叡智

Bokeh can give photos a cool sense of depth.



Skosh 少し ちょっと

I’m going to add a skosh of salt to accent the flavors.


Skosh  The World War 後、日本に駐留していた兵士の間でスラングとして使われるようになった とされている

Yes. A little / a bit と同じように a skoshという形で使われることが多い



Zen 禅 落ち着いて動じない  noun  

adjective 落ち着いていて自分では変えられないようなことに動じない状態について使うようになっている 人や雰囲気などについて使われることが多い

I think of fishing as a very zen hobby.


ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  



Rise up 立ち上がる 湧き上がる  rise 上がる up 上へ

特に、行動を起こす、という意味の 立ち上がる また感情が湧いてくる というnuanceで使うことが多い

Do you think robots will rise up against humans someday?



Uprising 暴動 反乱 rise upが逆になってできた noun + ing  Yes!

The president went into hiding as the uprising gained momentum.



Pour out 流れ出す 感情を吐き出す  pour 注ぐ 絶え間なく流れ出るout 外に

比喩的に 感情や考えなどが立て続けに出てくる 吐き出すという意味で使われることもある

It felt so good to finally pour out all my frustration.



Outpouring 迸り 流出  pour out からoutpouringというnounができた

感情や考えが溢れ出ること 迸り という意味で使われることが多い

John Lennon’s death sparked an outpouring of grief from all around the world. John Lennonの死により世界中からの悲しみの声が溢れ出した



Well, this is just too much. Madder than a wet hen. I can’t believe this.

All these people on social media are rising up against me saying I’m annoying! But you know what? No outpouring of hate is gonna get to me! Ah, who cares! Yee haw, yee haw!

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  見直すに纏わる単語をご紹介


Rethink 見直す 考え直す 



Now that the deadline is in April not May,we have to rethink our plan.



Look over ざっと目を通す

Look 見る over 全体を覆って またもう一度

合わせると、ざっと目を通す もう一度よく見る Yes!

Look over your answers before you turn in your test.



Perspective 見方 観点

Per 何々を通して というパーツ spec 見る を意味する言葉に由来

イメージ レンズのようなものを通して観察すること ものの見方

Becoming a teacher gave me a new perspective on the learning process.



Think better of 考え直してやめる 見直す

I was going to call my ex-girlfriend but I thought better of it.


Think better of + noun / gerund 考え直す 考え直してやめる

Think better of + person その人を見直す



So, which one should we cut?

Um… You might want to rethink that.

Well, I looked everything over again and I found a new wire : a green wine.

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. Surがつく単語

Sur は何々を超えて、何々の上に といったイメージを表すパーツ


Surface 表面 表面に出る

Sur 上に face 面 合わせると 上の面 で 表面

How many people have set foot on the surface of the moon?


On the surface 表面では 見かけは 一見すると という意味で使われることもある

An important fact has surfaced 重要な事実が表面化した


Surreal 超現実的な 夢のような

Sur 何々を超えてreal realism現実主義のreal 現実を超えて→超現実的な

Seeing my childhood with other people living in it was a surreal experience.




Surplus 超過分 黒字 余分の

Sur 超えて plusプラスのもの 余分 合わせると 超えた余分→超過分・黒字


Budget surplus 予算剰余 財政黒字

Surplus production 余剰生産

When was the last time the U.S. had a trade surplus?



Surrender 降伏する 引き渡す

Sur 超えて render 与える 行う という意味 合わせると、超えて何かを与える 渡す

自分自身を相手に渡す から 降伏する という意味が生まれたとされている


Surrender one’s license 免許証を引き渡す

When did Hojo Ujimasa surrender to Toyotomi Hideyoshi?




I did it my way.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s get ready to go.


Lesson 231


I’d like to welcome to the show astronaut Kuze Akira.

I’d like to welcome astronaut Kuze Akira to the show.

Go ahead. 発言や行為を相手に促す言葉

I did it my way.  My way 私のやり方で adverb的な働き


Grammar and Vocabulary

You know where I’ve just come from. Present perfectimage は 今に迫ってくる 


このnuanceを間違いなく伝える just たった今 と共に使われ「帰ってきたばかり」となっている

You survived on Mars longer than any human being in history.


Typical Expressions

If I could just finish…


All right, everyone. It’s time for today’s PRACTICE. Natural conversations can be messy things. Sometimes it’s necessary to take back the right to speak. So, let’s practice these phrases just in case you need to do that.

Let’s begin.

Here we go.

Just hear me out. Hang on. Hang on a minute. Juist a minute. Wait a minute.

Let’s continue.

Listen. Let’s try that one more time. Listen.

Okay, here’s our next.

Do you mind? (Do you mind not interrupting me?)  I haven’t finished.

Let’s try that one more time.  Do you mind? I haven’t finished.

And our last two are a little long but let’s keep going.

Could I ask you to hold any questions until I’ve finished?

I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.


Hey, Rosa. Do you think we should tell them how good a job they did?

I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.

Excellent work, everyone.

Great work!


Typical Expressions

Hang on a minute.


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE.

Some people don’t like to interrupt. So, maybe you won’t use them actively that often.

However, someone may say them to you.

So, it’s important to master these phrases so you know what they mean.

All right. Here’s our first. Just a minute. Wait a minute.

Let’s continue.

Before you go any further, And another one. Before you move on to the next point.

All right. Let’s keep going.

Excuse me, but could I say something here? Sorry to

Can I just jump in for a second? And one more. Do you mind if I say something here?


Typical Expressions in Action

Just hear me out. I think you’ll agree with me once you see the whole picture.

Do you mind? We’re close to the end of the presentation. Please be patient.

Could I ask you to hold any questions until I’ve finished? The presentation may cover what your question is about.








20240315Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. Welcome back. It’s Friday. Thanks for joining us. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

It’s the review. Hi, I’m David Evans.


Lesson 230




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: Where does the woman think Zaytox may be?

A In a concrete building.

B In a familiar place.

C In Japan.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A The man is having tea and toast with butter.

B The woman forgot that the man likes butter.

C Roxy sent the woman a sweet birthday cake.

Listen up.

Q: What is Doctor Downs’s view on UFOs?

A UFOs are evidence of aliens.

B He doesn’t know what the are.

C He wants to meet alien someday.

Listen carefully.

Q: What will the woman do?

A Talk on the radio.

B Ask the man about his father.

C Read the man’s palm quicky.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :







Hey, David. Have you ever borrowed money from a girlfriend?

Ah, thankfully no, but. Oh! I actually borrowed money from a girlfriend's dad once. Never again.

Oh, how about you?

Ah, I’ve never borrowed money from a girlfriend.





20240314Thursday  11 40


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. I’m washing my hands of this.


Lesson 229


That’s fine.  Fine 濁りがない 問題がない


Grammar and Vocabulary

I know what you do.

You work in radio.


What do you do? 職業を尋ねる典型的な表現


Typical Expressions

Hang on a minute.


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE.

Some people don’t like to interrupt. So, maybe you won’t use them actively that often.

However, someone may say them to you.

So, it’s important to master these phrases so you know what they mean.

All right. Here’s our first. Just a minute. Wait a minute.

Let’s continue.

Before you go any further, And another one. Before you move on to the next point.

All right. Let’s keep going.

Excuse me, but could I say something here? Sorry to

Can I just jump in for a second? And one more. Do you mind if I say something here?


David, can I just jump in for a second?

Ah, sorry to interrupt, I was just going to say…

Before you move on any further…


You guys did great.





Typical Expressions in Action




Hey, David. Do you mind if I say something here?

Oh! Sure. Go ahead.

Actually, I have nothing to say. Just practicing.

Just a minute. You are not making another boring ending, sensei.

Too late.






20240313Wednesday  9 : 50 出発


Unidentified Flying Onishi.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Are you two? Let’s jump into it.


Lesson 228


Grammar and Vocabulary

Personally, what do you think?



I really don’t know.  Reallynotの前 そのため 本当に→知りません 全く知らない

I don’t really know.  よく知っているというわけではありません 

really know よく知っている が否定されるため


Typical Expressions

What is your view on UFOs?


All right. It’s time for today’s PRACTICE. So, these phrases ask your partner or their opinion. Let’s focus and lean into “you and your” in these phrases, okay?

That’s right, guys. Remember you can always say these in a neutral form. But today let’s practice emphasizing “you and your.”

All right. Here’s our first.

What do you think? What’s your take? Don’t you think so? Don’t you think?

Okay. Let’s continue.

How do you see it?

All right. And here’s one more.

This apartment is too small for me. What do you think?

Let’s go again. This apartment is too small for me. What do you think?


You know, David. I think our listeners did great today. What do you think?

Oh, I think they did too. Great work, everyone.

Excellent job!





Typical Expressions in Action


Hey, guys. What do you call “Unidentified Flying Object” ?






20240312Tuesday             7 : 40 出発


You always use too much.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Ooh! He is a meat beef.


Lesson 227


Would you care for some more tea?


Grammar and Vocabulary

How sweet of her to remember your birthday.

Of+noun は多くの場合、単に前の語句の「説明」 How sweet なんて優しいのだ の後ろに 彼女が がかすかに響いている その後ろの to infinitive は感情の 原因 を表している

I wonder if she’ll stay with us again.


Typical Expressions

Before I forget, I received a birthday card from Roxy.

Before I forget は、それまでの話題を転換し、別の話題に移す頻用フレーズ


Okay, everyone. It’s time for today’s PRACTICE.

It’s important to tell other people I’m going to change the conversation in a different direction.

So let’s master these phrase and improve.

Here we go.

Changing the subject, we need a theme for tomorrow’s meeting. On another note, we need a theme for tomorrow’s meeting. On a different note, we need a theme for tomorrow’s meeting.

Let’s continue.

By the way, how do you like your new apartment?

Putting that aside, how do you like your new apartment?

All right. And here’s few more.

Anyway, the guests will arrive soon. We should get ready.

In any case, the guests will arrive soon. We should get ready.


All right, everyone. Fantastic PRACTICE today.

Excellent work, guys.



Typical Expressions in Action

Before I forget, we’re out of toilet paper. Can you run to the store?

Anyway, I’ll be in town until Friday. Call me if you’d like to get dinner.

Changing the subject, I heard that Big West Coffee is having a sale. Shall we go?



Big West Coffee.

I heard that they’re having a sale.

Yeah, I heard their pumpkin spice, oat milk, triple cream cappuccino is the best.

Okay, let’s go.






20240315ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 鉱山



Mine 鉱山 採掘する Yes. 比喩的に宝庫という意味もある

The motif for this roller coaster is an old gold mine.


比喩的に宝庫という意味もある a gold mine of information 知識の宝庫


Metal 金属を一般的に指す場合 uncountable noun

鉄や金などいろいろな金属を言う場合はcountable noun

Most metals can be recycled over and over.

ほとんどの金属は何度もリサイクルできます  That’s right.

Precious metals 貴金属


Dig 掘る 基本的な意味 穴を掘る そこから派生していろいろなイディオムに使われる

Dig up information 情報を発掘する 

dig my hands into my pockets ポケットに手を突っ込む

If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.


有名なフレーズ→ 失敗したと気づいたら早く改めなさい


Deposit 天然の埋蔵物 鉱床  預金 という意味もある(離れて、置くというイメージ)

いろいろ意味がある 電車やコンビニ系のICカードで予めカードをお金を入れておくこと

De 離れてposit 置く という意味のLatinに由来



We need to find new ways of mining coal deposits.


ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 起業 Startup



Funding 資金 資金提供 資金を出すこと 資金提供

Fund noun 資金 基金 verb 資金を出す Yes!

I’m going to need a lot of funding for my startup.



Initial 初めの 初期の

Adjective   noun の前に置いて使う be verb の後ろには置けない

First 最初の Initial 初めの方の

Getting funding is an important step for a startup in its initial stage.



Founder 創設者 創業者

Found  find の past / past participle

Found 創設する 設立するという意味の別のverb + er 何々する人 創設者 Yes!

Now that we’ve established our startup, I guess that makes us founders.



Mission 使命 ミッション

Latin 送る を意味するLatinに由来 派遣団 使節団 派遣される理由や目的という広がった意味も持つようになった 

Our mission is to make healthy food more accessible.





Listen up, team. Hiyorina, the burglar, is going to try to steal this funding.

Your mission is to finally catch her.

Hiyorina, the burglar!

Uh-oh! Get well soon.

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 予測

予測にまつわる単語 ご紹介


Prediction 予測 予報 予言

The expert said he couldn't make any predictions about the election results.


Pre 前 前に という意味のパーツ dict 言う という言葉に由来 tion nounにするパーツ

Make a prediction 予想する 予測する


Presumably 推定されるように 

Presumably, he’ll be in the hospital for a month or so.


Presume verb 推定する able 何々できるというパーツ さらに ly adverb

Yes   presumably恐らく probablyより固いイメージがある



Anticipate 予想する 見込む 期待して待つ

The weather was colder than we’d anticipated. 天気は予想したより寒かった

Anticipate   後ろにpositiveなことが来ると、期待して待つ というnuance

後ろに problem / difficulty などが来ると、

前もって 対処する 未然に防ぐという 意味にもなる

The kids have been anticipating a visit from Santa for weeks.


anticipate the opponent’s next move 相手の次の動きを読んで先手を打つ


Accurate 正確な 注意深く行なった結果、正確な・精密なというnuanceが強い単語

Being a good chess player depends on making accurate predictions.


Information data description 数字や表現などに関することが多い

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. インド映画と言えば



Extravagant とても派手な 豪華な

Bollywood movies often feature extravagant sets and costumes.


Extra 外の 範囲外の を意味する言葉 vagant の部分放浪する を意味する言葉に由来

普通とされる範囲の外に出るような というイメージから 浪費する 贅沢な とても派手な というような意味になる エンターテイメントやデザインについて 凝った、豪華なというnuanceで使われることもある


Choreography 振り付け

Bollywood choreography incorporates a wide variety of dance styles.


Yes! Choreographer 振付師 choreograph 振り付けをする


Number 曲 曲目

The movie ended with an extravagant song and dance number.


19cの後半頃、musical 劇や operaなどのプログラムに演奏される曲を番号付きで記載していたことから、ひとつの番号イコールひとつの曲 という連想が生まれたとされている



Suddenly 突然に いきなり adverb  sudden突然の adjective

In Bollywood movies, you’ll notice that characters suddenly start singing and dancing. Bollywood映画では、登場人物が突然歌い、踊り始めることに気づくはず



I don’t know what it is, Hiyori. But I suddenly feel the urge to dance. And I know you feel it too. Here we go! It’s time for the big number. Hit it!

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 森に纏わる単語


Conifer 針葉樹  con  cone 円錐 松ぼっくりのような円錐の形をした種子ができる樹木

Pine trees are common conifer in Japan.


Tree with needles 針のある木


Deciduous 落葉性の

When the leaves start returning to deciduous trees, you know spring has arrived. 落葉樹に葉が戻り始めると、春の到来を感じます

De 下へ ci落ちる を意味する言葉に由来 

下に落ちるような 葉っぱが落ちるような落葉性の

Deciduous teeth 人の乳歯 落ちるような つまり 抜けるような歯


Log  verb 伐採する 切って丸太にする noun 丸太


Environmental groups are protesting the decision to log the forest.


Log  sleep like a log   ぐっすり眠る Yes!


Canopy 天蓋 天蓋のように覆うもの

The canopy of the forest was so thick I couldn’t tell if it was daytime or nighttime. 森の林冠はとても厚く、昼と夜の区別がつかなった 

林冠 木々の上の方の葉や枝が茂っている部分

元々 蚊帳がついたエジプト風のソファ意味する言葉に由来 上から吊るされた覆いを意味するようになる 天蓋や天空、林冠という意味で使われるようになった

Canopy bed 天蓋つきのベッド

Tree canopy 林冠 といった感じで使われる



Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. I’m sure you’re number 1 in the world when it comes to bad jokes.

I agree with that.


Lesson 226


Grammar and Vocabulary

We have found something unusual.

There’s a shogi player logging in from Japan who is beating everyone in the world.


Typical Expressions

While we are on the subject of Zaytox, we have found something unusual.




Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE.

Now today I want you to pay attention to the flow of the phrases.

You should really be ablet to feel that smooth transition into the following topic.

Okay, here’s our first.

Come to think of it, Speaking of food,

Let’s continue.

That reminds me.

All right. And let’s continue with a few more.

That songs brings to mind my childhood. That song takes me back to my childhoods. That song reminds me of my childhood.


Fantastic work, everyone.




Typical Expressions in Action

While we’re on the subject of borrowing things, can I have my hoodie back? It’s my favorite one. ~の話のついでに言うと、~と言えば

Speaking of food, I’m starving. Anyone else want to grab a bite? サッと食事を済ます 食べに行く

That reminds me. I brought you a souvenir from my trip.



Oh! That reminds me. David. Where’s my souvenir from Texas.

Ah-um. It’s not that I don’t have it. It’s … ah, At my house. You’ll have to come and get it.

Great excuse, David.








20240308Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. Thanks for joining us for Friday lessons.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s enjoy the review together.


Lesson 225




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: What kind of movie did the man see?

A An exhausting movie.

B A documentary film about Atlanta.

C A movie about ancient people who built pyramids.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A Some young people were talking about Zaytox.

B Zaytox knows where the pyramids came from.

C Zaytox built the world’s pyramids.

Listen up.

Q: What did Derek want to do?

A Rejoin the band.

B Become a good bass player.

C Write songs.

Listen carefully.

Q: What did the professor do?

A He wrote the sceenplay for a fantasy movie.

B He played an important role in a movie.

C He got the wrong impression about Atlantis.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :






Thanks for joining us today.

I can’t wait for our next lesson.





20240307Thursday  11 40


Sensei, I agree with you up to a point but I think that’s too old.

Don’t say that.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. I’m always up for a journey through the stars. Let’s get going.


Lesson 224


And I’ll take the next question from the lady in blue there.

服を着た それが中に入っているのを想起させるため inが使われている



Grammar and Vocabulary

Isn’t it strange for a university professor to be writing a script for a fantasy movie? 脚本

I’ve written several books on the topic of Atlantis.


Typical Expressions

I agree with you up to a point, but I’ve written several books on the topic of Atlantis.


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE. Now we’ve practiced these push-and-pull types of phrases several times. So I want you to really focus on the feelings of pulling and pushing.

Let’s go.

You’re right up to a point, but

Let’s continue.

You have a point, but~ and another one. I can see your point, but

All right. Let’s try a few more.

I see what you’re saying, but~ I see what you mean, butI get where you’re coming from, but

I understand where you’re coming from, but. I get where you’re coming from, but. Lesson 131


That was great, everyone.

Fantastic work!




Typical Expressions in Action

I agree with you up to a point, but we need to see things from a broader perspective.

You have a point, but scientific evidence points to a different cause.

I can see your point, but that doesn’t change the facts.



Sensei, isn’t it strange for a university professor to be telling bad jokes on an English radio program?

Yeah, I wonder about that too.

Yes, it is. You’re right.





20240306Wednesday  9 : 50 出発


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. I have a night light at my house.


Lesson 223


I’m not good at writing songs like Bill.

At 点 何々の点では良い


Grammar and Vocabulary

It was your decision to leave the band.

He’s nowhere near as good as I am.

Nowhere near ~ ~とかけ離れて

Almost as as … ほとんど…と同じくらい~

Nowhere near as good as … …の足元にも及ばない


Typical Expressions

Yeah, but I’m still a musician.



Okay, let’s jump into today’s PRACTICE. Today’s phrases are very similar to playing a game of catch. You have to catch the ball first before you return it. That’s the image of these phrases.

All right. Let’s try.

Yes, but~ That’s true, but~ Right, but~ Exactly, but~ Very true, but

Let’s continue. This next one is a full sentence.

That may be true, but Bill likes him. Let’s try that one more time. That may be true, but Bill likes him.

Moving right along.

That’s interesting, butThat’s a nice thought, but~ That would be nice, but

And our last one.

I can understand how you feel, but


Great job, guys. I hope you were able to feel the push and pull in these sentences while you practiced.

Fantastic work!





Typical Expressions in Action

Yeah, but he’s young at heart.

Exactly, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore the rules.

I can understand how you feel, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.


Hey, David. Look at sensei’s jacket. Don’t you think it’s a bit flashy for this age?

Yeah, but he’s young at heart, you know.

Wait a minute. I’m young at everything.




20240305Tuesday             7 : 40 出発


Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here.

And I’m David Evans. Okay, guys. Let’s get to it.


Lesson 222


Nobody cared. 人っ子一人、気にしていませんでしたよ


We aliens … 私たち、異星人は


Grammar and Vocabulary

Humans really like mobile phones.

The ひとつに決まる a / an いくつかある中のひとつ

plural 何も限定が加わっていない ~一般 人間一般 携帯電話一般

I heard some young people chatting.


Typical Expressions

They were talking about pyramids. – Were they?


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE. Now this type of conversation is kind of like playing ball between two people. So, imagine when you’re practicing, you’ve just received the ball and you wanna continue the flow, okay?

All right. For each of these, we’ll give you a sentence and then we’ll practice the reply together.

So, this first one is for… I can drive you home. All right? Let’s practice our reply.

– Oh, can you? That would be nice.

Let’s try again.  – Oh, can you? That would be nice.

Here’s the next example. This one is replying to… Ben and Hiromi broke up! – Oh, did they?

One more time. – Oh, did they?

Okay, let’s keep going. Our next is… I’ve been to Hawaii. Do you know what we should reply with. I’m sure you do. Let’s do it.

– Oh, have you? - Oh, have you?

And our last sentence.

This one is replying to … Cath likes to binge-watch horror movies. – Oh, does she?

-         Oh, does she?


Great job, everyone.

Sometimes it’s hard to choose which to use. So, practice again and again until it’s second nature.



Typical Expressions in Action

I’ve seen this already.

-         Oh, have you? Okay, I’ll pick a different movie then.

I got the job!

-         Oh, did you? Good for you! I knew you had it in you.

My father loves sake.

-         Oh, does he? Next time I visit, I’ll bring a bottle.



Hey, guys. You know I love sake.

Oh, do you? Well, maybe I should bring a bottle next time I go visit.


Oh, I’ll bring some amazake.



20240308ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. お手軽調理



Easy 作りやすい 手間のかからない 簡単な 作りやすい 

easy recipe 手間のかからないレシピ 誰でも作れる easy to make 作りやすい

Simple recipe 材料や手順などが少ない

I love this book of easy lunch ideas.



Prepackaged 予め包装された 調理されてパッケージに入った

レトルト食品や冷凍食品、お弁当など 広く調理されてパッケージに入ったものを指す

Prepackaged might be expensive. But they save time.


Right!   meal / food / lunch / dinner などと一緒に使われる

retort  ほとんどのアメリカ人には通じない


Microwave  noun  電子レンジ microwave oven  verb電子レンジで温める

Electric range 残念ながら通じない

How long should I microwave this chicken for?



Leftover  残り物 plural noun 残り物の adjective

left残された over 余分に 余った 残されて余ったもの残り物

We’re having leftovers tonight. 今晩食べるのは残り物です

Leftover curry 残り物のカレー  leftover budget 余った予算

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 裁判


Plaintiff 原告 嘆き を意味する言葉に由来 嘆いて訴える側

One time a company was ordered to pay 28 billion dollars to an individual plaintiff. 


Complain 不平を言う クレームを入れる も同じルーツ

Defendant 被告


Credible 信頼できる 確かな

To win a lawsuit, a plaintiff needs credible evidence.


Cred 信じる を意味する言葉に由来 ible 何々できる という意味のパーツ



Jury 陪審 陪審員団

The judge told the jury to disregard the witness’s statement.


欧米では市民から選ばれた数人が審判に参加する制度がある juryと呼ばれる

Juror ひとりひとりの陪審員


The jury is still out. 陪審員団はまだ戻っていない まだ評決は出ていない

一般的にまだ意見がまとまっていない まだ判断できていない状況で使うことができる


Verdict 評決

The jury returned the verdict of not guilty.


Ver 真実 本当のこと dict 言う を意味するパーツ 

合わせると、真実を言う事 つまり 陪審が真実だと判断してそれを言う事


Finally, would the defendant like to make a statement?

Very well. The jury has reached the verdict. Guilty!

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 治安



Crime 犯罪 罪

The guidebook says there’s a lot of crime in that area.


例文のように 概念としての 犯罪 犯罪というもの を表すときには uncountable noun

ここの犯罪を表すときには countable noun

Commit a crime 罪を犯す

Crime doesn’t pay. 犯罪は割に合わない


Seedy みすぼらしい いかがわしい 元々は種が多い

The Seedy world of illegal gambling is something never want to get involved in.


植物に種ができる頃になると、枯れて花がなくなる → 花がない みすぼらしい というよくない意味が出てきた とされている


Hotel bar neighborhood 建物やエリアを表す言葉と一緒に使われることが多い


Thug 悪党 乱暴者

A few thugs were standing at the entrance to the seedy building.



乱暴で 暴行や強盗などを起こす人、起こしそうな人のこと


Deteriorate 悪化する 悪化させる

When social order deteriorates crime tends to increase.



Situation condition society  health などともよく使われている

状況 状態 社会 その他に 健康などともよく使われている

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 病気


Germ 細菌 病原菌

Cover your mouth when you cough so that you don’t spread germ.


Germ元々 芽や蕾を意味する言葉に由来 19c に 病気を生むもの というイメージで病原菌の意味が出てきたとされている

今でもThe germ of an idea 発想などの芽生え のように使われることもある


Contagious 接触感染性の 感染りやすい

Noro virus is extremely contagious.


Con ~と一緒に tag 触る を意味する ious adjective にするパーツ

合わせると 接触による 接触によって感染する 伝染性の

Laugh yawn 比喩的に 感染りやすいもの

Her laugh is contagious. 彼女の笑いにつられちゃう


Epidemic 病気の流行 蔓延

A flu epidemic has hit the area.


Epi  ~の間で ~の上で dem 人々を意味するGreekに由来

人々の間に広まっているというイメージ それが 病気の流行・蔓延 の意味で使われるようになった

Pandemic もっとスケールが大きい 世界的な病気の流行


Immunity noun 免疫 免除

Stress can hurt your immunity to illnesses.


Immune adjective 免疫の

Have immunity   免疫がある

Develop immunity  免疫を持つようになる

Immunity from taxation 課税の免除

Legal immunity 刑事免責 法的な場面で使われることも多い

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 自然に 自ずと に纏わる英単語



Naturally adverb自然に ありのままに 当然ながら 生まれながら ありのまま

当然のイメージ  文脈によって自然な意味合いを選ぶこと

Natural adjective 自然な

It’s so hard to act naturally when someone tells you to.



Voluntary 自分の意志による 自主的な

Volunteer は派生語 Yes!


Spontaneously 自発的に 無意識のうちに

The crowd spontaneously started singing the Vocab Rider fight song.

観客は誰からともなくVocab Rider fight songを歌い始めました

なんの計画性もなく自発的に 衝動に乗って というイメージを持っている



Self-evident 自明の わかりきった   明らかな 明白な  合わせると 自明の

It’s self-evident that studying abroad was good for Tom.


What are you doing, Hiyori?

What? You’re studying?  And it’s voluntary? great! I’ve never been so proud. Oh, would you look at me sitting here crying spontaneously.



Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. Thanks for joining us on this beautiful Monday.

And I’m David Evans. Okay, everyone. Let’s jump right into it.


Lesson 221


A long time ago 昔々

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


At any time いつの時代をとっても


Grammar and Vocabulary

It’s one of the most exciting movies I’ve ever seen.

That’s hard to believe.


Typical Expressions

It was fantastic – Really?


Okay, everyone. Let’s jump into today’s PRACTICE. Today we’ll focus on active listening.

Some people, when they speak, wait for the other person to say something as a sign it’s okay to continue and to understand they’re listening.

So, these phrases are very important to master, okay?

These phrases are pretty short. So be sure to pay attention to the rhythm when you PRACTICE.

Right. Let’s go!

For real? Well, I never. Never. Yeah? Hmm…

Let’s continue.

Right. Okay. Uh-huh. Sure. Sure thing. Oh, I see.

We have so many options. Choose one that works for you.

And? And then? Go on. What then? Then what?

Okay. And the last few are in sentence form.

That sounds interesting. That sounds great. That sounds scary. That sounds rough. That sounds tough.

All right, everyone. Great work today.

It sounds like you’re getting the hang of it. Excellent job.




Typical Expressions in Action

A concert? Never I thought that band broke up.

For real? Keith doesn’t normally wear jeans. Did he look good in them?

That sounds interesting! Maybe I’ll go check it out for myself. I like live theater.



Hey, guys. Do I look good in jeans?

You know, I used to think jeans only look good on young people. But you put it off!

How about you, Rosa?

Uh-huh. Sure thing.




20240301Friday   11 40 

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. It’s Friday. You know what that means?

That’s right. It’s time for the review. And I’m David Evans.


Lesson 220




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A Jessica and Professor Peacock met last week.

B Professor Peacock has been to the Great Pyramid before.

C Jessica needs to go to the head office.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: What did Derek not want Doris to tell Bill?

A That he had coffee with Doris.

B That he wants to go back to the band.

C That he called Bill.

Listen up.

Q: What does Kelly think about Bill?

A His music is wonderful.

B His band is old-fashioned.

C He always looks hungry.

Listen carefully.

Q: What will the two people do?

A They’ll reserve seats for the movie.

B They’ll go to a movie theater.

C They’ll read Peacock’s book.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :






Hey, sensei, so who in your life makes you feel heard?

Yeah, who really listens to you and accepts you for, who you are…

…and understands you?

Probably my medaka.



20240229Thursday  11 40


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today! Okay!


Lesson 219




Grammar and Vocabulary

The script was written by Brendan Peacock.

この文では、by~ が使われていますが、受動態に必須というわけではありません。その行為が誰によってなされていたのか(動作主)を加えたいときに使う


I wonder if there really was a civilization called Atlantis.


Typical Expressions

I’m so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE. Now the best way to PRACTICE sentences that talk about being excited are to be excited. So, let’s PRACTICE.

All right. Let’s jump right in.

The movie was so exciting. The movie was so exciting.

Let’s continue.

That’s thrilling. I’m thrilled.

Okay. Let’s continue.

It’s going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait. Can’t wait. I’m looking forward to the concert. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

And our last few.

There’s never a dull moment. I can’t contain my excitement. I’m stoked for the concert tomorrow. 燃料を補給された から、エネルギッシュな興奮


Well, I hope this was an exciting PRACTICE session. It was for us.

It was so exciting.




Typical Expressions in Action

I’m excited about our trip to Hawaii. I still can’t believe we get to go!

Spring break is just around the corner. I can’t wait! Finally, some time off.

I’m so stoked to go to the concert. HIROTO 48’s live shows are absolutely incredible.




So, something is wrong with your screen door?



20240228Wednesday  9 : 50 出発


Stay foolish. Stay hungry.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. I can do something about being hungry. But foolish… I can’t change.


Lesson 218


I appreciate you saying that.

相手の行動を評価する が 感謝 に繋がる


Stay ある状態に留まる


Stay hungry, stay foolish.   Steve Jobs

あなた=hungry のまま留まる


Grammar and Vocabulary

I appreciate you saying that.

Stay hungry.


Typical Expressions

I really admire your music.


Okay, let’s jump into today’s PRACTICE. Our phrases today talk about appreciation and looking up to people. So, let’s master them together.

Let’s go.

All right, here’s our first.

I appreciate the beauty of Japan. I appreciate the importance of English education.

Continuing on.

I value your time. I value your input. I value your opinion.

These sentences are good to know because it’s important to let people know how much they mean to you.

Here’s our next.

Helen looks up to her mother. 誰々を仰ぎ見る 目上の人に対する尊敬を表す

Helen worships her mother. Helen idolizes her mother.

And a few more.

I want to be more like Hiroshi. He is my role model. She makes me feel heard. She makes me understood.


Great work, everyone.

We value the time you put into these PRACTICE sessions. Excellent job!


Typical Expressions in Action

I really admire this painting. It captures the essence of life during that time period.

I appreciate the craftsmanship of this cabinet. Every single part is handmade.

I love Hiroshi so much. He always makes me feel heard.



I’m hungry.

Huh! Sensei, you just ate…

Oh! You never make me feel heard!





20240227Tuesday             7 : 40 出発


Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here.

And I’m David Evans. I was in a marching band once.


Lesson 217



Grammar and Vocabulary

I bumped into Bill.

I was just being honest.  正直に振る舞っていた 行為を表す


Typical Expressions

That was uncalled for.



Okay. It’s time to PRACTICE.

You may not use these phrases often in daily conversation.

But they are a flag. If you hear someone use these, you know, they’re upset.

Okay. Let’s jump in.

There’s no need for that. There’s no need for that kind of language. That type of language is inappropriate. You can’t say things like that. Take that back.

Continuing on.

Watch your mouth. Watch your language.

Let’s keep going.

That’s a bit rude. How rude. How rude of you. That’s downright offensive. 相手を深く傷つけ怒らせるような

And our last two.

You will speak to me with the proper respect. Be respectful.


You did great.

Fantastic work, everyone.


Typical Expressions in Action

That was uncalled for. You had no right to bring up his past like that.

Take that back. I most certainly do not favor your sister over you. I love you both equally.

That’s a bit rude. You can criticize his management style without saying he’s a bad person.


That was uncalled for.

I’m sorry. What did I do?

That was uncalled for.

Oh, oh.


You can’t say things like that.

Sensei. We’re working in the studio. You practicing is uncalled for.




20240301ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 循環


Cycle 循環 周期  

Greek 円を意味する言葉に由来 円を描くように繰り返しまわってくるもの

The seasons come and go in a never-ending cycle.


Exactly! 4 year cycle 4年周期 vicious cycle 悪循環virtual cycle 好循環


Loop 輪っか ループ 仲間   All you need is kill  Edge of Tomorrow   Mondays

紐などで作る円形のもの 輪っか そこから派生して 仲間を意味することもある  

輪っかで仲間 友だちの輪Good guess!

In the loop 仲間に入っていて情報が回ってくる状態を指す 

Keep me in the loop about the party. partyのことについて仲間に入れていてね

Therefore partyのことで何か進展があったら教えてね

My pr just repeats the same things over and over. It’s like he’s on a loop.



Around ~の周りに 周りを

The highway makes a loop around the city.


A ~の上に round 円形 という意味 円形の線に載っている 周囲にというイメージ



Circulation noun 循環 血行 発行部数 circulate  verb 

Yes. ある範囲内を循環する 自由に流れる というイメージがあるので、空気の流れでは、換気、雑誌や新聞については 発行部数 という意味で使われる  

They say that garlic is good for your circulation.


ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.


Fish  noun   魚  singular / plural  verb 釣りをする

How many fish do you have in your aquarium?


fish out of water 通常、水の中にいる魚が水の外に出てしまっている 場違いの人間


Filet  noun 魚の場合切り身 肉の場合ヒレ肉 verb 切り身にする 三枚にする

I’ve never learned how to filet a fish. Can you show me?



Flake noun フレーク verb 削る フレーク状にする

小さくて薄くて平らなもの  そのようなものにする

特に削られたり剥がされたりした厚みのないもの corn flakes  YES!

Try some bonito flakes on top of okonomiyaki.


Bonito  鰹 bonito flakes 鰹節


Fishy 魚臭い 胡散臭い  元々、 魚っぽい、魚のような という意味だった

次第に、魚臭い、魚の味がする という限定された意味で使われるようになった

また、魚が滑ってつかみにくい 生臭い → なんだか変な感じ 胡散臭い

Wow! This filet doesn’t taste fishy at all.




Just remember this. Fishing is all about patience. All right. Let’s get started.

Ah! Oops! I forgot the fishing poles. I knew something was fishy!

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 外交



Diplomat 外交官 diplo 二重 畳む diploma 折りたたまれた紙

昔、旅をする際に必要な免状が折りたたまれていて、そこからたたまれた紙がパスポートのような意味になった 公文書を扱う行為 diplomacy その行為を推し進めるものがdiplomatと言われるようになった 

I became a diplomat because I wanted to represent my country abroad.



Alliance  noun 同盟 提携 ally verb 同盟を結ぶ 

NATO is a powerful global alliance.

NATO は強力な世界規模の同盟です

AB間の同盟は、An (The) alliance between A and B    A B alliance

The Japan US alliance 日米同盟



Negotiate 交渉する

Diplomats are trained to negotiate across cultural lines.


Negotiate object 何々について交渉する

Negotiate treaty 条約 / contract 契約 / price 価格 などが多く使われる


Bilateral 二国間の 両側に関する

Bi 2つ lateral 側面の 側 合わせると2つの側面からなる 両面のある

外交について使うと  二国間の

The US and Japan have a bilateral alliance.



Bilateral agreement 二国間同意  bilateral trade 二国間の貿易

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers. 車の運転



Lane 車線 小道 細い道 広い道路の中の細い道ということで、車線という意味になった

Should I move over to the left lane? 左車線に移った方がいいかな?

Change lanes / switch lanes  車線変更する

Passing lane 追い越し車線 right turn lane 右折車線


Stop and go ノロノロ運転 少し進んでは止まる

Traffic is stop and go on the Vocab Rider express way today.

本日、Vocab Rider 高速道路では渋滞が発生しています

停車・そして発進の繰り返し 渋滞している時や、赤信号が多くてスムーズに進めない時に使う Trafficと一緒に使うことが多い


Park 駐車する 長い間置いておく

It was so hard finding a place to park at the mall last Sunday.


元々、ある目的のために柵などで囲われた土地 という意味だった

そこから軍の備品などの区画という意味を持つようになり そのようなものを置くというverbの意味も生まれた

そして 一般的に 車を置く となったとされている


Tailgate 前の車の後ろにぴったりついて走る

If someone starts tailgating you, stay calm.


Tailgate トラックやワゴン車の後尾部 一番後ろのドア

Verb 前の車のドアにくっつくくらいの距離で走る 前の車にぴったりくっついて走る


後尾部ドアを開けてpartyをする スポーツ観戦の前などに駐車場ですることが多い

20240226ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  Malがつく単語

Mal 悪い・悪 を意味するパーツ


Malfunction 機能不全 異常 誤作動する

Mal悪い function 機能 機能する  合わせると 悪く機能すること

機能不良 故障 異常 主に機械や複雑なものの機能不全に使う

System / computer   Yes    machine / equipment 設備

What cause the malfunction in the navigation system?



Malnutrition 栄養失調

Mal 悪い nutrition 栄養 栄養が悪いこと つまり 栄養失調 栄養不良

基本的には、飢餓に苦しんでいる人たちのイメージ 思い響きがある

Suffer from malnutrition 栄養失調に苦しむ

Malnutrition prevents many children from growing normally.



Malicious 悪意のある adjective かなり重たい響きのある単語 意図的に人に害を与えたり、苦しめたりする気持があって、残酷な というイメージ

Malice 悪意・恨み noun

I think social media makes it easier for malicious rumors to spread.



Malaria マラリア

Mal 悪い・悪 aria 空気を意味するItaly 由来  



Over 600,000 people died from malaria in 2021.



Right. Hmm. Right.

I’m not trying to be malicious. AI robots like me sometimes malfunction when it gets cold.



Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

Sensei, that opening was amazing!

And I’m David Evans. There’s a lot to do today. So, let’s get started.


Lesson 216


I haven’t seen you recently.

Present perfect. ここまでに至るまでという時間の流れ 過去から今に至る その視線が感じられる表現



Grammar and Vocabulary

It has been a while. You’ve been busy.

That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.


Typical Expressions

I just can’t get my head around the size of it.


Okay, it’s time for today’s PRACTICE. The emotion being captured by today’s phrases is woahh, almost a speechless kind of feeling. So, capture that emotion when we PRACTICE today.

Great explanation, David. Let’s get started.

Here’s our first.

It’s overwhelming. I’m overwhelmed.

Continuing on.

It’s mind-boggling. It’s mind-boggling.

Great work. Don’t get overwhelmed. Here’s our next.

It’s too much for me to take in. I’m having a hard time taking it all in.

This is more than I can handle.

And one more.

This is beyond me. This is beyond me.

Well, guys, I hope it wasn’t too much for you to take in ‘cause you did great.

Just remember. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, go slow, go one at a time and you’ll master it in no time.





Typical Expressions in Action

I can’t get my head around how many people live in Tokyo. My hometown only has 1,200 people

Having a newborn baby is overwhelming. A lot of parents struggle at first.

I thought I was good at math, but this … ? This is beyond me. It looks like hieroglyphics.



Hey, guys. What subject were you best at when you were in a high school?

I was good at science.

Well, I was good at languages, and especially Japanese language.



20240223Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. Welcome back. It’s time to review.

And I’m David Evans. It’s review time, yeah!


Lesson 215




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A The woman has a Viennese accent.

B The man wants to go to the theater.

C The two people work for the same school.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: What made dad angry?

A People who post fake news online.

B An alien walking around in Tokyo.

C People who don’t like social media.

Listen up.

Q: What is the problem?

A Derek wants to go back to his hometown.

B Bill’s apartment has only one room.

C The band can’t have two bassists.

Listen carefully.

Q: What does Hiroki need to do?

A Find a shortcut to his company.

B Brighten up his room.

C Pay for his new condo every month.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :






Hey, Rosa. What do you think of an indecisive guy?

Well, I think we would have a lot of trouble figuring out what to eat because I’m really bad at deciding things too sometimes.

How about you?

Ah, I mean, I’m no sure, I mean I could, I mean sometimes they’re okay, sometimes they’re not…ah…

David is an indecisive guy, apparently.


Oh, yeah.



20240222Thursday  11 00


Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here.

And I’m David Evans. I’m with you on that one, sensei.


Lesson 214


How do you know?

Process どうやって を訊ねている



Grammar and Vocabulary

My pay is getting cut by ten percent! 未来の予定を表している

未来のある時点で ~している を意味するから

未来のある時点で ~している そこに 予定 の意味が宿る

Things may seem tough now, but everything will work out later.

Will イメージは 見通す トンネルの向こうに状況が展開している様子がはっきり見えている 話し手には確信があり、自信がある

すべてうまくいきますよ と自信を持って述べているため、慰めの言葉となっている


Typical Expressions

It’s so frustrating to deal with.


All right, everyone. It’s time for the PRACTICE. Frustration is something that we all experience. So let’s master these phrases and put them in your pocket.

Let’s get started.

It’s frustrating to talk to him. It’s frustrating talking to him.

The frustration is endless.

Continuing on.

I’m so frustrated. One more time. I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall.

Let’s keep going.

This job is stressing me out. I’m stressed out. He’s under so much stress.

And one more.

I’m fed up with my company.


Excellent job.

Good work.



Typical Expressions in Action

It’s frustrating trying to change his mind. I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall.

I’m stressed out at work. The tasks are piling up, and they just keep coming.

I’m fed up with the office politics. I’m thinking of changing jobs.




Hey, guys. I was so frustrated. But not anymore.

Nice choice.



20240221Wednesday        10 : 40 出発


Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here.  

And I’m David Evans. Not even close.


Lesson 213


No way!  可能性を否定する表現 とんでもない 無理です


Grammar and Vocabulary

He’d be rattled if Derek came back.


結びの節のHe’d be rattledでは、wouldが使われ ~でしょうね と控えめに述べている


There’s only room for one bassist in the Desperate Rats.


Typical Expressions

I feel a bit nervous about that.


Okay, everyone. Are you ready to PRACTICE?

I’m a bit nervous.

Well actually I was just going to tell our listeners that they should loosen up a bit before they start practicing.

Okay? Let’s begin.

Here we go.

I get nervous before interviews.

He was very nervous about the exam.

What’s making you so nervous?

Continuing on.

He was a bit tense. He was a bit rattled. Rattle snake. He was a bit antsy. He was a bit shaky.

Shake it off

All right. Let’s keep going.

You look nervous. Loosen up a bit!


You did a wonderful job!

Great work!


Typical Expressions in Action

I feel nervous my evaluation next week. I haven’t been at my best this quarter.

I got nervous when she started asking about my work history. I didn’t want to explain that I got fired from my last job.

You look nervous. Take a few slow, deep breaths.


Hey, so, David. When do you get nervous?

Me? I never get nervous. I never get worried.

These hands never shake.

Really? By the way, we need to talk.

Oh! Ah, ah.

You’re shaking, David.

Ah, I am fine.




20240220日 Tuesday  11 00 出発


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s get going.


Lesson 212


Stuff  thing の砕けた言い方


Grammar and Vocabulary

They say there’s an alien walking around in Tokyo.

Nobody’s forcing you to read it.

Typical Expressions

It angers me when people post lies on social media.


Okay, it’s time for the PRACTICE for today. Our Vocab focuses on anger.

So, put more emotion behind it and let’s PRACTICE.

Let’s go!

I’m angry. I’m upset. I’m ticked. I’m ticked off. I’m pissed. I’m picked off. I’m furious. I’m livid.

Great job so far. Let’s continue.

He upset me. He ticked me off. He pissed me off. He made me angry. He made me furious. He made me livid.

All right. And let’s wrap it up a few more.

He flipped his lid. He flipped out. He lost it. He lost his cool.


I’m very proud of you guys. You did it great.

Nice work!


Typical Expressions in Action

It angers me when people cut in front of me. I’m not standing there for the fun of it!

He was so angry that his face turned red. I could practically seem steam coming from his ears.

He lost his cool when the staff asked to see his ID. He’s really sensitive about how young he looks.



Hey, guys. When do you get angry?

Well, the most dangerous time for me is when I’m hungry.

Me? I never get angry. I never lose my cool.





20240223ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  動詞で使える体の部位



Shoulder 肩 Yes! 背負う・担う

Moms shouldn’t have to shoulder all the responsibility for raising kids.


比喩的に背負う Shoulder + burden / load / blame 負担・重荷・非難


Stomach 胃 お腹 不快なものに耐える・我慢する 


impossiblecan’tなどの否定的な言葉と一緒に使って 耐えられない・我慢できないという文脈で使われる

For some teachers, bad grammar is impossible to stomach.



Eye  verb じろじろ見る 目論む じっと見る 注視する より目の存在感を感じさせる表現


I’ve been eying a career change. 転職を目論んでいる

My ex-girlfriend kept eying me from across the room.



Mouth[mάʊð] verb 口の動きで伝える 声に出さずに言う

口がfocusされていて、口をはっきり動かして言う 口の動きだけで伝える

My teacher caught me mouthing answers to my friend during the test.



Mouth the words of a song 歌詞を口だけを動かして言う

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  冬のお洒落



Layer 重ね着する 階層  基本的な意味 層 重ねるもの 重なるもの というイメージ

着るものに関して言えば、重ね着の層 verb 重ね着する

Layer a sweater over(under) a T-shirt  上に 下に 重ね着する

If you want to look good this winter, you have to know how to layer well.



Knit ニット 編み物 編む 編まれた服 編む 編み物をする 結合させる

Tightly knit community 結束の固いコミュニティ

I found this cashmere knit at a secondhand shop.



Wool 羊毛 ウール         great

物質を表す noun  singular  plural の区別がない

Is this sweater made of wool or cotton?



Snug 体にピッタリの 暖かくて心地よい

狭い空間にて守られている というイメージを持っている

場所について こじんまりとして居心地がいい

人の気持ちについて 守られていて心地良い 暖かい

服などが 体にぴったりの  ぬくぬくとして気持ちいい

These wool socks have a nice, snug fit.


As snug as a bug in a rug ラグの中にいる虫のように居心地がいい

つまり、ぬくぬくして心地良いことを 表す時に使われる

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  明るい



Bright 明るい 輝かしい 頭がいい

My dad likes to wear bright colorful ties to work.


基本的なイメージ 光り輝く 色などが鮮やかな 天気が晴れた



Cheerful 陽気な 明るい

Rooms with bright colors put me in a cheerful mood.


Cheer  noun 明るい気分 楽観  といった感情的な明るさを意味する言葉

明るい気分でいっぱいな  Yes!


Come to light  明るみに出る come 何々の状態になる to 何々に light

光が当たっている状態になる 表沙汰になる

If this secret come to light, I’ll be so embarrassed.      



Glaringly ぎらぎら光って 紛れもなく

That mystery was easy to figure out. The clues were glaringly obvious.


Glare verb ギラギラ光る glaringly adjective ギラギラ光るような

目立つ 紛れもない ぎらぎら光って紛れもなく +ly  adverb ぎらぎら光って 紛れもなく




Miss. Sakurada. How wonderful to see you. Here are your manju.

Oh! How could you say that? I’m always cheerful. And it’s glaringly obvious that they’re just plain manju.


Lol lol 

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  発音が楽しい表現

チンプンカンプン Y... Yes!


Crystal-clear 透明な 非常に明瞭な crystal 水晶 clear 透明な・澄んだ

水晶のように透明な とても 透き通った 

比喩的に 使うと 非常にわかりやすい 明白な

透明な という物理的な意味ではWater について使うことが多い  

明白な という意味では message / evidence / explanation などが多い

The crystal-clear water at Vocab beach was stunning.

Vocab beachの透き通った水は驚くほど綺麗でした


Smooth sailing  smooth 滑らかな sailing 航海

順調な航海 順風満帆    smooth operator / smooth criminal

The match wasn’t all smooth sailing, but Max came out on top.




Chit-chat  verb おしゃべりをする noun おしゃべり

Ding-dong ping-pong hip-hop   tick-tock

I had a with Chihiro on the way back from the store.



Itty-bitty    itsy-bitsy ちっちゃな ちっぽけな

It took forever to find the itty-bitty button to close the ad.


Don't dilly-dally on the way.
His room is topsy-turvy all the time.
itty-bitty / itsy-bitsy(

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
His company is just as fuddy-duddy as he is.
I won't have this namby-pamby, wishy-washy nonsense about not hitting people who deserve it.
(the Prisoner of Azkaban)

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  受験

受験に纏わる単語 ご紹介


Examination 試験 検査 exam 大規模でformalなイメージ

I know you’ll do great on your examination.



Cram 詰め込む 詰め込みの勉強をする 沢山の物を無理矢理詰め込む


塾 cram school   casual 特定の目的に向けて、勉強をする学校

I stayed up all night cramming for today’s examination.



Big 大きな 重大な 大事な

Today is the day, your big examination. Good luck.


比喩的に 重要な 大切な と言いたい時にも bigが使える 

big day 人生における大切な日 結婚式の日 試験の日 などに使える


Pass 合格する  通過する 通り抜ける

試験という壁を通り抜ける ということで、合格

Where’s my number? Where’s my number? There it is. I passed!

私の番号はどこ? どこ? あった。合格した

Pass the examination pass the test  試験に合格する

pass the inspection 検査に合格する


Morning, mom. See you later.

Come on, mom. My big examination. I’m finally going to pass it this year and make it into Vocab University. Wait! Are you serious?



Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today! Okay!


Lesson 211


Grammar and Vocabulary

I teach music at a high school.

Tense  present   present は 広く一般的な内容 を得意とする形 ここでも、「ふだん・習慣的に音楽を教えている」ということ

Do you enjoy teaching?

Enjoy  + verb ing

Reality verb  何かを楽しむ ためには、実際にその出来事が起こっていなければならない。そのため、生き生きとした行為が行われていることを表す verb -ing 形が best combinationとなる


Typical Expressions

My students drive me crazy.


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE. So as I’ve mentioned before, it’s very important to PRACTCIE with emotion. The emotion will help you remember these phrases better. So try to imagine being annoyed when you’re practicing. Okay?

All right. Here we go.

It drives me crazy when. It drives me insane when.

It drives me batty when.

Let’s continue.

I was annoyed. I was irritated. That’s annoying. That’s irritating.

Let’s keep going.

I wanna rip my hair out when.

It makes me wanna scream.

And our last one.

It’s like nails on the chalkboard.


Huh! Just imagining that makes me wanna go crazy.

Hm hmm. All right. Well, good work, everyone.

Excellent work, everyone.


Typical Expressions in Action

His constant foot-tapping drives me crazy. I wish he would sit still.

My ex-boyfriend used to call me “doll.” He was a nice guy, but that really annoyed me.

My daughter started violin lessons. One day she’ll be great at it. But right now it’s like nails on a chalkboard.



Thanks for joining us today. See you all next time.

I can’t wait for our next lesson. Bye.





20240216Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. Thanks for joining us for Friday’s lesson.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s enjoy the review together.


Lesson 210




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: What is the problem with the woman’s bag?

A The bag looks different from the picture on the website.

B She bought the bag at the wrong price.

C The handles of the bag fell off.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: What did Deepak learn he needs to do?

A Go to the city office again.

B Pay tax.

C Do wight training.

Listen up.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A Derek is considering rejoining the band.

B Derek is worried Cynthia feels blue.

C Cynthia and Derek met recently.

Listen carefully.

Q: What does Doug think about Shiho’s idea?

A He likes it, but he thinks they need more origami paper.

B He thinks that it takes too much effort.

C He thinks the guests would prefer a crane machine.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :





Hey, David. Is that a new sweater you’re wearing?

Oh, yeah, it is. How did you know?

Ah, you seem to have a tag still on it.

Oh, not again! No!





20240215Thursday  11 40


Hey, everyone. 秋乃 ろーざ here.

And I’m David Evans. I’m glad you are able to work out the kinks.


Lesson 209




Grammar and Vocabulary

Are you sure you need 100 sheets?

I wish I could help you.




仮定法 事実に反している・可能性が著しく低い

実際には手伝えないが、手伝うことができたらいいぁ ということ


Typical Expressions

Why bother?


Okay, everyone. It’s time for today’s PRACTICE. Now, normally I don’t encourage people to talk this way. But it’s important to understand how and then learn when it’s okay to use them.

Let’s go.

Here’s our first one.

Why bother dressing up? Why bother to dress up?

Let’s try another one.

I can’t be bothered to clean my room.

Let’s continue.

It’s too much work. It’s too much trouble. I don’t see the value in it.

Good work so far. Keep it up.

Why even worry about that? What’s in it for me?

Great. Let’s do the last few.




Great work, everyone.




Typical Expressions in Action

Why bother making a reservation? That restaurant is never full.

It’s too much trouble. Why wrap a present when I can just put it in a gift bag?

It’s not worth watching. The acting is really bad, and the CG is poorly done.



Hey, guys. ラジオ英会話 is worth listening to, right?

Oh, yeah! The cost performance can’t be beat.

Yeah. The jokes are really bad, but you’ll learn a lot.




20240214Wednesday  9 : 50 出発


It’s the opposite for me. My reactions are in Japanese.

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans.


Lesson 208


おもいがけなく 突然に 青天の霹靂 out of the blue

Bore 退屈させる bored 退屈して adjective


Grammar and Vocabulary

I’ve decided to become a teacher.

That’s what Bill said.


Typical Expressions

Things are still up in the air, though. Up in the air 宙に浮いて・はっきりしない・未決定で 様子見したい を表す表現


Okay, everyone. It’s time to PRACTICE. These phrases are not very long. So try to memorize them in chunks, okay?

All right. Here’s our first.

Things are still in motion. Let’s go one more time. Things are still in motion.

Continuing on.

Let’s wait for the dust to settle. Try again after things calm down a bit. Give it time for things to settle down.

Great work so far. And here’s one more.

Let’s wait a bit. Let’s go again. Let’s wait a bit.


Is it already the end of PRACTICE?

Hmm. Give it time.

You guys were excellent.

Fantastic work.




Typical Expressions in Action

I may need to move next year, but things are still up in the air.

I’m sorry Holly snaped at you. She’s under a lot of stress. Please talk to her after things calm down a bit.

Let’s wait a bit. The problem might go away naturally. Might mayの控えめ表現


Hey, guys. I tend to think problems might go away naturally. I think that’s my weakness.

You know, I’m always waiting. But you never go away, sensei.

I am your problem, right?

Oh! That was good.




20240213Tuesday             7 : 40 出発



Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s chill.


Lesson 206



Grammar and Vocabulary

I found out I don’t have to pay much.

Must が単にしなくちゃだめ なのに対し、have to は~する必要が強くありますよ ということ need to の親玉 よって否定文ではその必要性が否定され、~する必要はありません となる

I’ve been thinking about that for a while.


Typical Expressions

It’s a huge weight off my shoulders. 重りが両肩から離れて 肩から荷が降りてホッとした気持を表す


Okay, everyone. Ready to PRACTICE? Today’s sentences are pretty short.

So, be sure to memorize them as much as you can.

All right. Here we go.

That’s a load off my mind. 肩の荷が下りました I feel so much lighter now.

Let’s continue.

What a relief! I can finally relax.

All right. Let’s keep going.

Calm down. Settle down. Chill out. 冷える→落ち着く・relaxする Chill. Easy, easy.

All right. And let’s do our last couple.

Get a grip. Get a hold of yourself. ともにしっかり掴むイメージの単語



Typical Expressions in Action

You’ll talk to Andy for me? That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. Thank you so much.

The meeting was cancelled? What a relief! I wasn’t ready for it at all.

Chill out, Kyle. It’s just a video game. There’s no need to get angry.



Hey, guys. That’s all for today. Let’s chill.

Yeah, man. Let it chill.

Ahhh. I think I’m cold enough already.



20240216ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  人の移動

通勤 お引越し 様々な人の移動を表す言葉をご紹介

Move 引っ越す 移転する

I moved to Vancouver two years ago. 2年前にVancouverに引っ越しました。

Move 基本的な意味 動かす 動く→感動させる 立場を変える など、様々な意味になる


Transfer 乗り換え 乗り換える 人事異動 異動させる

Trans 向こう側に 超えて という意味のパーツ fer 運ぶ という意味の言葉に由来

何かの垣根を超えて運ぶ 動かす プロスポーツで使われると 主に金銭での移籍を指す

Transfer student 転校生 Yes!

I got transferred to the general affairs department. 総務部に異動になりました


Immigrant 外国からの移住者 

emigrant 外国への移住者 実際にはあまり区別されていない

The United States is a nation of immigrants. アメリカ合衆国は移民の国です


Trade トレードする トレード 貿易 スポーツの世界では選手と選手の交換


The Vocab Riders traded their star shortstop for three rookie pitchers.

Vocab Ridersはショートのスター選手を3人の新人投手とトレードした


You’re moving? Wait! Didn’t you just move because of a personnel transfer last month? Ugh! Stop it, Hiyori!

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  脅威



Threat noun 脅威 脅し

Sometimes I think humans are the biggest threat to the planet.


Threat to something / something

Threaten verb 脅す 派生語


Pose 問題などを引き起こす・もたらす  基本的な意味のは put 置く


Pose a threat 脅威をもたらすpose a problem 問題を引き起こす

pose a risk  危険をもたらす

What kinds of threats do alien fish species pose?



Imminent 今にも起ころうとしている 迫りくる  

Im 中へ というパーツ min 突き出す という意味の言葉に由来


A major transformation in education is imminent.


Collocation  threat  danger  attack 望ましくないものがほとんど


Neutralize 無力化する 脅威などをなくす

neutral 中立の 何々の状態にするというパーツ izeをつけて  neutralize

どちらかに偏った力を中立にする どんな力や効果も出ないようにする

Neutralize a danger 危険を失くすan opponent 相手を無力化する 脅威などを失くす

As a guard, it’s my job to neutralize anything that might cause an imminent threat. 警備員として差し迫った脅威をもたらしうるものを失くすのが私の仕事です

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  恋心


Crush 恋心 基本的なイメージは 押しつぶす

Have a crush on somebody

I had a crush on you since we were in kindergarten.


Be crushing on somebody


Adore 大好きである 敬愛する 

祈る を意味することに由来→深く尊敬する 高く評価する →大好きである


My sister adores John. She says he’s the man of her dreams.



Affection 愛情 愛着 愛情の中でも 優しい思い、大切にする気持ちといったnuanceの強い言葉 public display of affection 人前でのイチャイチャ Correct! PDA

There are many ways to show affection.



Thing 好きなこと 好きな気持 恋愛関係  

日本語でも、恋愛関係について あれ、それ と言葉を濁すことがある

英語でも はっきりと言いたくなかったり、言葉では表せないことをthingということがある

Did you hear that Jun and Nozomi are a thing?



Well, well, well, if it ain’t Hiyori! Yhaow! How’s your Valentine’s Day going?

And I’m here to receive that tasty little symbol of your love and affection.

Delight. Hey! We are a thing, aren’t we? Don’t be shy now. Let’s see that chocolate.

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  調べる

調べる に纏わる単語を調べに Let’s go!


Look up 調べる look 目を向ける up 近づいて こちらへ というnuance

何かに目を向けて自分を近づける という image


単に 調べる というよりも、自分から近づいて調べに行くといイメージ Right!

If you come across a word you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary.



Inspect 検査する

Something is wrong with the sink. I have to inspect the pipes.


In 中へ というパーツ spect 見る を意味する言葉に由来 中まで詳しく見る ということから、調査する 検査する となる

何かの状態を評価するために調べる ある基準を満たしているかどうか調べる という場合に使われる


Investigate 調査する 捜査する

The police are investigating the case as a hate crime.


In 中へ vestigate 痕跡を意味するLatinに由来 

痕跡を辿って中の深いところまで調べる という感じ

Investigate 真実を知るために、犯罪や問題・効果について組織的に調べ上げる

 inspect look up とはnuanceが異なる 


Thoroughly 徹底的に 全く

The mayor promised to investigate the situation thoroughly.


Thorough 完全な、徹底的に adverb の adverb

Adjective と一緒に使う場合は、まったく 非常に という意味

thoroughly lost 完全に道に迷った



No, um. Sorry. I’m busy. Can you look it up yourself?

Yeah, I’m really tied up at the moment. No! I don’t like people inspecting my work. Stop! Stop! Don’t look! Gaow!

ボキャブライダー Hi, I’m Maxwell Powers.  惑星の名前



Mercury 水星 mercury 水銀  ローマ神話に出てくる神 Mercurius 足の速い神



Mercury is the closet planet to the sun.


惑星を表す単語はすべて 大文字で始まり、冠詞の theは付けない


Venus  Beautiful

Most people say Venus is the easiest planet to see with the naked eye.


Yes くっきりと美しく輝く金星を見て、Venusと名付けたとされている


Earth 地球 earth 土 大地 


天体の話をする時には、他の惑星と同じように Earth

The earth

Who said that the Earth was blue? 誰が地球は青かった、と言いましたか?

 Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин


Mars 火星 ローマ神話 戦争 軍の神 火星が血の色に似ていることからそう呼んだとされている

Martial 戦争の 軍の 同じルーツの単語

Martian 火星人

Do you think humans might start moving to Mars someday?




David, what’s your sign?

I’m a Leo.


Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ.

And I’m David Evans. Let’s have fun today! Okay!


Lesson 207


返金 refund

狡い  狡賢い こそこそした sneaky


Grammar and Vocabulary

Give me your honest opinion of it.


Read me a story

Write me a letter

It says they don’t do refunds.

It ネット上の記載が言っている→書いてある


Typical Expressions

I’m ashamed of myself for falling for that trick.


All right. It’s time for today’s PRACTICE. So, let’s talk about shame and embarrassment. It’s a feeling we all have every once in a while. Let’s practice these phrases and master them together. Here we go.

I’m ashamed of my mistake. I’m ashamed of what I did. I’m ashamed to be seen there.

Continuing on. Shame on you! Have you no shame? You have no sense of shame!

All right. Here’s our last few.

I’m embarrassed. That’s embarrassing. It embarrasses me to admit I was wrong.


Fantastic work!

Great job!


Typical Expressions in Action

I’m ashamed of how I behaved last night. I said things I now regret.

Shame of you! Those cookies were for your little brother. How could you eat them?

I had something in between my teeth this whole time? I’m so embarrassed!



Shane, come back!





20240209Friday   11 40

Hey, everyone. This is 秋乃 ろーざ. Welcome to Friday. It’s time to review.

And I’m David Evans. Are you ready for the review? Here we go.


Lesson 205




Okay, everyone. Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here’s the first question.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Listen carefully.

Here’s the question.

Okay, guys. Here we go.

Q: What surprised Masami at first?

A Zaytox’s way of walking.

B Zaytox’s voice.

C Zaytox’s appearance.

Here we go.

Okay, guys. Here’s the question.

Here we go with the question.

You got it!

No problem! Here we go!

Okay. Here’s the question.

Okay. Here we go!

Okay. Question.

Yep! Here’s the question.

Okay. Here’s the question, guys.

Okay. Here we go!

Yeah. Okay.

Q: Why is the woman surprised?

A Because Mr. Smith is in a good mood.

B Because Mr. Smith entered a song in a contest.  

C Because Mr. Smith got a ticket to Vienna.

Listen up.

Q: Which of the following is true?

A A team of new players is at number 3.

B Ivan doesn’t think the world champion will lose

C Abby is a vegan.

Listen carefully.

Q: What is the downside of life on an island for the two people?

A There are no huge shopping centers.

B There are big insects.

C They always have to race against time.

Here we go!

Listen up!

Concentrate hard!

Ready, steady, go!


Say it in English


Friend :






Hey, guys. Have you ever had a scary spider experience?

Oh, actually recently I had one. So, I looked in my genkan and I saw this huge huntsman spider.

I was terrified because it was so big, bigger than my hand. I thought why is the spider here in Tokyo, in the city. And then I realized it must have come in the box that I had shipped from the countryside.

Oh! Well, I had a dream that I was a spider once.

But it wasn’t bad. I looked in the mirror. I said, “So I am a spider. So what?”



